Biology Research Project: “The Cell” – 20 Topics Cunning These Days

Topics and ideas
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For example, today, you were given an assignment. The task is to write a project on cell biology, and like the majority of students, you believe in your ability to write creatively and accurately. But a question keeps lingering on your mind, and it is: where do I start from? We are excited to tell you that this article is written with only one thing in mind – to show you the way.

Writing on the topic of cell biology is a task that can only be fulfilled when a student has a good knowledge of its subject and a good topic in mind. It happens this way because ‘topics’ serve as the major yardstick needed to direct your entire vision of your article. So here, we will start by providing you with 20 brilliant topics covering the length and breadth of cell biology.

20 Exciting Topics for a Research Paper on Cell Biology

  1. Analyzing the Basics of Cellular Structures and Functions
  2. The Two Basic Types of Biological Cells and Their Features
  3. Understanding the Roles of Cell Membranes and Their Importance to All Life-Forms
  4. Phospholipids, Cell Membranes and Protection Mechanisms in Living Cells
  5. The Study of Cell Biology and Its Role in Understanding Genetics
  6. Analyzing the Different and Symbiotic Roles of DNA and RNA in Cell Genetics
  7. The Roles of Nucleic Acid in Managing Growth and Reproduction in Living Cells
  8. Discussing the Functions of Organelles in Cells and Their Correlation to Nucleic Acids
  9. Analyzing the Different Organelles in Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells through Their Functions
  10. Defining and Differentiates Cells: A Study of the Role of Genetic Materials
  11. Analyzing the Different Features of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
  12. Snacking on Sunlight: Discussing the Role of Sunlight as an Energy Source for Cells
  13. Analyzing the Molecular Energy Sources for Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
  14. Eukaryotic Cells and Their Major Pathways to Creating Usable Energy
  15. An Analysis of Prokaryotic Cells and Their Pathways to Creating Energy
  16. Understanding Cell Biology, Energy Conservation and Molecular Energy Reserves
  17. Energy Reserve and the Role It Plays in Sustaining Cellular Life-forms
  18. Analyzing the Varying Life Spans of Cells and what Drives These Variations
  19. Understanding Apoptosis and the Sequences Cells Employ in Self-destructing
  20. The Importance of Apoptosis in Growth and Studying the Impact of Defective Cells

Now, we have the topics to set the pace in writing your research project. But this isn’t the only help we plan on providing you with. In the preceding paragraphs, a topic, chosen from this list, will be writing on using research format to help you structure and draft your own research paper with ease. So stay tuned.

Sample Essay on Analyzing the Basics of Cellular Structures and Features

Understanding the basics of cell structure and how they go about ensuring cell functions as the basic unit of life is a piece of knowledge that can be applied efficiently in this field of science. This research paper focuses on analyzing these basic structures and outlining their overall importance to all life-forms.

A cell is the basic unit of life and represents the smallest living organism with the ability to function as a life form. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of this very unit of life has revolutionized medicine and still can take research and development in health care to greater heights.

All cells are fully equipped with the ability to eat, grow, protect itself and reproduce. These capabilities are made possible through the integration of the certain structures in the smallest of nature’s organisms. To fully understand how they go about these functions, it is imperative that a close look at the structure of a sail is analyzed and understood from scratch. Therefore, my research will be focused on how cell forms eat, grow and protect their internal environment.

For an organism to grow, it must have a steady source of replenishments to secure the energy needed for growth. In cells, this energy source comes from two primary elements: the sun and a molecular sugar or fat. The nucleus, serving as the major operating system, contains multiple organelles to drive its functions. The organelle used for managing energy is the mitochondria. This organelle receives information from the nucleus via ribonucleic acid (RNA), which initiates its need to acquire and refine energy from the sun. After that, a process similar to photosynthesis ensures that the energy is broken down into manageable parts for cells to consume. Then it provides the entire organism with the needed energy to grow and protect itself.

As a unit of life, it is important for cells to protect their internal environment from intrusive external sources and it does it using membranes. Cell membranes are initially created from a framework of fat based acids commonly known as—phospholipids. These membranes are built to do a lot of protective and even digestive work. Cell membranes protect hydrophilic substances, both residing inside the cell or from external sources, from leaving or entering the cells internal space. These hydrophilic substances naturally gravitate towards water sources, and letting that process occur without restraint harms a cell’s structure.

The genetic structure or codes of cellular organisms also play an important part in keeping the entire structure in synch. That is because they send messages to other structures of the cell—mitochondria, chromosomes, etc.—on how to behave or function. Cells do this through the symbiotic relationship between DNA and RNA. Basically, DNA produces the information needed by each structure to work, while the RNA helps transport and transcribe the provided information for the entire organism. These basic maneuvers ensure that single cells, cells in animals and plants function in a healthy manner.

Here we come to the end of his article covering topics you can exploit when writing about cell biology. For further reading, the following articles come highly recommended as they complement the information contained here: 10 facts for a research paper on cell biology and how to write a good research project on cell biology.


Toward a New Synthesis? DNA and Cell Biology—Comparative and Controversial. (2007). DNA and Cell Biology, 26(10), pp.697-698.
Miller, K. (2010). Finding the Key – Cell Biology and Science Education. Trends in Cell Biology, 20(12), pp.691-694.
Salvatore, F., Cariati, F. and Tomaiuolo, R. (2015). Facts, Challenges, Difficulties and Hopes in Single-Cell Biology: Physiopathological Studies. Single Cell Biology, 04(03).
Khodjakov, A. and Rieder, C. (2009). The Nature of Cell-cycle Checkpoints: Facts and Fallacies. Journal of Biology, 8(10), p.88.
Hozé, N. and Holcman, D. (2016). Statistical Methods for Large Ensembles of Super-Resolution Stochastic Single Particle Trajectories in Cell Biology. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 4(1).
Pappas, G. and Brandt, P. (1959). Mitochondria: I. Fine Structure of the Complex Patterns in the Mitochondria of Pelomyxa carolinensis Wilson (Chaos chaos L.). The Journal of Cell Biology, 6(1), pp.85-90.
Lipid Oxidation and Signalling in Programmed Cell Death. (2003). Molecular Membrane Biology, 20(1), pp.93-94.

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