Writer’s Manual for Research Paper on Child Development

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Writing a research paper is not as daunting as some people like to believe. If you have the required information, you can create a compelling paper in no time. And to be able to do so, you need to learn the methods and techniques that outline an exemplary research paper.

However, knowing how a research paper is written alone is not really that beneficial. To compose a perfect research paper on child development, you have to read our previous two guides i.e. 10 facts for a research paper on child development and 20 child development research paper topics. These two guidelines will play a vital role in allowing you to write quickly and effectively – leaving you worry free at the time of need.

Composing an Attractive Title

A title is what really attracts your audience to read your research paper. It is the first thing they will notice about it. You should compose a persuasive title by providing insights to what the reader is going to find inside the paper. You should also try to indicate the variables, both independent and dependent ones.

Writing the Abstract

The abstract, in general terms, is a brief summary of your content in your research paper. It contains your research question, hypothesis (if there is any) and the discoveries along with the studies you have done on that particular topic.

You can also discuss the resources and samples that you’ll use in your paper.

Composing the Introduction of Your Paper

Introduction is one of the most important paragraphs of your research paper. If your title is attractive, but your introduction isn’t convincing, the reader would not want to read further. To compel the reader to read further, you have to speak clearly. Tell your readers about the problem you’ll be discussing. Describe the research that you did on the problem or topic and sprinkle some information on sources and evidence that support your research and point of view. Concluding everything very briefly would allow the reader to know what’s coming in the next paragraphs and he’ll be interested to read it further.

To refine the introduction even further, you have to define issues and problems that would later lead to you research. Explain the variables (independent and dependent) of your research/experiment. Define why you were eager to study this phenomenon in the first place and add some little personal touch to it while describing it.

You can also include the hypothesis right after that. Plus, you can define some significant concepts that will be mentioned in your paper but it’s considered optional. Finally, don’t forget to conclude your introduction with a clear and concise delimitation focus.

Writing the Body of Your Research Paper

Once you have gone through the beginning, it’s time that you start working on the main body of your paper. These paragraphs should be properly organized and must be full of information. Each paragraph should only talk about a particular research that you have done with proper source.

Concluding the Paper with Documentation

Documenting the sources in your research paper is necessary because it clarifies that your research is original and authentic and it is not a copied version of the sources you used. It also helps the reader know that you have a good understanding of the topic that you have chosen to research on. And of course, if you forget to include the documentation then your research may be suspected as plagiarized content.

Don’t forget to include the bibliography of the sources that you have use. It’s a must to let readers know that your research is authentic and has been borrowed from some credible sources. In other words, it helps define your research as an unbiased version of your opinion, based mostly on facts and nothing else.

That’s about it!

Once you have concluded the paper. It’s time to take a break. Once reenergized, go through your paper and correct mistakes to have a perfect output.

Remove parts that might seem a bit excessive, add information that would make your paper better. Don’t forget to look for outline mistakes and grammatical errors and consider revising again. The more you revise, the better your research paper would become.

Now you’re reading to write an exemplary research paper on child development. Be sure to read our first and second guide as well, if you haven’t already. Happy writing!

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