The Advanced Agriculture Essay Guide

Writing guide
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Agriculture includes the cultivation and breeding plants, mushrooms, and animals for fiber, food, biofuel, medicines, and other products used to improve and maintain people’s lives. That is why the variety of topics you can choose to write an essay on agriculture is quite wide. It is not just the topics but also the history of agriculture that is quite long-term and diverse. Therefore, if you want to write an agriculture essay, you will have to face a lot of information concerning the history and technical terms of this particular topic. In addition, the style in which you write your essay on agriculture should be objective and insightful.

When you get familiar with the field of agriculture, you have to understand that these kinds of tasks are given to you to test and improve your skills. Therefore, when you receive an assignment to write an agriculture essay, you need to answer the following paramount questions first:


  • What do you already know about agriculture? What are its basics?
  • How deep is your understanding of the topic?
  • With what particular sphere of agriculture are you most familiar?
  • How practical is your knowledge?
  • What will be the result of your research, and what is its value?



You should keep these questions in mind during the process of planning and writing for they will help structure your thoughts and build a nice outline of your paper.

Picking a Relevant Issue for an Agriculture Essay

Although agriculture is a broad field of study, it is important to narrow the topic of your essay. It should be open enough to write the needed amount of content about it as well as specific enough to be clear and precise. Overall, your topic will be more or less narrow depending on the length of your essay.

Of course, you do not have to be a farmer or a professor of agriculture to be able to write a good essay on this topic. However, you definitely should be familiar with the background on the issue you choose to be able to organize information in a coordinated manner. Now, let us present you some popular agriculture paper topics that will help you choose the direction in which you want to move and give you some ideas. We have divided the topics by different agriculture spheres for your convenience.

Animals Breeding and Cultivation

  1. The Best Feed for Pigs to Enhance Flavor
  2. McDonald’s as the Largest Producer of Beef in the U.S.
  3. What Chemicals can Enhance the Life of Cows Bred for Consumption?

Medicinal Plants

  1. The Best Environment for the Growth of Medical Marijuana
  2. How to Develop the Best Lavender for Aromatherapy

Everyday Life

  1. Corporations that Have Ruined Family Farming
  2. Zero budget Natural Farming: Need of the Hour


  1. Biofuels from Non-arable Lands
  2. The Effectiveness of Ethanol as a Biofuel

Types of Farming

  1. Agroforestry: Forest Farming
  2. Farming in the Mountains
  3. Creating Your Own Greenhouse

There you go! As soon as you decide on the topic, it is crucial to understand how exactly you should structure the information, and which concepts you need to keep in mind while analyzing it. It might be a challenging process, but we got you! Just keep reading our guide to find all the key tips that will definitely come in handy.

The Main Terms of Agriculture Essay Writing

When reflecting upon a particular topic, you need to map your thoughts on paper. To help you do that, we have identified the most important terms of the agriculture essay writing.

Analyze. That is merely the most important part of essay writing. To make your paper logical and consistent, you need to break the topic into parts. That means looking at each part in depth using supporting arguments and evidence for and against as well as how they relate to one another.

Examine. Consider close details and establish important issues and key facts about the issue. It should be a critical evaluation, and you should be able to offer reasons as to why the facts and issues you have identified are of the greatest importance; you have to explain the ways they could be understood as well.

Explain. This part is about clarifying a topic by giving detailed information on how and why it occurs or what it means in a particular context. Besides, your writing should demonstrate clarity so that complex issues or sequences of events could be understandable, including the identification of the key terms where appropriate.

Interpret. Here, you should show your understanding of an issue or topic you have chosen. It can include the use of particular terminology or the suggestions concerning the findings from a piece of research you did. It implies that you comment on any significant patterns and causal relationships in the topic you are covering.

Justify. Depending on the topic you chose, develop a case by providing evidence to back up your ideas and points of view. If you want to present a valid argument, try to consider opinions which may be contrary to your own before drawing conclusions.

Our Experts Share Three Crucial Components of an Agriculture Essay

Any text, whether it’s a thesis, abstract, article, story or essay, should have a clear structure. The essay differs by the relative freedom of creativity. However, we all know – the more freedom, the more responsibility. Receiving this very freedom, you must think over the structure of the future essay yourself. It largely depends on the goals, the form, the type, the amount of work. Essay-narration will begin with a string, and an essay-illustration will start with one or several theses. As for analytical essays, they will have to be structured in accordance with the laws of logic.

The structure can be easily thought through but it’s better to take a sheet of paper and sketch out a rough plan. The plan is the skeleton of your text that will help you build up the flesh. So, here is a structure you should consider when writing your agriculture essay:

1. Introduction

By ‘introduction’ we mean the first two paragraphs. Do not treat them formally. The first paragraph or the first part introduces the reader into the course of the issue discussed and the problem to which the essay is devoted. Don’t jump into a lengthy introduction – up to two paragraphs will be enough.

2. The Main Body

The main part of your agriculture essay writing requires the most attention. Especially when drawing up an essay plan. The main body of your essay may have a different structure:

  • Thesis-argumentation, thesis-argumentation, thesis-argumentation, and so on. In this case, you deliver a thought, and then you prove it.
  • Thesis and several arguments (facts). If you choose this approach, one idea should be confirmed by several illustrations. The thesis can be placed both at the beginning, and after these illustrations.
  • Reverse structure (facts-conclusions). In this case, you should describe the situation or give facts and draw a conclusion.

A thesis a short finished thought. An argument is the proof of the thesis. It can come from a life situation, news, a scientist’s opinion, a scientific theory or any fact proven by science.
Ideally, one thesis should be confirmed by two arguments. One may seem unconvincing, and three will overload the text. However, it depends on the required length of your essay.

3. Conclusion

In summary, you summarize everything that was said through the essay. It is important that the conclusions do not arise “out of nowhere”.

More Tips to Enhance Your Writing Skills

Now, you know how to choose the topic and structure the information. However, it is not enough for your essay to be perfect. There are significant details that you have to mind so your text flows the way it should.

✓ Paragraphs

Each paragraph should cover only one aspect of the main topic. Two paragraphs can deal with different aspects, but be interrelated. For example, cause and effect, positive and negative sides, state of affairs before or after.

✓ Quotes

When you quote a book or another written source or even transmit information in your own words, you must specify the author’s name and the date of publication. For instance:
‘According to Smith (2018), writing a good essay might be difficult at times, but definitely possible.’

✓ Arguments

Each of your thoughts should have support in the form of arguments, vivid examples, statistics, etc. Your written work should show the teacher that you know what is what about the problem.

✓ Lightness

An essay is a written expression of your thoughts on a particular topic, and it is important not to forget about the delicacy. Depending on the topic, your agriculture essay may touch a “slippery” issue of politics or international relations, so remember to state your point of view tolerantly and politely. In this case, it is better to adhere to the formal tone and avoid the manifestation of emotions.

✓ Style

Do not abuse complex words, terms, and expressions. In general, try to write short simple sentences, from time to time including the longer ones. The goal is to present the issue clearly so that the reader can easily follow the course of thought not being distracted by extraneous reasoning.

✓ Conclusion

Remember that a good conclusion is not a plain summary. It should be a thoughtful completion of the work, for example, the application of the written material to the real situation. It can also be a short list of basic ideas. It is worth turning to the introduction and drawing parallels with the help of the same keywords or images, but using a different formulation. Different types of essays require different conclusions. In a short work, there is no need for a detailed repetition of the main ideas, but in a longer one, it may be necessary. At the same time, there is something you should avoid in the conclusion of your essay – completely new ideas. If you have anything important to add, go back to the main part.

Our essay service highly recommends you to consider these tips before you start writing. However, after you finished your essay, the work does not stop here. You should know how to proofread your essay. Have doubts? – Move on to our next chapter!

Polish the Paper to Perfection

It is very important to read the essay several times, even if you think you do not have to correct much. You can also use a text editor to help you find and fix spelling errors, but it does not mean you can skip the rereading procedure. No text editor is able to evaluate the cohesion of your piece and the way the sentences flow.

Before you finish the work, put it off for a couple of hours (or even for a day); then, return to it with a fresh look. This is another reason why you should start writing essays in advance, having enough time to polish the paper. Have a look at the picture below to learn how an average essay writing process looks like.

Essays are not created equal, and you have to do your best when working on a paper for the first time. If the next assignment you are to deal with is an agriculture essay, make use of these agriculture essay writing tips to stay assured you follow the right way.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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