How to Write a Descriptive Essay on Food

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Writing a descriptive essay on food can be a very interesting activity. This is particularly so because every person has a liking for a specific type of food. Therefore, one can decide to write an essay that describes the various methods of preparing a given food. In a similar way, a descriptive essay on food can focus on discussing what a balanced diet should include. Likewise, one can elect to focus his or her essay on organic foods, a topic that has generated substantial debate in the recent years.

Whichever the topic one chooses, the descriptive essay should be highly informative. In general, the prime objective of a descriptive essay is to highlight the outstanding features of a particular concept. With reference to food, the descriptive essay must outline the key characteristics of a given food type, if this is the approach that the writer chooses to adopt. In order to inform the reader adequately, a person doing a descriptive essay must first conduct thorough research on the topic. It is well understood that food is a broad theme that cannot be explored logically in a broad sense. Accordingly, the duty of the writer is to narrow the scope and choose an appropriate subtopic that can sufficiently be tackled. Selecting a subtopic might require the writer to list a range of possible areas, and then choose the one that has sufficient research evidence to back it up.

Consider the example of a descriptive essay that investigates organic foods. The writer will start by giving a short introduction, wherein he or she can report the increasing adoption of genetically modified foods in developed and developing economies. It is always advisable to formulate a thesis that captures the reader’s attention, making him/her want to read the entire essay. After so doing, the next step is to provide a concise definition of the term “organic foods.” This is crucial because not all readers will have an idea about organic foods. It is equally prudent to give a list of common foods, which the reader understands, that fall in the category of organic foods. The writer will then proceed to supply the reader with facts or features that distinguish natural foods from organic foods. As a writer, you should always keep in mind that a descriptive essay should contain as many facts as possible. However, the bottom-line is that the language used should be kept as simple as possible.

The rationale behind this contention is that a person who does not fully understand the native language could use the essay. In such a scenario, complex terminologies in the essay could confuse the reader even more, hence negating the ultimate usefulness of the essay. Another useful concept to include when writing a descriptive essay on food is to incorporate natural foods that are better supplements of the organic foods listed. In doing so, the writer will make the reader comprehend that organic foods should at best be avoided.

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