Myself Essay Writing: Full Guide to Make It Perfect

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When students write their assignments, they face the issue of purpose. Every piece of writing has a different purpose, which explains what must be done. Nonetheless, some purposes are quite complicated. Some students don’t know how to write essays about themselves. They are also called biographies.

Perhaps the complexity of such essays can be explained due to something personal. Not all people know how to reveal what lies in their hearts, and don’t even know where to start. The so-called myself essay is a story only about you.

It may be related to:

  • Personality traits;
  • A certain event;
  • A certain goal, choice, challenge, etc.

Oftentimes, it is a fun challenge. However, it may puzzle some folks. That’s why our essay writing service has written this informative article. It explains how to write a biography essay about yourself.

How to Start an Essay about Yourself Properly

Your first step is to define the purpose of your personal story. Your teacher may provide you with a few hints or give a certain topic. If you are free to choose the story of your personal essay, you have a very rich choice because it can be anything. Here are some good topic ideas you may use for your biography paper:

  • My most memorable day.
  • The best day of my life.
  • The worst day of my life.
  • A person who changed my viewpoints.
  • The most important feeling for me.
  • My life aim.
  • My future job and why I chose it.

No matter what topic you choose, you ought to explain it fully. If it’s the best or worst day in your life, explain why it’s so. Describe the events and people who caused that understanding. You may have to delve deep into your memory to realize what made it good or bad. The same goes for certain feelings or your life choices. Finally, you may simply write a short biography from your childhood until now. It is the simplest and most popular biography topic.

You can use this simple guide as well

Remember It in Different Ways

Many people cannot reflect on some important feelings or events because they simply don’t have a clear memory of them. The whole picture seems to be a real mess, but it can be fixed! You should try to remember different things that are related to the feeling or event you want to recall. Thus, you may:

  • Visit certain locations;
  • Ask people who took place in it;
  • Undertake actions related to your purpose.

If a certain event took place in a special location, you should obligatorily visit it! This practice surely helps to refresh your memories. Talk to people who participated in the event or building your personality (if that’s your topic).

At times, people remember certain events and the feelings they felt when they undertake the actions, which are closely related to those events. For example, it may be some sporting event, art practice, hiking, and something of the kind. The examples differ depending on the concept person.

Don’t be shy to use as many adjectives for describing emotions as you can

Make a Timeline

It is sometimes crucial to describe the timeline of a certain event that took place in your life. It may not be enough to just come to a place and remember everything. Moreover, you may need to embrace a vast period of your life, especially if the story is supposed to describe various chapters of your life. You may track the development by starting at one date until it comes to the turning point. For example, your story is about how you became a leader. What can help?

  • The day you first met a serious challenge.
  • How did you face it?
  • Who helped you to overcome your fears and when?
  • At what point you felt true leadership in your heart?
  • What events made you more competitive and did they take place?

Try to go through the main stages step by step. A clear timeline surely helps to recall the course of events.
Use different phrases to describe your event in the past.

Outlining Your Biography


After you recall all that is necessary, you may craft an outline. Refine all the facts and decide where they should be mentioned in your essay. Your outline will make you organized and disciplined. It includes:

  • The main parts of your essay – introduction, main body, and conclusion;
  • Deadlines for every part;
  • Chronological order of all events;
  • Facts you will use and where;
  • Learning tools – pens, pencils, paper, gadgets, apps, etc.;
  • Writing methods – freewriting, brainstorming, etc.

The Creation of a Thesis Statement

The main argument of your essay is called a thesis statement. It’s supposed to be concise and clear. It clarifies the purpose of your paper. For example, it may be something like this:

  • The reasons I decided to be an English teacher lie back in my childhood.
  • Thanks to my father, I have decided to study law.
  • My elder brother made me brave, and it helps to overcome all the challenges.

These examples clearly illustrate to readers what you are going to tell about. Afterward, develop your thesis.

Tell the Story

When you come to the main plot, you are expected to be detailed and descriptive. If you want to give the right feeling of the atmosphere, you should use many examples and descriptions. They ought to be related to the topic, your feelings, and your emotions. You may use:

  • Flashbacks;
  • Brief anecdotes;
  • Major events and milestones;
  • Your thoughts and feelings.

Try to be straight to the point and concise. If you see that a certain sentence of your composition is too long, make it shorter. Thus, you automatically enhance the readability of your text. A good story is the one you can read and comprehend easily.

Wrap It Up Clearly


Finally, you should conclude the whole biography. The task is sometimes hard to complete because youngsters make certain mistakes. For example, many of them do not restate the thesis statement but write the original. It’s a huge mistake because it must be told in other words. Other folks exceed the length of a conclusion. Here are the main points to remember about the conclusion:

  • Its length is 3-5 sentences;
  • It highlights the main points of an essay;
  • You should restate the thesis, in other words;
  • You should interpret the meaning of results.


Writing an essay about yourself is a challenge, but it’s a funny and vital challenge. Follow our guide tips to easily complete it and make your story interesting.

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