Applying Social Psychology and Personality Creative Writing Sample

Posted on November 20, 2023

Social psychology focuses on how social influences impact people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. How people view themselves in relation to others is integral in influencing their choices, behaviors, and values. As such, proper knowledge and understanding of social psychology is important as it enriches one’s understanding of other people’s values and views, how people form attitudes, and the connection between social situations and self-concept. This paper elaborates on the relevance of knowledge in social psychology in understanding individual, group, or societal behavior, how the Christian worldview can be incorporated to improve interactions between people of diverse backgrounds, and the importance of knowledge in social psychology in facilitating better interactions between people of diverse cultural backgrounds.

Individual, Group, or Societal Behavior

Knowledge of social psychology enables proper assessment and understanding of individual behavior by illuminating the role of the social environment on people’s behaviors and decisions. For example, by understanding individuals’ social environment and social factors (like poverty, isolation, limited access to resources and upbringing), it is possible to understand and assess the development of their personal agency, sense of self and interests, and personality traits like temperament (Alper, 2020). Similarly, knowledge of social psychology enables an understanding of group behavior by revealing the role of group affiliation in promoting a sense of belonging, conformity, and competition or group cooperation. For instance, Gu et al. (2022) note that people are not only defined by their traits but also by their social roles, group memberships, and friendships, leading to the formation of group identity and collective self-esteem.

Finally, knowledge related to social psychology will assist in better understanding and assessment of societal behavior by illuminating the influence of societal situations on the behaviors of people belonging to particular societies (Little, 2016). Social psychologists argue that social factors like education, economic status, access to resources, and discrimination have a stronger influence on people’s behaviors than personal traits, meaning that understanding the influence of a society’s social factors enables an accurate assessment of its behaviors (Society of Personality and Social Psychology, 2021). For example, understanding the social factors of minority communities enables accurate assessment of their unique behaviors, such as their inclination towards criminal behaviors and drug abuse.

Christian Worldview Incorporation

Christian Worldview principles that could be used to improve interactions between people from diverse backgrounds include the concept of humility, respect for human dignity and worth, and the teaching of loving your neighbor as yourself could be used to improve interactions between individuals from diverse backgrounds. For example, the Christian Worldview principle of humility can improve interactions between people of diverse cultural backgrounds by encouraging respectful attitudes toward other cultural beliefs and enabling people to recognize their limitations regarding cultural knowledge (Grand Canyon University, n.d). Also, the concept of respect for human dignity and equality regardless of cultural or ethnic background is emphasized in Christianity because God shows no prejudice or partiality among nations, communities, or ethnic groups (Grand Canyon University, n.d). This principle can be used to improve the interaction between people from diverse cultures by encouraging equality, fairness, and social justice, which prevents interracial conflicts or ethnic violence due to unequal resource distribution, stereotyping, or discrimination.

Diverse Backgrounds and Beliefs

Knowledge of social psychology and personality will equip me better when interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and belief systems by providing me with a proper understanding of how people think, feel, or act in social situations. Precisely, it will enhance my interaction with people from diverse cultures by enabling me to recognize that cultural norms and values differ from one ethnic or cultural setting to another (Grison & Gazzaniga, 2022). This awareness will help me to recognize and avoid prejudice, judgment, and misinformed stereotypes that can affect my interaction with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. For example, knowledge of social psychology and personality will enable me to recognize and avoid my biases and stereotypes of people from minority cultures like Latinos, Chinese Americans, and African Americans and allow me to understand them better, thus improving my interaction with them.


Social psychology and personality knowledge enable adequate understanding and accurate assessment of individual, group, and societal behaviors. Besides, adequate knowledge of social psychology and personality allows people to recognize and avoid their biases and stereotypes of people from diverse cultural backgrounds. This awareness enhances the interaction between people from different communities or cultures. Finally, Christian Worldviews such as humility, love for one neighbor, and the value of human dignity can be used to improve interactions between people from diverse cultural backgrounds by encouraging people to love one another and emphasizing that all people are created equal.

Alper, S. (2020). Personal agency. Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, 3500-3502.
Grand Canyon University. (n.d). Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work.
Grison, S., & Gazzaniga, M. (2022). Psychology in your life (4th ed.). Norton & Company, Inc.
Gu, T., Cheng, Z., Zhang, Z., Li, C., Ni, Y., & Wang, X. (2022). Formation mechanism of contributors’ self-identity based on social identity in online knowledge communities. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1046525.
Little, B. (2016, July). Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality [Video]. TED Conferences.
Society of Personality and Social Psychology. (2021, June 6). What is social and personality psychology?

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