Response Essay Topics: What to Write about in the Reaction Paper?

Topics and ideas
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Response essay is basically a reaction to some work of a certain author. This means you are to express your personal attitude, critique, and view on the written information. It is mandatory to write certain response essays, as it develops your personal view on different topics and helps develop your ability to express yourself clearly. If you are able to write a good response essay – you probably can succeed in any objective, as you will be able to express yourself on any paper, using any written style.

How to Write on Summary Response Essay Topics

To succeed in writing the response essay, you have to be able to draw a strict and vivid line between the given and analyzed information and your own attitude towards it. Your point of view and understanding which you present to your reader should be well-grounded. This means that you have to avoid using someone else’s thoughts or citing them. Otherwise, this may be considered plagiarism.
While writing the introduction, you have to open the thesis statement of your response essay. The reader must clearly understand what you are going to discuss.

The body of the response essay includes the analyzed information written by some certain author and your own response and thoughts on the analyzed information. Some answers should be given to make the effect of the dialog so that the reader would feel comfortable. Remember that choosing one or several concrete aspects will make your response essay more full and interesting, than choosing lots, which would make your arguments specious.

In the conclusion of your response essay, you are to present evidence that states your thoughts and opinions and makes them true. The reader should feel informed about them.
The topic of the response essay should be chosen by your personal interests, but close to the topics discussed in classes so that both sides were satisfied and interested. The range of the response essay topics is very wide.

Pro tip

Many students reflect, providing too many details. It is essential not to overdo it. A person should decide what things are really important and what details they can omit. Educators want to get details that disclose the core idea of an essay. Other things just tarnish a paper.

Top 20 Critical Response Essay Topics to Write About

The first step to successful writing is a search for response essay ideas. It is better not to choose primitive topics such as “My favorite movie” or a response about a book that everybody knows. Of course, one should deal with easy topics when practicing essay creations at school. Some examples of response essay topics can be gender and sexual discrimination, legalization of drugs, death penalty problems, etc. Due to that, students learn how to write, what to write, and how to format papers. College and university requirements are stricter. Hence, learners should find original ideas to impress their tutors.

If you doubt where to look for the best ideas for your response papers, get acquainted with the following sources. You need to type the required word in the search line and click search to find valuable information.

A student should know how to write a response essay and what response and critical papers look and sound like. These three links will help to clear out details.

Below, one can find examples of questions that need critical discussion in academic papers.

  • Do you feel the consequences of global warming in your native town?
  • If nicotine and alcohol dependence are serious illnesses, why is tobacco and alcohol distribution not still abolished?
  • Do you regard remote lessons as qualitative as traditional college classes?
  • What is the best response essay sample you have ever read?
  • Why did the last episode of “The Games of Thrones” fail, regarding the personal thoughts and comments of world critics?
  • “Matrix 4”: why should the Wachowskis have stopped on “Matrix 3”?
  • Pros and cons of cultural diversity at schools and colleges?
  • Should clergymen publish a new interpretation of the Holy Bible to let everyone understand each word of the greatest books in the world?
  • Can we say that e-books have almost replaced traditional hardcover and softcover books?
  • What laws of the constitution should be revised and improved?
  • Are street paintings a new art type or mere vandalism?
  • Should war and human sacrifices of Islamic people be justified?
  • Do you consider e-cars to be ecologically safe and beneficent for long-way drivers?
  • Is it safe and sound to digitize all the existing money and refuse cash?
  • If the punishment system works, why are there still so many criminals?
  • What is the silliest and most absurd song or music composition you have ever heard?
  • Is the content quality of pop songs the same as fifty years ago?
  • How do you imagine the situation developing if artificial intelligence becomes independent?
  • Do you follow the fashion of Mercedes-Benz? Why? Why not?
  • Is the gap between rich and poor growth in your country?
  • Should some companies force women to do makeup daily?

Introverts face difficulties when writing response essays. Extroverts use too many details and do not know the limit. We help all of them master response writing. We are ready to give answers to all questions that our customers have. That is why they always get their A for summary response essays.

Jacob Lee Top-10 Writer at

“One should not hurry to introduce a topic to a mentor. First, it is necessary to research to understand whether a student has enough information to prove a personal viewpoint or not. Professionals suggest supporting a personal point of view with facts and statistics taken from reputable sources. Such writings are more valuable and informative.”


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James Snyder A Top-10 writer at
James is one of the most prominent authors on our team with more than 7 years of experience. He specializes in writing essays and coursework. James loves to work from home with a cup of hot chocolate and his cat Archibald.
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Kate likes to read long stories and write essays. She’s experienced in both academic writing and marketing activities, so she can tell everything about a writer’s job in a few simple words. You can use our website to request the help of our experts anytime.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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