10 CCOT Essay Topics on Chemistry Research

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Has your professor tasked you with writing a CCOT Essay on Chemistry Research? Not sure where to begin? If you are reading this guide, your troubles are over! We have helped hundreds to thousands of students write excellent CCOT essays and this guide will help you get started too.

For any particular subject/topic, we introduce three major guides that contain almost everything about the particular topic you want to write on, plus how it’s written, and the basics and methods of writing it. This has been proven to be very useful and had helped many students produce stellar assignments. We hope you will benefit the same way, once you’re done reading and following all three of our guides.

In this first guide, 10 facts for a CCOT essay on chemistry research, you are introduced to 10 credible facts on Chemistry Research, so that you have the context and information you need to write a CCOT essay on your own.

In our second guide, 20 topics for a CCOT essay on chemistry research, we’ve compiled 20 topics relevant to chemistry research, so you won’t have to bother thinking about what topics to write on. The topic suggestions will certainly help you start writing instantaneously. We’ve also included a sample essay based on one of the 20 topics so that you can see how a CCOT essay is written on Chemistry Research.

Finally, in our last and third guide, how to write a CCOT essay on chemistry research, we explain what a CCOT essay is at its core, how it’s written and the formats as well as methods used in it. This will go a long way to help you write an exemplary essay, leaving your professors awestruck.

Here are the 10 Facts on Chemistry Research:

  1. The bonding of hydrogen is one of the most important aspects of biochemistry and psychiatry that help study chemical events and how molecules interact with each other. This results in behaviors that are highly observable. Here is why this is considered very important. Hydrogen bonding is crucially important for our body and nervous system. It gives way to the study of biochemical neuro translation. Hydrogen bonding form a dipole-dipole moment since they are highly electronegative – they have partially positive and partially negative charges.
  2. In order to have proper analysis or research on a specific chemical you have to do a load of specifics processes. You have to do some sampling, which may result in sampling errors that need to be corrected. Naming the sampling is also necessary in order to know what is what. It’s time to prepare your samples for analysis. After the preparation, the analysis takes place. Signals are recorded and evaluated. These signals are then processed accordingly. The result of the analysis is then evaluated to see the correctness, exactness and reproducibility. After the evaluation, the analysis is checked for plausibility. If plausible, it’s certified by the rightful authorities. In the end, the research or analysis is filed in a journal.
  3. There are two types of methods for quantitative analysis. First — atomic spectroscopy is used for heavy metals that are found in soil, waste or water. Second — gas chromatography is used for solvents present in soil, water, air or waste water.
  4. The definition of analytical chemistry is not universal and there seems to be disagreement regarding it. It states “the analysis of chemicals to describe their property and characterizing their composition through qualitative and quantitative measurements is known as Analytical Chemistry”. However, the real description of analytical chemistry is something else. Many renowned chemists don’t consider analytical chemistry to be a branch of chemistry. In fact, they consider it an application of chemical knowledge.
  5. The craft of analytical chemistry is often misinterpreted as chemical analysis; however, both are different and play uniquely different roles. Analytical chemistry is responsible for the development of procedures and methods, improvising them and establishing old methods into new types of samples – which can be used to measure chemical phenomena. In order words, analytical chemistry is used to enhance studies and research that revolve around chemistry itself.
  6. There are a plethora of answers to the question, “What is the perspective of analytical chemistry?” However, this can be easily described in a five-step process. First, identify the problem and then define what it is. Create an experimental procedure to find the solution. Conduct the experiment and gather necessary data needed for evaluation. Analyze the data obtained from the experiment. Once the solution has been found, propose it.
  7. The bonding capacity of hydrogen is highly electronegative which helps create a strong electrical attraction, allowing various molecules, peptides and amino acids to get glued together.
  8. Neuropeptides have revolutionized psychiatric research in the past few years. The peptides are actually formed through a process known as “dehydration synthetics”, where hydrogen separates itself from oxygen; i.e. separation of H2O.
  9. There are three constructs of neuropeptides which lay the foundation of the theory of neuropeptides: Peptides are chemical signals in the endocrine system that includes the nervous system of the peripheral. The general principle is that neuroscience is actually the necro secretion of peptides. The last construct is that these neuropeptides are responsive to the nervous system.
  10. Neuropeptides are the most diversified and complex class of signaling molecules that are triggered through psychological processes in the body and nervous system. One of the most important polypeptides is the Cyclase Activating Polypeptide. Blocking of this peptide results in the symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.

We’re sure you found these facts interesting. These will substantially help you write an excellent CCOT essay.

Let’s move on to our next guide, 20 topics for a CCOT essay on chemistry research, where you are provided with 20 relevant topics along with a sample essay to help you start writing without any hitches.

Be sure to follow up with our final guide, how to write a CCOT essay on chemistry research, which tells you exactly how a CCOT essay is written, along with some tips to make it strikingly awesome.


  1. Ruben Rafayelyan, (2016) Neuropeptides, Depression and Biochemistry – UC Irvine Department of Social Scienceshttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/270274708_Chemistry_research_paper
  2. Prof. Dr. Manfred Sietz and Dr. Andreas Sonnenberg – Short introduction intoAnalytical Chemistry, FH Lippe und Höxter, University of Applied Science.
  3. Prof. Clemens F Kaminski, (2013) Part I Chemical Engineering Section 2 (ex-ET) ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY – CFK/PJB
  4. Liu, H., & Dasgupta, P. K. (1996). Analytical chemistry in a drop. Solvent extraction in a microdrop. Analytical Chemistry, 68(11), 1817-1821.
  5. Booksh, K. S., & Kowalski, B. R. (1994). Theory of analytical chemistry. Analytical Chemistry, 66(15), 782A-791A.
  6. Backes, C., Sedaghat-Hamedani, F., Frese, K., Hart, M., Ludwig, N., Meder, B., … & Keller, A. (2016). Bias in high-throughput analysis of miRNAs and implications for biomarker studies. Analytical chemistry, 88(4), 2088-2095.
  7. Armstrong, D. W. (2016). Enhanced Performance Separations: Smaller, Faster, More Complex Samples. Analytical chemistry.
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