How to Write a Reaction Paper on Social Stratification

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If you are tasked with writing a reaction paper on social stratification, there are 7 points to keep in mind. Following all seven will ensure you can complete the task with relative ease.

Narrowing the Goal

The structure you use for a reaction paper on social stratification is really based first and foremost on the type of writing you are doing. You want to be on the lookout for what type of work required of you. You might be required to do a more creative piece, or you might be required to craft something more research based. In any case, the purpose or intent to your work will influence the structure you use.


Look over the assignment details and instructions for any new information, terms that define the structure, limiting terms, or specifying terms for your reaction paper on social stratification. Following all of these are paramount to your overall success.

Listing the Needed

You need to create a list of the things you know about the subject and what you want to know still. This will help lead the way for your research efforts.

Strength of Research

You want to make sure your research is thorough and comprehensive, using only top notch sources for your work.

Organization Check

You want to double check the organization. Organization for this type of assignment is key. That means you want to be certain that the organization of your body paragraphs is on point. The only real way to verify this is to check which order works best for your purpose using an outline. In some cases, chronological order is actually best suited to your needs but in other cases, you might be better off presenting your data in order from strongest to weakest argument or from weakest to strongest argument. You need to present your reader with an adequate background to your subject. Whatever subject you choose, you need to conduct a literature review to showcase where you’re coming from, what work other people have completed on this topic, and what you are going to add to their work. You want to really put everything into perspective for your reader from the very beginning.


You also want to consider the format required of you. You may need to physically move things around or alter the presentation of your final work once it is done contingent upon the type of format required of you. If, for example, your teacher requires you to follow APA format, then you will need to include the appropriate headings and subheadings as well as the appropriately laid out title page whereas MLA format requires no title page.

Asking the Questions

If you have any questions about writing a reaction paper on social stratification, always ask your teacher as soon as possible. The sooner you reach out for clarification, the more time you afford yourself to get things done properly without running the risk of having to go back and start things over after you are midway through.

This guide should make your life easier at least a bit. To back it up we’ve also gotten you our 12 facts and 20 topics on the subject of social stratification for reaction paper writing, enjoy!

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