On becoming a student, each one gets a sense of freedom and adolescence. This kind of feeling is rather tempting, as young people realize they are grown up enough to take serious steps and nothing can stop them. Exactly at this period of time students buy their first cars – and that seems to be exciting and unforgettable! However, there are some useful tips and it’s better to know about them to make this investment successful.
See them below:
- The moment you make up your mind to buy a car – it’s a good idea to talk it over with your family and other close people – they might support your decision and give you practical recommendations about where and what model of car to buy, etc. Making your choice in favor of a business class car or a sports car will restrict your search in the needed direction.
- Surfing the Internet and analyzing the feedback of other customers can confirm or disapprove the ideas you have already.
- It’s worth keeping in mind that cars need constant investment – buying a car is just a starting point. The thing is the moment you start using it, the car may need additional investment for its repair and improving the way it functions. Thus, the price you pay when buying a car is not the final sum to spend.
- The next important thing is the insurance you are to buy. In case you’re lacking the necessary sum to buy the insurance policy, look for an insurance company that will be able to offer you a discount or even a ‘driving credit’ especially designed for students. Keep in mind that your grades may influence the decision of the company manager (Harrison, 2011)!
- Do not exceed the limit of the sum of money you have planned to spend for this purchase. Try to resist the temptation to get all the modern updating to the car you choose (Harrison, 2011).
- Later you surely will be able to buy a better designed model, equipped with all the latest functions and being perfectly tuned. So everything comes with time, and there’s no need to increase the number of possible debts. Just get exactly the same car your mature distant relative has!
- When buying a car, make sure you feel comfortable with the salesperson. Dealing with a person you feel at ease with may influence making the right choice. In case you feel the slightest tension when communicating with the person selling you a car, ask to speak to another representative of the sales department or the manager. In terms of making important decisions, you must not undergo any kind of pressure and be forced to buy the thing you don’t want to buy. Besides, a good salesperson is likely to give you practical advice on what model of car is better to buy (Harrison, 2011). Apart from it, mutual understanding with the sales person can encourage you to negotiate and reduce the price for the car of your dreams! Feel free to ask for a discount – you risk nothing, but may benefit a lot!
- Study the contract carefully before signing it – it is a necessary part of your business deal. Having the smallest detail that seems unclear to you, pepper the manager with questions. It’s better to ask a couple of extra questions to be on the safe side than to regret afterwards.
- Mind the advantage of using gas guzzling when driving long distances –using gas instead of petrol can save you a real fortune!
- And finally, on having bought the car, mind your personal safety and take care while driving (Embly, 2010)!
Buying a car is a truly unforgettable moment in life, make it even brighter by taking care and providing full preparation for your purchase!
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