Wondering How to Write a Reflection Paper in Philosophy: Get The Full Guide to Do It Easy

Writing guide
Posted on October 8, 2024

When it comes to academic assignments in philosophy, most students are desperate. When tasked with a philosophy assignment, writing reflection paper can be an enriching experience that allows you to explore your thoughts and delve deep into the subject matter. Someone does not like philosophy, and someone just does not understand the essence of the task. If you recognize yourself in these lines, then our guide is vital for you. If you familiarize yourself with our recommendations and follow them, then you will no longer worry when you need to do such a task. So let’s get started!

Let’s Start with What Is a Reflection Paper in Philosophy and Its Main Aim

The complexity of this task is that this is not a paper where you provide only the views of eminent philosophers. This is a kind of task where, in addition to scientific research, it is necessary to reflect your thoughts and observations on a specific topic. Reflective writing requires you to articulate your personal insights and reactions, making it distinct from a traditional philosophy essay sample.

But since this is a reflection paper in philosophy, there should not be the phrases ‘I don’t like XYZ’ or ’It seems to me that XYZ is not a correct judgment.’ There shouldn’t be any common phrases! Your reader should know your opinion. The purpose of reflection papers is to encourage critical thinking and personal growth through self-exploration. Nevertheless, it should not be taken from the air, but reinforced by arguments and not be emotional.
The purpose of such an assignment is to test your skill to analyze, evaluate and reflect your own opinion which is reasoned. Also, this task will reflect your personal experience in the framework of philosophy. As you embark on your philosophical journey, remember the importance of introspection – write a reflection that delves deep into your thoughts and experiences.

Do not worry, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. With the help of this guide, you can do this task correctly and simply.

Choose The Right Topic

As you know, a good beginning makes a good ending. This phrase perfectly emphasizes the importance of choosing the right topic. If your professor gave you the freedom to choose a topic for your paper, then you need to take this issue very seriously.

Do not choose the first topic that comes across. Think about whether you are interested in completing a task in this direction. Is this topic clear to you or not?
To make the process of completing an academic assignment fascinating, then give preference to those topics that are close to you. When choosing a topic for your reflection paper, it’s crucial to consider what truly resonates with you.
If you do not know which topic to choose, then below we have selected several options that may interest you. Perhaps they will help you choose the right direction and help formulate your own.

  • Relation of Religion and Science

This topic delves into the complicated and sometimes controversial connection between religion and science. It investigates how religious beliefs and scientific findings interact and how people and society reconcile or confront apparent tensions between them. Exploring this topic can help you better grasp the nature of belief, the limits of knowledge, and the influence of scientific advances on religious worldviews.

  • The Empirical Type of Thinking Is Hegelian

This topic goes into the philosophical ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, specifically his concept of empirical reasoning. It investigates how empirical thinking, which depends on observation and experience to obtain knowledge, fits within Hegel’s larger philosophical framework. This issue examines the nature of human cognition, the link between thinking and reality, and the role of experience in molding our view of the world.

  • Medieval Philosophy and Its Problems

This topic concentrates on the rich philosophical traditions of the medieval period, which encompass the writings of notable philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas, Anselm of Canterbury, and Avicenna. Exploring medieval philosophy provides for an analysis of different intellectual issues faced during that time period, such as the integration of religion and reason, the nature of God, the problem of universals, and the compatibility of Aristotelian thinking with religious ideas.

  • The Specifics of the Philosophical Understanding of the World

This topic encourages an examination of how philosophers view and understand their surroundings. It investigates the many philosophical frameworks and approaches used to comprehend reality, whether via metaphysical, epistemological, or ontological perspectives. Exploring this issue can yield answers to basic concerns about existence, knowledge, and the nature of reality itself.

  • The Ideas of Social Philosophy in the Renaissance

This issue focuses on the philosophical concepts that evolved during the Renaissance period, a time of enormous intellectual and cultural development. It investigates how Renaissance intellectuals contributed to the formation of social philosophy, including ideas on politics, ethics, human nature, and the ideal society. Exploring this topic offers a better knowledge of the historical environment in which these concepts were developed and their long-term effect on current philosophical thought.

  • The Problem of the Unity of the World in the History of Philosophy

This topic addresses the age-old philosophical dilemma of whether the world is ultimately united or fragmented. It explores many philosophical viewpoints on the unity or disunity of reality, including discussions on monism, dualism, and pluralism. In addition, this topic provides possibilities to dive into the notions of material, mind-body connection, and the nature of reality itself.

  • The Problem of Truth in the History of Philosophy

This topic examines the enigmatic idea of truth and its varied interpretations in various philosophical systems. It explores how philosophers have approached the problem of defining truth, the nature of truth-bearing propositions, and the criteria for separating truth from untruth. Investigating this problem leads to debates on skepticism, relativism, correspondence theory, coherence theory, and the nature of knowing.

You Have to Use Our Pre-Writing Tips

There are basic recommendations that you should definitely follow. Thus, you will be able to organize your work properly. Since writing a reflection paper on philosophy is not an easy task, properly organized work is half the success. Let’s look at key recommendations.

Stock up on time

Quality will also depend on how much time you devote to writing an academic paper. Students tend to leave everything at the last moment, but in order not to panic and get a good mark, you will need to stock up on time. Think for yourself that it will take you a while to get a good look at the sources for your work. After that, it will take time to digest the information and compose your own opinion. This takes at least one day.

Well, after that you will need time to write the work itself. And the time to proofread it. As you know, this can take a whole day too.

It will be ideal if you devote at least two to three days to complete this task. If you can allow more, then, in this case, the work on this task will seem to you very simple.

Choose a topic

If your professor gave you the freedom to choose a topic, then you are very lucky. For this individual reflection paper about philosophy, you are required to write a reflection on a specific topic. Since you can save time on your task if you select the topic that you know well. If not, then you should give preference to what interests you. Thus, the process of completing the task does not seem laborious and boring. If you get to a point with a theme, then the task will seem simple to you, and time will fly by.

Learn the theme and pick quality sources

To write a task you need to clearly understand what your topic is about. You should not sit down for writing if you are still do not understand a subject completely. So you just spend time in vain and can not write anything.

Therefore, it is important to find relevant and quality sources that will help you understand your topic. If the topic allows you to use more than one specific source, then you are very lucky. It is better that you use at least two sources and get acquainted with modern works in your direction. Since you must complete a reflection paper, be careful with the work of other authors. You should not use other people’s thoughts if you cannot support them with arguments. You can use such works only for a deeper understanding of the topic and consideration of different opinions in order to come to your own.

State your opinion

Since the main element in the work will be your personal opinion, then you need to come to it before you proceed to write the assignment. Once you study the information, then you must decide your attitude regarding the topic. And since you will need to reinforce your opinion with arguments, it makes sense to write all this in advance. Therefore, arrange to brainstorm and write down the main ideas as a plan. After that, write down the arguments that will justify the origin of this point of view.
Please note: If you make this plan, then consider that you have completed the main goal of the assignment. You will only have the simplest part of the work, namely the correct execution of the task. So it makes sense not to miss this recommendation and to work hard on this item. Next, you will learn how to properly approach the presentation of your opinions and arguments in a written work.

Ways to State Your Opinion for Reflection Paper

The Structure of a Reflection Paper in Philosophy

The purpose of such a task is to check how you are able to observe, ask questions and provide answers to them, evaluate and apply your own experience in the context of a particular academic subject. Before you start writing a reflection paper, it’s essential to create a reflection paper outline that will guide your thoughts and ensure a well-structured essay. That is why it is important that you follow the above recommendation to draw up a plan of your opinion and personal reasoning. As mentioned earlier, then it will be easier for you to write the whole task.

As for the structure of your paper, the skeleton will resemble an essay. When writing a reflective essay, it’s crucial to adhere to the reflection paper format and include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Nevertheless, the structure will be otherwise different. Let’s look at each part.


In this part, you should be concise and you can use a reflective question. Remember that the text should reflect your personal opinion, but not be emotional. Since this is an academic work on philosophy and not a familiar essay.

Your thesis should be here, but you should not start your work with it. That is, your thesis should not be in the first sentence. As for the thesis, you need to contain the central statement in one sentence. It should be understandable and informative, and not general and vague.

Valuable Tips for the Introduction:

  • Start with a Thought-Provoking Question. If you are unsure about how to begin your reflection introduction, consider using a thought-provoking question that relates to the core theme of your paper. Craft a question that challenges conventional thinking or encourages readers to reexamine their beliefs about your philosophical topic. This will immediately engage readers and motivate them to delve further into your paper.
  • Be Clear and Concise. Keep your introduction succinct and to the point. Avoid using excessive jargon or complex language that may alienate readers. A clear and straightforward introduction will ensure your ideas are accessible to a broader audience.
  • Introduce Your Thesis. While your thesis statement should be in the introduction, avoid placing it in the first sentence. Instead, gradually build up to the thesis by providing relevant context and background information. Your thesis should be a concise and informative statement that conveys the main argument of your paper.


In this part of the papert, you need to provide research on your thesis and arguments. Throughout the body paragraphs, reflect on how the philosophical concepts or arguments have influenced your own perspective or worldview in reflective essay writing. You can follow the order of three paragraphs:
In the first paragraph, introduce the topic and show how it affected you.
In the second paragraph, compare other experiences and opinions. Here you can provide the philosophers’ approaches to the topic.
In the third paragraph, you can switch to your own opinion and its argumentation.
Please note:

  • Be logical
  • Use quotes and links to sources.
  • Reflect how philosophy has affected you.

Valuable Tips for the Body:

  • Organize Your Thoughts. Before writing the body paragraphs, outline the key points you want to discuss in each section. This will ensure a logical flow of ideas and prevent your paper from being disjointed.
  • Use Supporting Evidence. Support your arguments with evidence, such as quotes from reputable philosophers or references to credible sources. This will add credibility to your analysis and demonstrate that your ideas are well-grounded in philosophical thought.
  • Reflect on Personal Impact. Throughout the body paragraphs, reflect on how the philosophical concepts or arguments have influenced your own perspective or worldview. Discuss any transformative moments or shifts in thinking during your exploration of the topic.

Pro tip

If you struggle to define the impact of the research on your life, try evaluating different categories in your perspective on the world. For instance, has anything changed in your values, beliefs, communication, and self-esteem? Was there any influence on your critical thinking?

As you write a reflection paper, ensure that each paragraph flows logically and contributes to the overall coherence of your thoughts.


In this part, you must finish all your thoughts. Your conclusion should be firm and reflect that you have completed this topic. The conclusion should answer the questions that were posed in the introduction, highlight the main points and complete the main idea.

Never use new theses, facts, and what you didn’t talk about in the previous parts of your work.

Valuable Tips for the Conclusion:

  • Summarize Your Main Points. Briefly recap the key points you made in the body paragraphs and their significance to your central thesis. This reinforcement helps readers remember the most crucial aspects of your reflection.
  • Address the Introductory Question. If you began your paper with a reflective question in the introduction, now is the time to revisit it. Reiterate the question and show how your topic exploration has provided answers or insights.
  • Avoid Introducing New Information. Resist the temptation to introduce new ideas or arguments in the conclusion. Instead, focus on solidifying the ideas presented earlier and give readers a clear sense of your perspective on the philosophical assignment.

By incorporating these valuable tips into your introduction, body, and conclusion, you can create a compelling and well-structured reflection paper in philosophy that showcases your analytical abilities, personal insights, and understanding of the philosophical subject matter.

The Most Common Mistakes That You Need to Avoid

There are typical mistakes that most students make in their work. Let’s look at the main mistakes and how to fix them.

  • The statement of the general thesis. If you cannot clearly distinguish your thesis and put it in one sentence, then all your work will look unfinished and not understandable. How to fix? If you cannot formulate a clear thesis, then you have poorly studied the material and have not fully understood the topic. Therefore, you still have to spend a lot of time studying.
  • Convincing the reader of the relevance of your thesis. Many students make a serious mistake, believing that their thesis is correct for everyone and there is no need to explain it. For example, to inform that the earth is round without any argument. Why explain the well-known fact to everyone, right? This is a very crude example, but it most reflects this common mistake. You need to explain the origin of your judgment, as the opponent may simply disagree with you. And if you briefly back it up with an argument, then the reader will not have a question of why you decided that such a point of view is correct.
  • The following common error stems from the above. Students begin to provide many arguments. Thus, it may seem that you are not sure of the correctness of your judgment and therefore look for at least the slightest clue. A lot of arguments can confuse your reader with the main idea. Therefore, you need to identify two or three strong arguments and not use simpler and more superficial ones.

How to Bring Your Reflection Paper to the Next Level

What can you do to craft an outstanding reflection paper about philosophy? Apart from listing your viewpoints and supporting them with citations from academic sources, you can also address counterarguments. Doing so demonstrates critical thinking, intellectual honesty, and a comprehensive understanding of the chosen topic. Here are some more reasons to include them in your paper:

  • To strengthen your argument. When you anticipate and address potential objections, you can strengthen your own position. This is how to make a reflection piece stand out.
  • To demonstrate critical thinking. You show the readers that you are aware of the reasons why others might disagree with you and can support your point of view against counterarguments. Your paper is multi-faceted rather than one-sided.
  • To improve your understanding. Examining counterarguments can help you gain a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. You can even get new insights for your paper.
  • To show intellectual honesty. Using counterarguments demonstrates that you are open to different viewpoints and are willing to engage in a respectful dialogue with other scholars.

How to Address Counterarguments

If you are unsure how to address counterarguments, you can order an original philosophical reflection example from our talented writers or follow this step-by-step guide to do everything by yourself.

Identify potential counterarguments

Brainstorm possible objections to your argument and analyze the existing content on the topic of your paper to see what other scholars with opposing viewpoints have to say. Make sure to consider different perspectives and common criticisms.

Understand it

Carefully analyze the counterargument to ensure you fully understand its logic and reasoning. Try paraphrasing it or breaking it down into smaller parts if you need some help getting your head around it. 

Address it

Refute the counterargument by providing evidence, reasoning, or logical arguments that undermine its validity. You can rely on scholars with points of view similar to yours or develop new argumentation to support your claim. 

Concede where necessary

If you find that a counterargument has merit, be willing to concede on certain points. It does not weaken your position. On the contrary, you demonstrate readiness to accept valid points.  Your task here is to maintain your overall thesis despite those points.

Reiterate your position

After addressing counterarguments, reaffirm your original position and explain why it still holds true, even in light of the objections. The common rule of using a “Yes, but…” approach should help you do it.


Thesis statement: Animal testing is morally wrong.

Counterargument: Animal testing is necessary for medical advancements.

How to address the counterargument: Even though testing on animals has helped medicine move forward, it is not the only way to develop new treatments. As time goes on, scientists develop more advanced alternatives, like computer models and human cell cultures. Using them can bring accurate research results without hurting animals.

Pro tip: The best approach to addressing counterarguments is to analyze them before you formulate your thesis statement. Then, you can see which arguments can dramatically impact your point of view and make the necessary alterations in your thesis statement early on in the process. This tip might be as effective in saving time as ordering a philosophy reflection example from our experts.

Make Plagiarism Checks a Routine

Naturally, you will use different sources of information to find relevant counterarguments to use in your assignment. Make sure you avoid plagiarism by properly referencing all the sources. 

Your reaction paper about philosophy should be original. You can check your paper for unintentional plagiarism by using a reliable free or fee-based online AI finder tool. You might be unaware that the idea you developed has already been discussed by other scholars. 

On top of that, you will need to check your paper for AI-generated content. Many educational institutions have included such checks in the evaluation process. If you have no time to check your paper, you can always rely on our experienced team of writers. 

Jacob Lee Top-10 Writer at CustomWritings.com

You should be careful with the interpretation of the philosophical texts. For instance, Nietzsche’s statement “God is dead” is not a literal claim about a deity’s existence or death. It is rather a metaphor for the decline of religious influence in modern society.

The Work Is Not Over: Use This Post-Writing Tips

As soon as you have finished work on your assignment, this does not mean that the work is over. You coped with the main task and did most of the work. Despite the fact that the goal of this assignment is far from testing your writing skills, it’s worth to proofread your work. At the time of writing, you could unclearly state your thoughts and make sentences unreadable and not understandable. Say what you like, but this affects the final opinion about your assignment, and in order for your professor like everything, you should pay attention to how you wrote the paper. Use the following algorithm of actions with the help of which you subtract your work almost on a professional level.

  1. Take a break. As soon as you finish writing your work, then you need to have a good break. Rest for at least an hour or more. Only then can you proceed to the following actions.
  2. Read your work. So you can notice minor grammatical mistakes and typos. If you do not follow the previous recommendation, you will not be able to notice elementary mistakes. This is a natural process in writing text, so only thanks to a break you can take a fresh look at your work.
  3. Read your work aloud. We want to warn you right away; this is one of the most difficult text verification techniques. Most likely you will be a little amazed at how incoherently you wrote the text. But this exercise is the most effective, as it will help to sharpen your text to perfection.
  4. Share your work with a friend or parents. It will be very good if this person is not an expert in philosophy. If this person was able to understand what is your work about, then this means that you coped with the task well enough. Despite the fact that this is an academic work, it still needs to be written in such a way that even a person far from this area can catch the point.
  5. If you doubt that you have not made grammatical mistakes, then try to use online services. Today, there are many sites that can help identify grammar and punctuation mistakes. For example, you can use Grammarly, it provides the ability to make checks for free.

Once you have completed all these tips, you can breathe a sigh of relief! Your work is completely ready and you can safely provide it to your professor.


Now you have learned almost everything you need to write a reflection paper in philosophy at a good mark. If you follow our recommendations, you will not even notice how quickly time flies. You will no longer be afraid of academic tasks in philosophy! If you are worried about: “Who can help me write my paper from scratch?” – don’t hesitate to contact our professional writers online.

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James Snyder A Top-10 writer at CustomWritings.com
James is one of the most prominent authors on our team with more than 7 years of experience. He specializes in writing essays and coursework. James loves to work from home with a cup of hot chocolate and his cat Archibald.
Kate Roth A Top-10 writer at CustomWritings.com
Kate likes to read long stories and write essays. She’s experienced in both academic writing and marketing activities, so she can tell everything about a writer’s job in a few simple words. You can use our website to request the help of our experts anytime.

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