Socializing Agents Essay Sample

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Paper Instructions

Academic level – Undergraduate 1-2
Type of paper – Essay
Topic Title – Socializing agents

Write a 2-page essay discussing what contributed to your socialization.
What was an important socializing agent in your life? Family (school and friends)

Was there a particular person who was more important than the others to your process of becoming a social being? My mother had a strong influence of who I am today. She guided me.

What stands out in your mind about your socialization? media/technology, commercial advertising, and violence we’re NOT a part of my socialization – I did not grow up watching any TV


Socialization is a lifelong process influenced by agents like family, school, peers, media, advertising, and violence. The family is one of the most important elements during individuals’ early development, as it shapes vales and beliefs. Reflecting on my childhood years, I am confident that not only my mother’s guidance but also the lack of exposure to media and violence significantly influenced my social development.

My family has had an impact on the development of my thoughts and values for as long as I can remember. Parents are the house’s most visible socializing agent, a position that substantially affects their children’s mental, emotional, and behavioral involvement (Wang et al., 2020). They established the values of gratitude, compassion, and integrity, which became the basis for my ethical behavior. What is more, my parents set a positive example through their actions and interactions, and I am grateful to them for this effort. Being able to provide me with advice and unwavering support, they helped me deal with ongoing challenges and instilled a deep sense of security.

My mother was an important character in my socialization process within the context of my family. She was not only a compassionate and caring person but also an experienced teacher who taught me vital life lessons. Since most kids’ social contact happens in connection with their parents in early childhood, these interactions may be highly influential (Krauss et al., 2019). Her emphasis on empathy and compassion for others led me to value variety and open-mindedness. Through her actions, I learned the importance of actively listening to others and embracing different perspectives.

The school environment – another critical socializing agent – also contributed to my socialization, allowing me to engage with individuals from different backgrounds. Since the majority of teens are interested in fitting in with their classmates, the cultural values of their peers become an essential element of their identity and sense of self (Wang et al., 2020). Such exposure enlarged my worldview and instilled a sense of community in me. Eventually, teachers played a remarkable role in forming my viewpoints and fostering critical thinking as prominent people in the educational context.

Another important issue influencing my development was the lack of exposure to media/technology, commercial advertising, and violence. My parents limited my screen time to promote healthy development, prioritizing reading and outdoor activities. Since families are entrenched within wider structural settings, these diverse contexts can, directly and indirectly, impact participation through parents’ attitudes and expectations for their children’s success and involvement in their education (Wang et al., 2020). As a result, I developed a great love of books and a profound admiration for nature, which improved my creativity and imagination.

When I reflect on my socialization, the sense of safety and unconditional affection my family provided stands out the most. Orth’s recent longitudinal study even revealed that the early childhood home environment has a long-term, and probably persistent, influence on self-esteem that may be seen in adulthood (Krauss et al., 2019). All of this gave me a strong feeling of self-worth and confidence, which enabled me to build meaningful relationships with people. While there were hurdles and periods of doubt, my family’s love and direction and the absence of bad media influences helped me grow into a socially aware and sensitive individual.

My family, especially my mother, played a critical role in my socialization journey, shaping my beliefs and behaviors. The supportive school environment and the deliberate absence of negative media effects contributed significantly to my social development. Understanding these influential agents helps me appreciate the diverse experiences that have shaped my social being.

Krauss, S., Orth, U., & Robins, R. W. (2019). Family environment and self-esteem development: A longitudinal study from age 10 to 16. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(2), 457–478.

Wang, M.-T., Henry, D. A., & Degol, J. L. (2020). A development-in-sociocultural-context perspective on the multiple pathways to youth’s engagement in learning. Advances in Motivation Science, 113–160.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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