Research Paper on Skateboarding

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Life is full of adventures and surprises. Being able to find out what you do best is very exciting. Many people have jobs they hate, while some people live the lives of their dreams. As for skateboarding, this “extreme sport” started in the 1950s as an opportunity for all surfers to enjoy their activity in everyday life as well. For decades, this activity that started on the American west coast became a popular avenue that served for those willing to explore various leisure and play occupations. Even today, it is still a very popular activity that will keep its active status in the foreseeable future as well.

Skateboarding is very challenging, and a lot of people consider challenges an integral part of their lives. Whether it’s learning a new trick or doing a trick over an obstacle, it’s all about challenging you. Trying to learn new tricks is not easy, but in the end, it is always rewarding. Landing new tricks is the most fun. However, it takes lots of patience and work. After landing tricks, or just skating around, you start making new friends as well. A lot of people notice you if you land a big trick, and then you start drawing the attention. Even if you don’t skate big obstacles, you still make friends. Every time people go skating, they prepare themselves for the new challenges, tricks, and friends to meet because skateboarding is not just one of physical activates – it is a lifestyle.

Skating alone is very hard. For that reason, making friends helps a lot. Making friends is necessary, and it is very easy. Everybody is pretty much friends with everybody. Age doesn’t matter, because we all have one thing in common – skateboarding! No one has to be the same age to have fun with someone else doing the same thing. You might have friends that are 7 years old to 30 years old, and all of them are equally important in the process. However, sometimes the older skaters can drive you around to other skate spots, but that still does not make anybody more valuable. You can just film somebody else, help somebody else, or applause for someone when they land a trick and a friend is made. In other words, skateboarding brings a lot of people together.

Despite the fact that researchers have provided only scarce evidence, all the data available today prove that skate parks all over the globe provide great opportunities to experience success in a supportive and safe environment. To add more, the presence of the skateboard outlet is, for instance, perceived to increase the number of healthy leisure opportunities, as well as provide a safe setting for people who tend to have the same common interest. Taking into account everything mentioned above, it can be concluded that skateboarding has become more than just another individual sport. Instead, it turned into a social activity with a defined, world-famous culture.

Many people find just riding around on your skateboard fun. However, learning to do some tricks is a lot more fun. That is exactly what skateboarders do every day when they go skating. This makes skating so much more fun. Learning new tricks can be hard, but in the end, it’s very much worth it. When you first start skateboarding, you learn an ollie, which is the very first trick you learn because it is the most basic and is used to learn every other trick. From there, you would just watch skateboard videos and try to learn from the pros. Until you can finally do a trick, you will try to figure out how people do it. That’s the tough part. However, when you finally find out how it is done, you will become excited and try to land it for hours yourself. Whenever you land the trick, you’ll become very proud of yourself and practice the trick more. When you land a trick you have never done before, it forces you to want to learn more. After you learn a trick, you can show it to your friends and show off, if you wanted to. It’s just so much fun to learn new tricks! New tricks can be made up, or you can just learn tricks that have already been made. Skateboarding has endless possibilities of tricks to be made. There are just so many variations of one trick. Sometimes you can mix two or more tricks together, and you just go crazy with it. When you learn new tricks, you can bring them all to the new obstacles that make skateboarding even more fun.

While learning new tricks, of course, there are harder ones and easy ones. That is what makes skateboarding challenging. Once you learn a trick, you usually will take it up a notch and try it down a bigger stair set, or try a bigger handrail. When you have friends around, it helps to get you pumped up. Nonetheless, sometimes you can get nervous if too many people are around because you don’t want to fall and embarrass yourself. However, falling and getting a little embarrassed from time to time is an integral part of skateboarding.

Skateboarders love trying new tricks on new obstacles, because when you land it, it feels like you are the best, and you can learn anything. The challenge makes it harder. Moreover, it also makes it more worth trying when you land it. If there was no challenge, then it would get boring. For instance, once you learn a “kickflip,” you will be happy that you can land it on the flat ground. Later on, it will get boring and too easy as well. As a result, you will try it down with, perhaps, 4 stairs. That makes it harder because you have to catch the trick in midair and keep it underneath your feet. When you land, the impact is much greater. Furthermore, you will need more balance when you land, and you have to be ready to absorb the impact. Just picking yourself up and trying to land the trick over and over makes you want to land it more and when you do, the feeling is indescribable.

Anything is possible in skateboarding. Many reps of the skateboarding subculture always keep these words in their minds, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” The simple phrase helps them realize that they can overcome any challenge that is blocking their way. Trying to become the best of your ability is the most fun, yet it is also the hardest challenge there is. Just being able to keep making skateboarding harder and giving yourself a challenge once in a while is fun.

A lot of professional skateboarders admit that discovering skateboarding was the best thing that has ever happened to them. They started skateboarding because they loved it, and that’s how they progress, loving what they’re doing. The days that they don’t skate they’re preparing themselves for the effort it takes to pick themselves up and try a trick over and over again till they land it.
Unlike any other traditional youth sport, skateboarding doesn’t rely on any sort of competition. Nonetheless, it is perceived to provide the reps of this subculture with a great avenue for fun, leisure, physical activity, and personal development, as a result.

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