How to Prepare a Presentation in Anthropology: Full Guide

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You need to make a presentation in anthropology but you don’t know how and where to start? Just thinking about this task makes you indignant? Calm down! In this article, you will find a complete guide to make this task easy!

How to Prepare Anthropology Presentation: What Is the Essence?

Since you were given the task of preparing a presentation in such a subject as anthropology, then you probably have an idea of ​​what kind of discipline it is. But still, it will be appropriate to once again emphasize what it is.

So, what is anthropology science? It studies people, origin and evolution. This science includes the study of races and the physical structure. It is worth noting that this science involves many directions.

Now let’s figure out what your presentation should consist of. First of all, it should have a visual component. Thus, it is much easier to convey the essence of the text to the audience, and it will be easier for the speaker to demonstrate a complex topic. But in addition to successful visual support, an important role is played by what you will talk about. What should your presentation text consist of?

It should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Imagine that you will be presenting your essay. Only here it is very important to catch attention from the first seconds. Tell about what will be discussed. Next, you need to describe the problem and give a solution. In summary, you must provide a conclusion for your work. Agree, this is very similar to an essay. But let’s back to this point a little later.

Next, you will find information on how to prepare the text and what tools you can use to perform visual support.

Wondering How to Prepare Anthropology Presentation Topic?

If you have been given the freedom to choose a topic, then you are very lucky. Because this way you can simplify your task with preparing the material.

  • First, choose the one that is closest to you.
  • Second, the availability of materials for each topic can be determined even without going to the library. Just type in the search and see how much information is relevant.
  • The easiest option is to find a topic from your textbook. All you need to do is skillfully rephrase the topic from the textbook under your own. And of course, it is better to use at least three additional sources in addition to the textbook when writing the presentation.

If you still do not know what topic to choose, and you are a true fan of this subject, then we have selected unusual and interesting topics. Among them are both simple and those that require deeper study. If you want to stand out from other students, you can safely choose one from this list!

  • Problems of Traditional Culture Transformation in Social Anthropology;
  • Philosophical and Socio-Cultural Anthropology as a Branch of the Study of the Nature and Dynamics of Culture;
  • Socio-Cultural Spheres of Realization of Human Anthropological Nature;
  • Problems of Ecological Adaptation of Men in the Natural and Socio-Cultural Environment;
  • Models of Human Education in Traditional and Modern Societies;
  • Research on the Interaction of Cultures and Intercultural Communications in Social Anthropology.

Prepare These Items Before You Start

  • Title must match to the content
  • What you will be talking about should exactly match your topic. As practice shows, many students manage to provide completely different content from the title in their presentations. That is why you should not postpone the implementation of this task in the last minutes.

  • Good source base
  • To prepare text material, analyze at least three sources. Your presentation in anthropology should carry information and demonstrate that you understand your topic. Therefore, it should be approached as a small research work.

  • Novelty of information
  • Any presentation should contain elements of novelty. That is something that no one has talked about yet. If you provide information that everyone already knows, it will be difficult to get a good mark. This is especially true if you are preparing a presentation for the conference!

  • Prepare a plan
  • Plan your text. We will examine the structure of the text in the next paragraph; you can draw up a plan based on this structure. Further, this plan will be useful to you in order to create a graphic presentation.

  • Time
  • Most people are visuals, that is, they perceive and absorb information better visually. Therefore, information design will need to be paid no less attention than the text itself. Take note in advance that in the presentation it is necessary to indicate information thesis and without any introductory phrases. That is why it is very important that you have and have enough time to work on the visual.

  • Have at least one additional day before the deadline
  • You just need to leave at least a day until you make this assignment. If you as a responsible student decide to approach the solution of the task in advance, and you have the chance to leave a couple of days, then it’s great! You will need this time to understand your work and be able to talk to the public. No reading from the draft!

The Text Features You Should Know

This type of text has a similar structure to the essay but should have more facts and research. Also, when writing such a text, there is a need to strictly follow the logic. After all, if you do not observe it, then it will be difficult for your listeners to catch the essence.

The first thing you need to start with is to write a good essay on your topic, and then structure the information into a presentation.

Do you think that it is difficult and long? It will be difficult to talk about what you do not know. And it will be even more difficult when the audience will start asking questions, and this is a quite natural process with presentations.

Therefore, it makes sense to take the time to write a kind of essay. Let’s take a closer look at what should be. So, your text should include the following parts:


It will be good to start with the relevance of your topic or study. Also, you need to briefly outline the thesis that you will consider in the future. But since this is a presentation, you need to make this part concise and to the point. Remember, you have a time limit.
NB. Due to the fact what kind of assignment it is, you can start with a short quote that will be relevant to your topic.


Well, here, as in the essay, you need to go further on the thesis and arguments. You can even compare two different views of scientists. But remember that each part must correspond to each other. In principle, everything is exactly the same as in the essay. But it will not be bad to add facts, because this task is a mix of essays and research paper.


Here you need to firmly summarize everything that you talked about in the body. Briefly and only according to the essence.
After you have finished working on the text, it’s time to translate it into speech. To do this, start reading it aloud during the allotted time for the presentation. Now, in accordance with the time frame, optimize your text leaving only important data.

Helpful Phrases for Your Presentation in Anthropology

Let’s look at phrases that will help you in your assignment. For each section of your text, we provide you with clichés to make it easier for you to speak.
You don’t have to use the following phrases:


  • I prepared a presentation on the topic…
  • My presentation is about…
  • In this presentation, I will tell…

How to present your topic right?


  • The work is devoted to such an urgent issue as…
  • The presentation is dedicated to resolving the issue…
  • The research discusses (what?), and provides an assessment/analysis (what?)

How to demonstrate the problem?


  • The problem of my presentation is…
  • In this presentation, I display such a problem…


  • The focus of this presentation is…
  • The following problem is highlighted in the presentation…
  • In this presentation, it was important to touch upon/highlight (the following issues) …

In order to reflect the relevance of the topic, pay attention to the following expressions.


  • This topic is very relevant …
  • It’s no secret that this topic is relevant …


  • This topic (problem) is of particular relevance, since …
  • This topic (problem) attracts the attention of many scientists …
  • In modern science, the theme is especially acute …

Approaches to solving problems can be represented using the following phrases:


    I have identified the following points of view among scientists…
    Not all scientists share the same point of view…


  • At present, there is no consensus in science about this problem. There are several approaches to its solution.
  • There are several main points of view on the problem. The first approach is revealed in the works (whose?), The second approach can be seen in the works (of whom?).
  • In the study of this problem, several directions/points of view can be distinguished.

Use the following phrases to express criticism or disagreement

  • It is difficult to agree (with what?) …
  • I want to refute the views of the author …
  • It should be noted shortcomings in the argumentation of such a fact as …
  • The author’s point of view (what?) is controversial in connection with …

Point of view or conclusion

  • An analysis of the sources revealed the most reasonable point of view (which?).
  • The most convincing is the point of view (whose?).
  • From all that has been said, the most probative is the opinion (whose?).
  • As a result, we can conclude that the most original (interesting, curious) is an idea, a concept (which one).
  • Based on these data, one can take a point of view (which one?).

It’s Time to Compose Your Presentation

Once your text is ready, it’s time to work on an equally essential element of your task. It’s about visual design. We have already focused your attention that it is best to devote at least a day to this. Let’s move on to what should be in your work and with what tools you can make it.

Before you start collecting a presentation, evaluate once again how much time you have for speech and count how many slides you need. Do not create more than necessary. Believe it, when time is running out and a student flips through 20 pages in 30 seconds, this is not the best picture!

  • You need to create a slide with the title of your presentation.
  • For further creation of pages, use the plan that we recommended to prepare when compiling the text. Remember that all information on slides should be written in a thesis and without introductory phrases.
  • Choose the optimal font size. Most people will not be able to read the fine print.
  • Do not use too bright colors. For example, the violet color of the text will cause surprise and irritation in the audience. Use a neutral background and black color for the main text. Titles and vital points can be marked in blue.

Which tool is worth working in? You can create a presentation using the following tools:

  • PowerPoint: most likely you have known this tool for a long time and it still remains relevant for creating a presentation.
  • SlideShare: You can place your presentation in this program and then you will have remote access to it from any gadget, plus users will be able to leave their comments.
  • Google Slides: This is a modern tool that is gaining popularity as it allows you to work on slides collectively. So if you work in pairs, then this is a great opportunity to work together but you do not need to be in one place.
  • Prezi: This tool offers the opportunity to create presentations on the principle of PowerPoint, but the templates, themes, and designs look more modern and minimalistic.
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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