How to Write a Master’s Research Paper

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Writing an essay for a Master’s research project is very structured. As a student, it helps to know the guidelines of your institution on how to write a good Master’s research paper. Prepare! What is the nature and purpose of your research? The first tip is to create an outline; this can always be revised but will serve you well as a map to success. Your paper should start with an introduction to your research study, a statement of the problem. The introduction should include the background and significance of the study. Include the scope and limitations of the study so your reader will have this in mind as they review your work.

Next, you will need to have a hypothesis and assumptions. A hypothesis is an estimated prediction or forecast, which has to be proven. Your assumptions will be based on observations and experience and should be related to the problem. However, with assumptions, you won’t need to prove them. Assumptions are just used to guide the reader through your work. You should next include a theoretical framework, this is related literature and studies that you undertook to prove your hypothesis and form the assumptions. Although many written works include a dictionary or glossary at the end of the piece, your next step in the research paper is to include a section on definition of terms and any variables that are used or related to your research.

Since this is a research paper, you will document your research design and methods. Methods can be descriptive, experimental, or historical. You should have samples and show your sampling techniques. In a research, you typically need an instrument to find the samples usually it’s a questionnaire. You might even interview people, formally – informally, directive style, or very focused. You should be sure to include your observations and prove how reliable or valid your instrument was to your research.

Finally, you write your presentation, analysis, and interpretation of your collected data. Did your hypothesis prove out correctly? If not, why? All results and discussions can be included in this section. To close up your research paper, you should have a summary, conclusion, and recommendations to anyone wishing to further your research. Don’t forget to include appendices as required by your institution or instructor.

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