Essay Sample on Scholarships in the Community Services

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To become involved in community service, an individual should first acquire the kind of education that will provide the skills needed in carrying out a community service. Given that community service is a wide field, it is important that when seeking an education, one should specialize in the field of community service in which one plans to work. The field of community service that I am interested in is helping individuals to develop parenting skills.

Parenting can be very rewarding; it can also be very frustrating if one is not prepared to have children. There is very little training that is offered to expectant mothers and fathers, and very few people seek training before deciding to become parents. This has resulted in a situation where parenting skills are taken for granted. By providing parenting education through community service, perhaps I will be able to offer parents and those who intend to become parents, the kind of knowledge that will enable them to carry out their parental roles in a positive, nurturing manner.
One of the areas of parenting that I am especially interested in is infant care. Infant care begins with good prenatal care. Expectant mothers and those planning to become pregnant could attend classes on good eating habits, appropriate exercise, and the importance of doctor care and prenatal vitamins. I could develop a number of pamphlets on these topics, start a blog for those who have access to the Internet, and establish a phone helpline. I could also develop a website with a list of online resources, including addresses and telephone numbers. This information would be included in the pamphlets, as well. Furthermore, I could invite obstetricians to discuss with groups of expectant mothers what to expect during the trimesters of their pregnancies, as well as during birth. Furthermore, I could develop parenting classes for parents of children in certain age groups, like babies, toddlers, preschoolers, etc.

The topics related to parenting are endless. Throughout my career in serving parents, I would continuously take courses, read studies, attend workshops, and develop both materials and instructional workshops for mothers, dads, as well as different kinds of family structures. Subjects would be wide-range, including how to establish at-home routines for doing homework, eating a healthy dinner, bath-time, and bedtime. Topics for older children could also be developed, such as dealing with sibling rivalry, determining when a child is old enough to complete household chores and what kinds of chores are appropriate at what age. Topics could also include the blending of two families into one when a parent marries someone. Overall, I am excited at the opportunity of serving a community by helping it be stronger through strengthening the family unit.

Tips for writing:
Since this is a scholarship essay for community service, the reader expects the writer to provide reasons why the reader should grant the writer a scholarship in community service. These reasons should include the field of community service that one is interested in and also an explanation of what one plans to do with the knowledge acquired from the institution once the applicant is granted the scholarship and then graduates from the college. In this case, the writers’ choice with regards to community service is providing support to expectant and existing parents in having healthy babies and raising well-adjusted children.

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