20 Analytical Essay Topics: Key Elements of Economic Development in the Third World

Topics and ideas
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Despite the deadline gaining on you, your mind may remain blank as you try writing an analytical essay regarding political and economic development in third world countries. One of the biggest issues you may face is being unable to come up with a worthwhile topic. We know how frustrating this can be for students, especially since there are hundreds of online guides detailing how to write analytical essays but almost nothing on topics. Luckily, inspiration for your next essay is just a few lines away.

The following list of 20 topics related to political and economic development in the third world will help you craft a great analytical essay and learn a lot about the subject.

  1. Failure of Economic Development Strategies Which Ignore Cultural Dimensions
  2. Improving Taxpayer Compliance in the Third World and Acceleration of Economic Development in the Third World
  3. Sustainable Development in Developing Countries through Eradicating Poverty
  4. Successful Green Development Programs in the Third World: Changing Focus on Helping the Poorest Sectors of the Population
  5. Solar Energy Usage in the Third World
  6. The Implications of Rapid and Unplanned Urbanization in Developing Countries
  7. Greater Gender Equity to Improving Health and Education in Developing Countries
  8. Reducing Poverty and Improving Education to Curb Extremism in the Third World
  9. Viable Solutions for the Third World Energy Crisis
  10. Averting a Long-Term Food Crisis in the Developing World
  11. The Political Effects of Strengthening Essential Public Sector Institutions
  12. Types of Political Institutions Third World Countries Need
  13. The Implications of Gender Inequality in Education on Third World Economic Development
  14. The Significant Welfare Losses Sustained by the Third World Due to Transnational Crime
  15. Ways the Free Market Ideology Harms Subsistence Farmers in Developing Countries
  16. The Role of Information Technology in Helping Enhance Gender Equality in Developing Nations and Improving Long-Term Economic Growth
  17. How a Strong Media Sector Acts as a Viable Strategy for Stabilizing the Politics of the Third World
  18. Social and Cultural Exclusion in the Third World
  19. How Technology Adoption is Changing the Third World
  20. The Challenges of Ending Hunger in Poor Nations

Some of these are pretty broad, but you can focus on specific themes or countries if you want. Just make sure the topic is relevant and useful. Feel free to use any of these topics as is or as inspiration to come up with your own. The references at the end of this guide includes plenty of sources which can be used to research these specific topics.

If you are still stuck despite deciding on a topic, we have more reference materials for you. Our 23 facts on political and economic development in the third world plus the guide on writing an analytical essay about it will get you started. Additionally, the following example can get your creativity to flow and help you with your upcoming essay.

Sample Analytical Essay: The Implications of Gender Inequality in Education on Third World Economic Development

Denying the chance to be educated is a violation of an intrinsic human right. This, however, is exactly what happens to young girls in most of the underdeveloped countries of the world. Young females face exclusion in all levels of education and are at a significant disadvantage as compared to boys. What local societies in underdeveloped countries fail to understand, though, is that they can break out of the perpetual cycle of poverty if their female population is properly educated.

Global humanitarian programs have traditionally focused on ensuring primary education at the least for the growing female population in the third world. New research, however, indicates that education throughout adolescence is the best way to ensure economic growth. While this is a difficult goal which will require a lot of resources, commitment and innovative thinking, the benefits nations will reap are more than worth the effort.

Educated women help their families flourish. They are in a better position to make more informed decisions about their families, the latter which are considered the bases of modern society. Moreover, if allowed to enter the workforce, they can contribute to the annual income of their households and even positively impact the economy. Therefore, it is safe to say that education paves the road for women to become active members of society.

Another way education can help is by empowering women to stand up for their basic rights. Women in third world countries have to deal with domestic abuse, discriminatory laws, and the lack of equal employment opportunities. All these issues lead to women feeling powerless. Education, however, can give them the confidence they need to take control of their lives. As they will be capable of joining the workforce, they will not need to depend on their spouses for every single thing or bear with their oppressive behaviors.

The right kind of education and mentorship will further help females recognize their strengths and take on leadership roles at a young age. Empowering women through education allows them to confidently interact with members of the society around them and may even motivate them to participate in the political process as well.

Another significant advantage offered by investing in educating young women is addressing climate change. One of the most effective strategies which can be used to limit carbon emissions is to control population growth. Research indicates that educating women slows down population growth. In fact, the difference between a woman who has 12 years of schooling and one who has no education is about 4 to 5 children per woman.

This basic right needs to be guaranteed, especially in regions where conflicts and emergencies occur. Parents should never have to face the choice of educating a girl or keeping her out of harm’s way. Girls living in countries where violence is the norm are often kept out of schools. Such regions need to be especially targeted by international efforts. The psychological and social well-being of girls living in such difficult situations depends on those efforts.

This is just a simple draft to inspire you. Remember to use the references below to add more information and facts to your essay or else your instructor will be stingy while grading your essay.


  1. Sperling, G., Winthrop, R., & Kwauk, C. What works in girls’ education.
  2. McMichael, P. (2012). Development and social change. Los Angeles: SAGE.
  3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,. Culture, Economic Development and the Third World (p. 8). Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
  4. Bird, R., & Casanegra de Jantscher, M. (1992). Improving tax administration in developing countries. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund.
  5. Di John, J. (2006) The Political Economy of Taxation and Tax Reform in Developing Countries, World Institute of Development Economics Research (WIDER) Research Paper No. 2006/74, Helsinki: United Nations University-WIDER.
  6. Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.93.I.8 and corrigenda)http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/documents/WSSD_POI_PD/English/WSSD_PlanImpl.pdf
  7. Kaufmann, Daniel (2006), “Media, Governance and Development,” Keynote Presentation, UNESCO World Press Freedom Day Meeting.
  8. The World Bank,. (2016). Gender Equality and Economic Development The Role for Information and Communication Technologies. Washington DC: The Knowledge for Development Program of the World Bank Institute.
  9. Magdoff, F. (2008). The World Food Crisis: Sources and Solutions. Monthly Review. Retrieved 3 March 2016, from http://monthlyreview.org/2008/05/01/the-world-food-crisis-sources-and-solutions/
  10. Patrick, S. (2012). The Internationalist » How Transnational Crime Hinders Development—and What to Do About It. Council on Foreign Relations – The Internationalist. Retrieved 3 March 2016, from http://blogs.cfr.org/patrick/2012/06/26/how-transnational-crime-hinders-development-and-what-to-do-about-it/
  11. Political Institutions, a., Pereira, C., & Teles, V. (2011). Political Institutions, Economic Growth, and Democracy: The Substitute Effect. The Brookings Institution. Retrieved 3 March 2016, from http://www.brookings.edu/research/opinions/2011/01/19-political-institutions-pereira
  12. worldbank.org,. (2016). Poverty Analysis – Haiti: The Challenges of Poverty Reduction. Retrieved 3 March 2016
  13. Packer, G. (2016). The Megacity. The New Yorker, (2006 ISSUE). Retrieved from http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2006/11/13/the-megacity
  14. United Nations, (2015). 2015 Human Development Report Retrieved from http://report.hdr.undp.org/
  15. Adams, W. (2009). Green development. London: Routledge.
  16. World Economic Forum,. (2016). Global Risks.Retrieved from http://reports.weforum.org/global-risks-2015/part-2-risks-in-focus/2-3-city-limits-the-risks-of-rapid-and-unplanned-urbanization-in-developing-countries/#view/fn-6
  17. Pendse, D. (1979). The energy crisis and Third World options. Third World Quarterly, 1(4), 69-88. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01436597908419461
  18. Alan B. Krueger and Jitka Maleckova, “Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 17 (Fall 2003):119-44
  19. “World Economic Outlook, April 2015, p.48” (PDF). Retrieved 2015-04-11.
  20. Money market. (2016). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/topic/money-market/The-money-markets-of-other-countries
  21. Verspoor, Adriaan. “Pathways to Change: Improving the Quality of Education in Developing Countries. World Bank Discussion Papers 53.” (n.d.)
  22. Global Financial Integrity, “Transnational Crime in the Developing World”,2011
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