Response Essay Sample about the Film ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’

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The response essay is a critical review or expert opinion, which is based on an objective professional analysis of a literary or artistic or research work. It should be mentioned that the response essay should include a personal opinion regarding the selected object, for example, a book, a film or an incident. However, the judgment should be reasonable and consistently stated. Moreover, the response essay should be written in the first person in order to convey personal impressions and thoughts by structuring and supporting them by arguments. The structure of the response essay sample includes an introduction with a clear and concise thesis, the main body that consists of the narration and description of the subject, and the conclusion that involves judgment and summary of the entire response essay.

The response essay should be objective since the source is evaluated irrespective of the personal views and preferences of the critic from the standpoint of the scientific, practical or artistic significance of the object of analysis. It is necessary to avoid expressively colored vocabulary during the writing of a response essay example since the essay should be easy-to-understand for a wide circle of readers. Moreover, the response essay should include only the main points of the described object without overloading the paper with minor details that do not carry a semantic load. It is also worth noting that the response essay should include arguments that would prove the point of view of the author of the response essay. Even though the response essay should reflect the thoughts of the author, it should also include a separate reference page. It is necessary to write particular facts, for example, the year of the release of a mentioned film or the name of the director that is not a well-known fact and therefore requires citing from a reliable source.

Response Essay of the Film ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’

The beginning of the musical path of Queen members was not remarkable as the musicians created a band being poor students that were a usual practice for those years. The Queen became famous due to the unique voice of Freddie Mercury who captured the hearts of many people, which gave rise to the idea to create the film Bohemian Rhapsody after a long time. The film Bohemian Rhapsody tells about one of the most significant musical groups, in particular, about the life path of Freddie Mercury and the other members of Queen who have overcome difficulties including the breakup of the group to achieve the status of world stars.

One of the famous compositions of the Queen group, which at one time was undervalued, served as the title of the film. The director of the movie was Bryan Singer, who soon was replaced by another producer, Dexter Fletcher. The Bohemian Rhapsody can be called a reflection of the classic and straightforward path of becoming a hero from obscurity to triumph. The real participants of the Queen band took part in the creation of the film and tried to watch how the producer and actors displayed the reality of the events. The events of the film begin in the seventies in London, when twenty-four-year-old Farrokh Bulsara, who lives with conservative parents, decides to become a musician. He goes to the Smile band concert, where Brian May and Roger Taylor play their show, and at the right moment offers them his candidacy as a new soloist. This meeting becomes the beginning of the existence of a cult group that Farrokh called the Queen. At the same time, he decides to get rid of his real name by taking the pseudonym of Freddie Mercury. From this point, the movie becomes a guide of the life stages of Freddie and other band members. The producer showed the signing of contracts, the process of creating songs, touring dozens of cities, as well as creative discord within the group. A lot of screen time is set aside for Mercury’s relationship, which helped reveal his love for a woman named Mary Austin and show Freddie’s acceptance of his homosexuality.

During watching this movie, the viewer has a wide range of emotions that leave a pleasant feeling of joy and a drop of sadness. Skillfully chosen actors became a surprise because they were able to convey the character and manners of real musicians. It is worth noting the great game of Rami Malek, who played Freddie Mercury and perfectly reflected the feelings of the protagonist. The actor skillfully repeats all the artist’s branded movements, as well as correctly copies the facial expressions and Mercury’s small gestures. The remaining members of the musical group were also selected according to the apparent similarity with the real artists, which made the film more realistic. As for the costumes, the selection of heroes’ clothes for both the scenes with performances and everyday life was believable. The costume designers analyzed the live performances of the Queen group by watching videos and tried to recreate the same costumes for each significant event. Proof of this is the final scene when the Queen group performed at the Live Aid concert in identical clothes. The costumes and decorations were thought out to the smallest detail, right down to the cups of beer that stood on the piano behind which Freddie Mercury played.

It is also worth mentioning the massive number of used soundtracks of the Queen, which helped the audience to imagine themselves at the live rock concert because only original Queen records were presented in the film. The visual range is consistent with the sound of the movie. Throughout the film, the viewer observes a vivid picture with vibrant colors, because the brilliance was a symbol of the seventies and eighties. However, after watching the movie, the viewers begin to think about the reality of particular events. For example, in the film, one can observe the scene when Freddie tells his friends about his incurable disease right before the concert on Live Aid, even though the public was informed about the singer’s illness only a few years after this performance. Moreover, not many Queen and Freddie Mercury’s fans were pleased with this film as they considered that many facts from the life of musicians were distorted. Analyzing all the events that are displayed in the movie, one can conclude that this film was shot for those people who had little interest in the musical creativity of the Queen group and Freddie Mercury himself. The key goal of the moviemakers was to introduce the legendary singer to the new generation.

In conclusion, it is important to say that the directors were able to convey the spirit of the seventies and eighties accurately. Moreover, the acting of the main actors outshined all the flaws that were caused by some distorted events. Despite some nuances, the Bohemian Rhapsody movie caused a resonance among the public due to personal moments from the life of Freddie and his friends that were transmitted with trepidation and warmth that, in addition to the original soundtracks, gave the world a new legendary film.

Post-writing Tips

The example of a response essay consists of an introduction with a clear and reasoned thesis, the main body with a detailed description of the film and arguments in support of the opinion and conclusion. In the above example, one can see how the author expresses the personal opinion by supporting it with facts taken from the movie. Moreover, the author goes deeper into the details of the personal emotions that occurred during watching, which helps the reader to feel some vital moments of the film. Reading the response essay example, one can observe that the author describes the main details of the movie that form personal attitude and impression. The author does not overload the response essay with small details but tries to describe the plot of the film as clearly as possible and explain the main points in order not to confuse the reader who probably did not see the specified movie. It is also worth noting that the author tried to acquaint the reader with the film by including information about the director by using a reliable source for citation. The author’s suggestions are structured and not filled with a colored vocabulary so that the response is comprehensible to a wide range of readers. The author of the example of the response essay does not seek to criticize the play of actors or the work of the director but gives strong arguments in support of the personal statements.

The above response essay tips will help to structure any response essay whether it is a personal reflection on a book, film, picture or any other incident. Following the above recommendations, one needs to remember about the correctness of the grammar, and the vocabulary used to ensure the essay is not overloaded with unnecessary information. When writing a response essay, it is vital to remember the fact that the author needs to express only a personal opinion and impression regarding the chosen object without unreasonable criticism. If you need instant essay writing help from professional writers, address our service online.

Wakeman, G. (2018, May 10). Dexter Fletcher talks replacing Bryan Singer as ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ director. Retrieved from

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