Recreational Drug Use Question/Answer Sample

Posted on October 3, 2023

Paper Instructions

Academic level – Undergrad. 1-2
Type of paper – Question/Answer
Topic Title – Recreational drug use

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, attitudes toward recreational drug use became more relaxed and the media played a significant role in promoting its use. What influenced the popularity of cocaine in the 1960s and 1970s? Why is it difficult to control the chemicals needed for cocaine processing and why is the exporting of cocaine a low-risk undertaking?
2 pages, 2 references


The late 1960s and early 1970s were a turning point in history when significant cultural changes took place, particularly with regard to recreational drug use. Cocaine was often used throughout this period and became quite popular. These cultural developments affected the widespread usage of cocaine; because of this, it became harder to regulate the chemicals required for cocaine processing, which resulted in cocaine exportation.

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, public views on recreational drug usage decreased; the main reason was due to counterculture movements and a desire for independence and self-exploration. Nonetheless, the period’s rebellious attitude promoted experimentation with narcotics, for instance, cocaine, linked with exhilaration, enhanced energy, and an escape from traditional standards (Chiu et al., 2021). As society’s standards altered, so did the notion of drug usage, and cocaine began to gain favor. The media played a crucial part in encouraging recreational drugs such as cocaine. Drug usage movies, music, and other forms of entertainment often presented it as beautiful and liberated, which added to its attractiveness. High-profile people, specifically artists and actresses, openly accepted drug usage, making it a normal habit and encouraging mainstream adoption.

The coca plant, mostly produced in South America, has leaves that people use to make cocaine. Cocaine manufacture includes complicated chemical processes that necessitate precursor ingredients, notably coca paste and hydrochloric acid. It proved difficult to control the flow of these precursor compounds for authorities. It was hard to control these products because, in other industries, it was completely legal to use them. Furthermore, the worldwide nature of chemical commerce allowed criminal diversion and the smuggling of these compounds (Moya, 2021). Criminal groups exploited these gaps because they could get precursor chemicals from numerous nations, and law enforcement could not efficiently identify and intercept the supply chain.

Drug traffickers found cocaine export to be a low-risk venture in the intersection of the 1960s and 1970s. It happened due to a number of issues, for example, a lack of modern technology and worldwide law enforcement collaboration (Moya, 2021). For starters, transportation and communication technologies at the time were not as advanced as now; consequently, it was simpler for drug traffickers to traverse borders unnoticed. Routes with smuggling were devised and utilized, and corrupt authorities usually disregarded or actively assisted drug trafficking, which lowered the danger of arrest even more. Second, international coordination among law enforcement organizations was minimal during this period, making it difficult to tackle drug trafficking effectively. The lack of shared intelligence and teamwork allowed drug gangs to operate with relative impunity, pursuant to add to the low-risk character of cocaine exports.

To conclude, the change in cultural views about recreational drug use and media marketing affected cocaine’s appeal in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The difficulties in regulating the chemicals required for cocaine manufacturing stemmed from their legal applications in other sectors and the complexities of the global chemical trade. As was reflected in this period, it is critical to appreciate the many variables that contributed to the emergence of cocaine and the difficulties in managing its supply chain. Understanding the history allows people to better handle current and future drug usage and trafficking challenges.


Chiu, V., Leung, J., Hall, W., Stjepanović, D., & Degenhardt, L. (2021). Public health impacts to date of the legalisation of medical and recreational cannabis use in the USA.

Neuropharmacology, 193, 108610.

Moya, S. (2021). The Cocaine-Wildlife Connection: Crime Convergence in Central America.

Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas.

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