How to Prepare a Presentation in Criminal Law? Get Full Recommendations

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Criminal law is a very serious and even complex subject. It involves knowledge of not only legislation but also understanding, logic, and many other skills. For some, assignments in this subject are easy, but for some, it is really hard labor. But in any case, you need to complete the tasks.

Sooner or later you have to face such a task as a presentation. Someone will think that it is very easy, and someone that it is very difficult. These two opinions will be true.

If you are one of those who think that it is difficult then do not despair! If you approach this task rationally and organize the whole process properly, then it will not cause difficulties and you will even like it. In this article, we will talk about how to make this task easy, despite all the difficulties.

How to Prepare a Presentation in Criminal Law: What Is Vital to Know?

What is the difficulty of creating a presentation on criminal law? This is a very difficult discipline. To perform the task properly, it is necessary that the information is accurate, is determined by sources and facts, and also has a logical sequence. And if the topic is too narrow or vice versa, then the search for sources can cause difficulties.

Surely you already understood that professors want to see 50% of scientific information from their students and the same share of personal contribution. It is here that there is a need for novelty, which can scare many. But since criminal law is a dynamically developing area, introducing novelty is not as difficult as it might seem. You will learn about how to do this a bit later in our article.

If you think that this task is very difficult, then with our guide you can rationally distribute time, and this process will seem simple to you. All you need is to give yourself a little time and be patient. Are you ready to start?

Don’t Know How to Pick Up the Right Topic?

If you have been given a topic, then you will have to work with what is already. If it seems too complicated for you, then try to rephrase it to simplify it. Perhaps this way you can get more understanding.

But if you were given freedom of choice in the subject, then everything is much simpler. The first thing you need to do is determine which direction you understand best. Determine what you like best and then the process of creating a presentation will be a pleasant and not exhausting task.

If you think that the topic is too simple, you can use a little trick. But remember that this option is not suitable for conferences. In general, the bottom line is that from any light topic you can make visually complex. Just need to enrich it with greater specification and you’re done. For example:

  • Features of Criminal Law in X State.
  • Key Features in Criminal Law in X state in Modern Realities.

This is a pretty typical example, but in this way, you should have grasped the point. The main thing is not to go too far so as not to confuse the topic. Ultimately, your body text will not be relevant to the topic. Here are some more topics you can choose from:

  • Criminal Law: Principles and Functions;
  • The Effect of Criminal Liability Law in Time and Space;
  • Types of Punishment in Criminal Law and Their Importance in the Criminal Policy of the State;
  • Socially Dangerous Consequences of Crime and Their Classification;
  • Methods of Investigating Preordered Murders;
  • Affect and Its Criminal Legal Significance.

Perhaps you will like one of the topics or just get the right direction. After you decide on the topic, you must proceed to the next step.

Do This Before You Start Preparing the Presentation

There are basic things that you definitely need to perform before proceeding with the text component of your presentation. If you follow the recommendations that we have provided below, then it will be easier for you to create your text.

Stock up on Time

At first glance, it may seem that you can make a presentation very quickly, but as practice shows, it only seems so. You will need at least one day to prepare your text and a couple of hours of work in the editor. Therefore, the more time you take to complete this task, the better.

Analyze Your Topic

After you have chosen your topic, you need to get an idea of how to proceed. To do this, identify the main problem/question of your topic, and then you will be able to come up with additional questions that you need to answer. This way you can determine the type of criminal law that you need, and then the argument. This will give you a plan of what information you need to research.

Write out All the Ideas Regarding the Topic

Start exploring and collecting materials on your topic. Write down everything you find important. Here are a few points you should pay attention to:

  • Review state laws regarding your topic;
  • If you are considering a specific law, write down possible crimes. Begin listing them from more serious to low-level crimes;
  • See sensational criminal cases regarding your topic;
  • Analyze political considerations regarding the law.

Those points that we have listed above will help you structure the sources that you need to analyze.

NB. Depending on your topic, not all items are necessary.

What Is the Structure of a Presentation in Criminal Law?

It is important to understand that your main goal is to convince your audience in a certain direction of law, within the framework of restriction, prohibition or social behavior. Everything will depend on what exactly you will discuss. For example, ut can be a criminal case or a specific law and its nuances. Once you figure this out, you have a lot of important work to do to structure your presentation.


As you probably guessed, you need to start your presentation with a statement of the thesis or argument, which will be discussed in your presentation. Do not focus too much on a long introduction. It should be concise and to the point.

If you ‘pour water’, then you simply do not fit the time limit, and you will have to finish your presentation really without starting it. Therefore, make no more than 3-5 sentences without water. You can start your entry with a relevant quote and duplicate it on the slide. Usually, these quotes set a special atmosphere of interest in the audience.


In the main part, you should reflect on the problems, the solutions and confirm your thesis. It all depends on whether you will consider a particular case or separately the law.
Facts, statistics, and research are an integral part of the body besides your considerations. Remember that your thoughts must be conditional.

But in any case, to make your presentation unforgettable, you need novelty. What could it be? Do not believe it, but with criminal law, everything is very simple since this branch of law is dynamically developing and changing. You can propose a reform in certain legislation or a new algorithm of actions in the investigation, examination and so on. You can suggest a method or law that is used in another country, arguing how it will change the law in your state. But remember that novelty should relate to your main theme and not taken from the air. If your presentation is about the psychological portrait of the criminal and, as a novelty, you propose reform in the law regarding preventive measures, then this will be a dissonance.


So that you are not overwhelmed with too many questions, get ahead. Make your conclusion so strong that the audience does not have tricky questions. Build your conclusion in such a way that it contains answers to questions that you may be asked according to your presentation. Here, the same approach applies as in the introduction: do it briefly and according to the point. 5 sentences will be enough to make a good conclusion.

Phrases That Will Help with Your Criminal Law Presentation

After your text is ready, you need to think about the correct compilation of speech. Here are some rules you should follow.

  • Make sure that there is no overabundance of standard phrases. Otherwise, the text will turn into boring and monotonous chatter.
  • Also, avoid frequent repetitions of standard phrases, and use synonyms.
  • Give preference to concise clichés, this technique will not only save your speech from the routine but also help to meet the time frame.
  • It is desirable that the phrases were from a third person.

We have prepared for you a set of phrases that may be useful to you in your presentation. Remember, we talked about how you can start a presentation with phrases and aphorisms? Perhaps some of them will inspire you.

  1. A person is punished not because an offense was committed, but so that he would not commit it in the future.
  2. Knowledge of laws is not to remember their words, but to understand their meaning.
  3. The judgment must be taken for the truth.
  4. Abuse does not cancel the use.

Now let’s move on to phrases that should not be used in your oral speech, and those that will help you make your presentation correctly.

Wrong Right
I made a presentation on the topic … This presentation addresses the issue of…
In this presentation, I will consider the issue… Presentation devoted to considering the issue…
Let’s summarize… Based on the analysis of legislation, we can conclude…
Let’s take a closer look at such a question as… Let’s consider the question…

Let’s Create Your Presentation

Now you can move on to creative work. When you have ready the text for the presentation, you can begin to design the slides. Remember that all information should be concise and you should not be distracted from the essence. Also, do not use introductory phrases.

Go back to the timeline and analyze how many slides can fit into this framework. It should not work out so that your time is up and you have not yet shown all the slides. Unfortunately, this situation happens too often.

What else is important to remember when creating a presentation? Do not use small print, not everyone is able to read text that will be written in small text. Also, prefer a simple font rather than a rare one.

As for the color scheme, you should use a light background, black text and you can highlight important points in blue. In general, it is better to adhere to standard requirements. By the way, do not forget that your educational institution may have certain design requirements.

What editors can you use to create a presentation? Here are some simple tools to help you make a good visual accompaniment.

  • PowerPoint: Most likely you have known this editor for a long time. It remains relevant today, so if you are used to working with this editor, then there are no problems.
  • Google Slides: It’s convenient in that you can work collectively. Therefore, if you are working on a presentation in a pair, then this is a great tool. You do not need to meet or sit together in the library, you can do everything online.
  • Prezi: This is an equally popular tool with which you can create high-quality presentations. Especially if you like minimalistic design, then this editor is for you.

Now you know everything about how to create a presentation. Follow our guide and make this process not only simple but also exciting!

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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