How to Write a CCOT Essay on Chemistry Research

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Welcome to our third and final guide where we explain how to write a CCOT essay on chemistry research, so you can write an excellent and concise essay that would redeem your hard work and efforts as well as gaining the admiration of your professor.

Previously, we discussed 10 facts for a CCOT essay on chemistry research and then revealed 20 chemistry research topics for an essay paper which is a must read, otherwise, you won’t be gaining full benefit from this set of guides.

Let’s get started:

What is a CCOT Essay?

A CCOT (continuity and change over time) essay is comprised of questions that ask what has changed and what hasn’t about a specific topic such as Chemistry Research. These questions give you a limited amount of choices as you cannot choose the topic or time period. However, you can choose from religion, culture or one or two countries that have been provided to you. In simple terms, a CCOT essay includes a set of limited questions that define a time span for analysis of a particular topic or time period.

How to Write a CCOT Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to assure a well-written CCOT essay on Chemistry Research, without making any unnecessary blunders:

Understand the Question First

It’s obvious that you need to read the question very carefully first , in order to understand what’s being asked. However, many students (thousands of them) forget to answer specifically what’s being asked – making one of the biggest mistakes while writing a CCOT essay. In order to avoid this major error, ensure that everything you are writing is of significance to the topic (related to Chemistry Research) and nothing else; it cannot be stressed enough that your writing should be related to Chemistry Research alone and must not derail the reader – which is what most students do.

Plan and Organize Accordingly

In order to make your essay neat, clear and concise, you need to make sure that you’ve already planned an outline and are ready to implement it. This helps to prevent missing any important parts of the question. Here is how you should organize your CCOT essay:

  • Baseline: The role of a particular topic
  • Impact: What subjects (related to the topic) had an Impact – ways and reasons
  • Change: What kind of changes occurred due to the role that took place
  • Continuity: Despite (the continuity of etc.), what remained behind?

Compose a Perfect Thesis Paragraph

Compose a thesis statement in a way that it includes a portion of what has been asked in the question, some points of your assertions and a few words in the form of evidence that supports your assertions about the topic you’ve chosen on Chemistry Research. Remember, to make it even better, you have to talk briefly (only the most significant and specific ones – save the details for later paragraphs) about the changes and continuities that took place. In order to make it appealing to read, add a transition such as this: ‘To better recognize the change that occurred during this time…’.


Now it’s time to compose your CCOT essay on Chemistry Research. Be sure to support claims with credible evidence. Be sure to use relevant historical context effectively which would act as the single most solid reason to support your assertions on Chemistry Research

If you still have concerns and are generally struggling to write a CCOT Essay on Chemistry Research, then we recommend you to read our first guide, 10 facts on CCOT essay on chemistry research and our second guide, 20 chemistry research topics for an essay in order to make sure you compose a great CCOT paper.

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