Typical Mistakes in Speech Writing

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The most typical mistakes in speech writing include writing long sentences, using words that are not spoken well, and underestimating the amount of time needed to present the information. The first of the typical mistakes in speech writing comes from the habit that develops during college to combine a great deal of information into little spaces – often creating long sentences attached to one-another through the words “however,” “in addition,” or “therefore.” The best thing to do is check your paper and remove all of those words, and remove the word “and” and make a second sentence out of the information that those words were connecting.

The second of the typical mistakes in speech writing involves use of words that are not spoken well. While writing, read aloud the words you are using and make certain you are comfortable with speaking the words. There are a number of words that students are used to writing but are uncomfortable using in spoken conversation. Your speech (either it is informative or persuasive) should not have many difficult to pronounce words or words that will be awkward when you say them.

Finally, another of the typical mistakes in speech writing is writing more than you have time to say or writing less than the time allotted. The best approach is to read your speech and time yourself, try to keep a steady pace but remember that many people will speak at a different pace in front of an audience than they do when reading to themselves. You may find that reading to a small audience will give you enough experience with the content to ensure that you have exactly the amount of words you need for your timeframe.

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