10 Facts to Support Research Paper on Social Media With

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Facts about Research Paper on Social Media

When students have to write an academic paper on social media, they need to support it with trustworthy facts. Students don’t only require research paper topics on social media, they also must find reliable sources which can supply them with proper evidence. The article gives examples of good facts which a student can use in the research.

10 Facts One Can Safely Use in the Academic Paper

We have chosen 10 interesting and useful facts to use in the research paper on social media.

  1. The statistic says that the most active social media users are people aged between 18 and 29 (almost 88%). Then, people aged from 30 to 49 create 78% of active users. 64% of people who are 50-64 years old join social networks. Only 37% of senior people (over 65) use social media websites.
  2. More and more people become dependent on social media sites. American psychologists have introduced the notion “Facebook Addiction Disorder” in 2012. They found out that symptoms of the Internet dependency resemble those caused by drugs. If people have no opportunity to use social networks, they will suffer depression because they have to go back to the regular way of life. Some people feel anxious, have nightmares, and fear because of the inability to check the news and get likes.
  3. The first social website was Classmates.com. It was founded in 1995, and it didn’t have rivals till 2005. Its aim was to help people find their classmates, friends from kindergarten, college, and high school. Soon, the content changed; video, music files, pictures, and posts began to spread and attract a great number of people. Classmates.com gave a start to Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, and many other social networks.
  4.  Mark Zuckerberg together with college friends invented Facebook for students of Harvard College. Then they allowed students from other institutions to join them. It used to be a platform where students exchanged their experience and learned some details of students’ lives. Eventually, it attracted users from all over the globe. This social website lets people meet new friends, find their second halves, study, learn the news, watch videos, communicate, share information, earn money, volunteer, help others through charity programs, and do other activities. Today, there are more than 950 million active users on Facebook.
  5. Today, Britishers can do selfie using the special mirror at London boutiques. The mirror has a hidden camera and a person can take a photo when doing shopping. Then one can send photos via Twitter and ask friends to look at them and say what items suit best. In addition, a person can take some pictures to have a chance to compare and choose clothes on their own.
  6. Many companies launch “AntiFacebook” campaigns. For example, there was «Whopper Sacrifice» provided by Burger King. The restaurant promised to give a free burger to people who would delete ten friends on Facebook. The motto was “Friendship is strong, but the whooper is stronger!” and it worked. More than 55,000 Facebook users got their free whoppers.
  7. A great number of sociologists and psychologists consider social networking to be very dangerous to the youth. European and American parents are afraid of social websites because of a high risk of pedophilia, nationalism, cyberbullying, and addiction. Russian users are afraid of spams and that their personal data is not well-protected.
  8. «Twichhiking» is a program that helps people travel. Paul Smith decided to travel around the world with empty pockets. People from all over the globe helped him to reach his goal. He managed to do that with the help of Twitter users who followed him.
  9. Élite have their social networks. Though, it’s not easy to get there. For example, Qube is very popular among businessmen. Rich people exchange yachts, villas, planes, and other things on Squa.re.  Fortunately, people don’t need recommendations to register on Beautifulpeople. The main issue is to be beautiful. A potential candidate sends a photo, and if he or she is enough beautiful, BeautifulPeople accepts him/her.
  10. Susie, the user on YouTube from Netherland, published the video where she had tattooed 152 Facebook friends on her right arm. Then people started making MySpace tattoos, and it became a fashion.

Presenting Facts Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

A student should be attentive when dealing with academic papers. There are too many requirements, and that’s not easy to follow them. Still, a student should learn all of them. As a rule, a paper should contain zero mistakes and plagiarism, correspond to the chosen style, consist of three main parts (an introduction, a body, and a conclusion), and have the required number of words and pages. In case there is some additional material (video, music, pictures, etc.), students should present them in the appropriate format (MP3, JPEG, Microsoft Office, etc.). That’s why a person should pay attention to details to become successful and get their A+.


  1. A. Summers (2011). Facebook Addiction Disorder — the 6 Symptoms of F.A.D. https://www.adweek.com/digital/facebook-addiction-disorder-the-6-symptoms-of-f-a-d/
  2. N. Kapoor (2018). 8 Fascinating Facts of Social Media Usage in 2018. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/8-fascinating-facts-of-social-media-usage-in-2018-infographic/529882/
  3. Wikipedia. Classmates.com. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classmates.com
  4. Wikipedia. Facebook. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook
  5. L. Caruso. What IS a Tweet Mirror? http://stylecaster.com/what-is-tweet-mirror/
  6. J. Wortham (2009). ‘Whopper Sacrifice’ De-Friended on Facebook. https://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/15/whopper-sacrifice-de-friended-on-facebook/
  7. The Guardian (2009). Twitchhiker Meets The Guardian. https://twitchhiker.wordpress.com/2009/02/04/twitchhiker-meets-the-guardian/
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