20 Essay Topics on Microeconomics

Topics and ideas
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Understanding Microeconomics is almost as daunting as composing an argumentative essay on it. But it becomes close to effortless to compose one if you have an opportunity to choose from a coherent list of options  which is what this guide is all about. In this second guide, we have not only included 20 microeconomics essay topics, but also a sample essay that’ll allow you to understand how an argumentative essay should be structured.

But before you head on, we strongly recommend you to check out our first guide, 10 facts for an argumentative essay on microeconomics, where we have shared some credible facts on the subject. These ideas will definitely help you to compose your argumentative essay as you’ll be using them as information and references.

Furthermore, after you are done reading this guide, we recommend you to read our final guide before you start writing. Our third/final guide, writing on point argumentative essay on microeconomics, is all about the methodologies and techniques of how an argumentative essay is outlined, structured and composed. By reading all of the guides provided by our online essay writers, before you start writing, you’ll yield a beautifully sublime argumentative paper, which  your professor, instructor or teacher will admire.

We are ready to present you our choice of Microeconomics topics:

  1. The Impact of Supply and Demand on Prices
  2. How Does Economy Change With the Change of Seasons
  3. An Argumentative Essay on the Microeconomic Market Structures
  4. How Do Different Microeconomic Market Structures Affect Supply?
  5. The Impact of Labor Market and the Labor Union on Supply and Demand.
  6. How Does Consumer Purchasing Ability Affect Pricing System?
  7. The Use of Advertising in Microeconomics and How it Affects Customer’s Decisions
  8. The Benefits of Creativity and its Significance to Lead a Company to Success
  9. The Advertising Problems Leading to a Company’s Demise.
  10. What are the Pros and Cons of Starting a Company in the Modern Market?
  11. An Argumentative Essay on Privatized Health Care Centers – The Pros and Cons
  12. Does the Cost of Health Care Affect Taxes?
  13. The Economic Struggle for Maximal Use of Natural Resources and its Reasons
  14. Why Nature is the Biggest Victim of Industrialization and How it Affects Economics
  15. Natural, and Industrial and Household Interactive Conditions Required for a Practical Implementation of the Microeconomic Model
  16. The Influence of Ecological Costs on the Principles of Industry Location
  17. How “Dirty” Industries Gain Profit by Moving into a “Clean” Area or Location.
  18. The Modern Ecological Problems that U.S. and Europe Are Facing with Planned Economies Today.
  19. The Microeconomic Problems and Their Correlation with Pollution.
  20. The Impact of a Local Industry on the Society and the Environment

Finally, now you have 20 relevant microeconomic topics from which you can choose whichever suits you best. We have composed  these topics to be complementary to your essay by making sure that their tone is argumentative.

Furthermore, we have included the references from where we have chosen these topics. Not only that, we have also written a sample essay on one of the topics above, so you can have a deeper understanding of how an argumentative essay should be constructed.

A Sample Essay on the Microeconomic Problems and its Correlation with Pollution

Between 1970 and 2012 the U.S. economy has doubled, but this profit led to some troublesome issues, and pollution was one of them. Although the United States came up with  several anti-pollution policies, which resulted in 12% reduction (approx. 730 metric tons of air pollutants a year from 2007 to 2012) of carbon dioxide emissions, pollution remains a major problem.

But still, other problematic environmental issues are left untouched.

Before we head on further, we should know how microeconomics considers pollution in its terms, which is why we have to know what an externality is. In economic terms, there are two types of an externality: positive externality and negative externality.

Externality basically is the effect that affects third-party individuals who are not a part of the action. For example, if you live in a neighborhood, where, most of the time, country music concerts are held; and you don’t even  take part in them,  but still hear the music (due to its loudness) – you are considered to be an externality.

Based on your preference, this externality can be positive (if you like country music) and negative (if you don’t like it or if it disturbs your sleep). Pollution is considered to be a negative externality because it doesn’t have any positive effect on humans, animals or the planet in general. On the other hand, it has a substantial  negative impact.

Today, the production of demanded products has led to the inevitable production of pollution, and it was  passed on society. The contamination can be suppressed if the production is lowered, but in the current consumer-oriented economy it’s not gonna happen. .

Economists have theorized that the cost of production should include the cost of pollution, which is: the impact of pollution on human health, property values, recreation possibilities, wildlife habitats, etc. Let’s consider the following example:

If a firm produces a refrigerator, which costs about $600 per production (including all the expenses), and it costs about $100 more to produce the product without causing pollution, the quantity of the production would significantly decrease  as the prices would be high i.e. $700 per product. Now, if an individual has to compare a $600 refrigerator to a $700 one that has the same specs, but it’s only about minimizing the pollution – chances are, that particular individual would go for the cheaper one.

So the reality is that this negative externality exists in economics.

To reduce or completely exterminate the production of pollution, all of the microeconomic firms have to take an anti-pollution step, which would equalize the costs of the production, globally. It will  lead to a better, and healthier environment.

That’s it! Now you have almost exhaustive list of topics, along with a sample essay that can help you start writing immediately.


  1. David Besanko, Ronald R. Braeutigam, (2011) “Microeconomics, 4th Edition” – John Wiley and Sons, Inc. http://econ.tu.ac.th/archan/supawat/EE311/2.%20%5bDavid_Besanko,_Ronald_Braeutigam,_Ronald_R._Braeu.pdf
  2. Libby Rittenberg, Timothy Tregarthen, Untitled Document – Saylor.org https://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/14/14.01SC/MIT14_01SCF11_rttext.pdf
  3. Hugh Gravelle, Ray Rees (2004) “Microeconomics, 3rd Edition” – Pearson Education Limited. https://ignorelist.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/microeconomics-gravelle-and-rees.pdf
  4. Gilpin, Alan. (2000). Environmental Economics: A Critical Overview. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
  5. Pearson, Charles S. (2000). Economics and the Global Environment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  6. Baumol, W. J., & Blinder, A. S. (2015). Microeconomics: Principles and policy. Cengage Learning.
  7. Bowles, S. (2009). Microeconomics: behavior, institutions, and evolution. Princeton University Press.
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