Physiological Effects of Benzodiazepine Use Research Paper Sample

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Paper Instructions

Academic level – Undergraduate 3-4
Type of paper – Research paper
Topic Title – Physiological effects of benzodiazepine use

Assessment Description What are physiological effects of benzodiazepine use? How can these lead to addiction?

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

  • Describe the behavioral, psychological, physical health, and social effects of psychoactive drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, on the consumer and significant others.
  • Be familiar with medical and pharmaceutical resources in the treatment of addictive disease and other substance-related disorders.
  • Describe warning signs, symptoms, and the course of addictions.

Research Paper Sample

Anxiety and sleep problems stand among many clinical illnesses that can be treated with benzodiazepines, a class of drug. They function by attaching to brain receptors that are in charge of generating emotions of serenity and relaxation. The body gradually becomes dependent on benzodiazepines due to adaptive changes, and patients risk growing medication tolerance levels (Sanabria et al., 2021, para. 4). Therefore, patients require higher dosages of the medication to get similar outcomes, and abrupt drug discontinuation might cause withdrawal signs.

The cases of alcohol, smoke, and drug poisoning pose the same risk of acute intoxication as benzodiazepine usage. If an individual decides to quit using benzodiazepines, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, cognitive impairment, memory issues, a higher risk of falls and accidents, and more. Psychosocial characteristics cover depression, social isolation, and a decrease in quality of life. What is more, individuals may suffer from headaches, blurred vision, and gastrointestinal problems among other physiological issues.
Resources in medicine and pharmaceuticals are available to assist those who are battling addictions, particularly those brought on by benzodiazepine use. To counter and address withdrawal symptoms, along with developing addiction, pharmacological treatment options become effective. Besides, providers should also take into account behavioral therapies, as exemplified by cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. To give people a secure and encouraging setting in which to detox and start the recovery process, inpatient therapy may occasionally be required.

Benzodiazepine use’s symptoms, progression, and signs develop differently due to the user’s peculiarities. Changes in behavior or mood, an increase in secrecy or solitude, and a lack of interest in once-enjoyable hobbies are some typical warning indicators. Somatic addiction symptoms relate to withdrawal, whereas psychological manifestations cover depression, irritability, and anxiety (Edinoff et al., 2021, p. 597). The progression of addiction might also differ; whereas some people endure a gradual decline, others may suffer from rapid, severe repercussions like overdosing or legal issues.


Edinoff, A. N., Nix, C. A., Hollier, J., Sagrera, C. E., Delacroix, B. M., Abubakar, T., Cornett, E. M., Kaye, A. M., & Kaye, A. D. (2021). Benzodiazepines: Uses, dangers, and clinical considerations. Neurology International, 13(4), 594–607.

Sanabria, E., Cuenca, R. E., Esteso, M. Á., & Maldonado, M. (2021). Benzodiazepines: Their use either as essential medicines or as toxics substances. Toxics, 9(2), 25.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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