How to Prepare a Presentation in Healthcare: Make It Easy with This Guide

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Healthcare is a difficult area as it is aimed at various activities that affect the system of medicine and the social economy. Moreover, this direction involves the creation of events. Well, the purpose of such events is to improve the health of the population not only of the country but of the whole world.

Based on this, some academic assignments in this discipline are difficult for many. Since you have to study a lot of information and topics that are interconnected. Those who need to make a presentation may encounter exactly the same complexity. Fortunately, you were in the right place since we prepared a lot of information with which you will simply be able to cope with this task!

Wondering How to Prepare a Presentation in Healthcare?

Students of almost every specialty are faced with such a task as creating a presentation. Someone does not take this task seriously and thinks that it is simple. And as most students like to do, they leave the task for the last minutes. In the end, it turns out that everything is not as simple as it would seem.

A healthcare presentation is not intended to showcase your design skills. This task implies that you are able to conduct research, analyze a lot of information and understandably convey the results of the audience. And to be able to clearly explain a complex topic, you need to understand it well. This is the main difficulty of such an academic assignment.
We can say that the presentation is a kind of mix of research and essay. But you don’t need to be scared right away! Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The only thing you need first of all is time.

That is why we decided to help many students and create a good guide on how to cope with this task. Here you will find everything you need, from choosing a topic, text structure, and ending in which editor you can make a presentation. If you are ready to make a presentation at a high level, stay with us!

How to Get the Things Done If You Haven’t a Topic?

Some students mistakenly believe that when they are given a specific topic, it is easier to complete the task. But in fact, the ability to choose a topic on your own gives you many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • You can choose a topic based on your area of expertise. For example, you know a lot about alcohol addiction among adolescents. In this case, you can easily deal with this topic. And if you were given the one with which you are not friends, you would have to spend a lot of time studying.
  • You can choose an easy topic and rephrase its name into a more complex one. Just remember that this option is suitable for presentations within the discipline, rather than competitions and conferences.
  • You will be able to gain new knowledge in the area that you like. Thus, the process of completing the task will be not only simple but also exciting.

We have prepared for you a couple of topics that you may like. Perhaps they will be useful to you or inspire you to create your own.

  • Mental and Behavioral Disorders as a Medical and Social Problem;
  • The Impact of Lifestyle on Mental Illness;
  • Health as a Social System of Human Society;
  • The Health of the Population and Its Individual Groups. The Most Important Factors and Conditions That Determine the Level of Public Health;
  • Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Substance Abuse as a Medical and Social Problem.

After you choose a relevant topic in Healthcare, you can safely proceed to the next responsible part of the work on the presentation.

Start with This Points

    • To make the process of creating a presentation simple, we have prepared tips for you. If you follow our prompts, you can complete the task without too much difficulty. Well, let’s get started!
    • Do not put off to the last minutes

It’s best if you devote as much time to this task as possible. First, you need to do a lot of work on the text and study many sources. Secondly, it might seem that working with slides can be completed in an hour. But in fact, this process can be very delayed.

    • Choose reliable sources

In order for your presentation to be of high quality, it is necessary to use only relevant and up-to-date sources. Since this is a fast-growing industry, many sources may lose their strength. So, you need to pay special attention to the selection of sources.

    • Make a plan

Once you have selected the necessary literature, you should create a text plan for your presentation. Make it as detailed as possible and then it will be easier and faster to compose the text. You can find out how the structure should look below.

    • Use quotes

Aphorism or quotes can be a good start for the first slide. This approach is able to relieve tension in the audience and interest them. The only condition is the selection of only relevant and not too long phrases.

    • Do not overload the text with figures

For example, if your topic involves processing statistics, then you will lose a lot of time to voice data. Create a graph in your presentation and briefly mark important positions. Identify only important points and voice them. Because if you go too deep to the change in demography in 20 years, the audience will lose interest, and you will lose your time.

    • Remember the time limit

If you get too carried away with the text, there is a risk that then you will not be able to choose from it the most significant points for the presentation itself. So try to write right away so that your text is embedded in time frames.

What to Do with Your Text?

As for the structure of the text, it can be built like an essay. Therefore, structure your information in this way. The only thing is, write your work right away without long introductory phrases and multiple personal considerations. Your presentation should be similar to an essay and a research paper. Let’s take a closer look at each part of your text.


Start with what you are going to talk about. Begin so that you can capture the attention and not overload it. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing interest from the audience. Do not forget that the introduction should have a thesis. You should not devote more than five sentences to the intro. It is better to leave time for the main part.


When writing a text, you can follow the structure of the essay. In the main part, use only the information that is directly related to your topic. Do not forget that you should argue your thesis and avoid raising questions that are not relevant to your topic and thesis.

Your data should be based on facts, statistics, and research. Avoid empty phrases and water, although the structure resembles an essay. What matters here is not the amount of information, but the quality.

By the way, if you want to get a high mark, remember about the novelty. In other words, you need to make your own contribution regarding your topic.

What could it be? Suggest a reform regarding specific interventions or new treatments. Novelty should occupy most of your main text and be supported by some research. You do not need to describe the reform from A to Z. You need to offer your idea and explain why it is worth doing.


Build your conclusion in such a way that your audience does not have additional questions. The conclusion should be no more than 5 sentences. Make your sentences concise and meaningful.

Pay Attention to These Tips Not to Fail A Performance

When a student writes a text, he begins to incline to introductory phrases in almost every sentence. At first, it seems that this way your speech will be eloquent and interesting. Try now to read your text aloud or read it to a friend. Firstly, your tongue will begin to weave, and secondly, your friend will look at the walls with interest.

Why can this happen? You can fail a presentation with just a few phrases that seem familiar. But in fact, they can instantly turn your audience away from you. Check out these phrases and forget about them!

Don’t Do
Today I will talk about… By the end, you will learn about…
I will tell you a story… Remember how…
I am sure you are well aware of that… Let remind you about…
Time is running out! I will outline the rest of the presentation briefly This should not happen during your presentation, so create slides according to time constraints.
This slide is not very important… You should not have such a slide in your presentation!

Here are some basic cliché phrases that can give you trouble. Avoid such phrases and make your speech as simple and understandable as possible.

Recall one more time that it is vital to read the text aloud. It will be better if you read it to your friends and ask what was not clear or ask at what point they stopped listening to you. It would seem trite. But if you perform this exercise, you can bring your text to the ideal. Even the most interesting topic can be drowned in monotony and water. So, do not risk it!

It’s Time for the Creative Part

After you have finished work on the text part, it’s time to start creating visual accompaniment. There are some points that you definitely need to pay attention to:

  • Find out if your school has presentation requirements. If so, then you need to clearly follow them.
  • Remember the time limit, the number of slides should fit into this framework. Often students make more than 20 slides, and in the end, they manage to tell a total of 10. So, make the visual information concise.
  • Use large fonts. It is better to stick to the black color of letters and a light background. If necessary, you can highlight important information in blue.

Here are some tools that will be helpful with any topic and discipline:

  • PowerPoint: Well, probably we should not focus on this editor, because almost everyone knows about its capabilities. It has not lost its relevance so if you are used to working the old way, then you can safely continue to use it.
  • Google Slides: Today, most people are inclined to this editor, because they prefer not to work with Word, but with Google Docs. Plus, this is a great tool with which you can work on a presentation collectively. Perhaps you are doing the assignment with another student, then this is the best option. You do not need to meet to do visual accompaniment, as you can work together online.
  • Prezi: In order to create your visual accompaniment modern and with a minimalist design, this editor will provide you with everything you need. This is a good alternative to PowerPoint and has already earned the loyalty of many users.
  • Canva: This editor is famous for allowing you to create many visual elements. If you want to amaze with the design of your presentation, then this editor will undoubtedly help you.

The Final Notes

You now have a good understanding of what to do with such a task as a presentation. As you already understood, this is not exclusively creative work.

The presentation also includes research and your own contribution. But if you follow our guide, you can complete this task at a decent level and remain in the memory of not only your professor but also the audience. As an option you can contact our presentation writing service to have it written by academic experts.

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