How to Write a Reflection Paper in Management and Avoid All Troubles that May Arise?

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Indeed, for any success, you need to act thoughtfully. Each achievement is a competent work and a huge effort.

And writing this type of homework will help you learn to evaluate the successes and failures of not only famous figures but also your own. Because, completing a paper, a student expresses own point of view according to the topic and situation that is being considered. This way you also reinforce all that has been said with your own examples.

How to Write a Reflection Paper in Management: The Basic Things to Know

Any work has its own concept and the necessary sequence. Knowing these things, each student will be able to achieve the desired result by applying exactly as much effort as necessary. This knowledge will guarantee efficiency and help save your strength for other achievements.

So, to start work on the home task you will need to:

  • Realize the deadlines for completing the assignment;
  • Correlate the amount of work with the time frame;
  • Organize and plan the progress of the work;
  • Believe in yourself.

Each of the points is equally important, but we suggest starting to consider each of them from the last one:

  1. Belief in oneself and own capabilities is an essential part of any undertaking, regardless of the ‘importance’ or ‘seriousness’ of the work. If a person believes in oneself, then his/her skills grow exponentially. And if there is a lack of inner confidence, the student’s abilities disappear under the pressure of internal denial. Therefore, before choosing the topic of work you need to say in your head, ‘I can handle it’ and truly believe it.
  2. Awareness of deadlines. This is the second step to achieving a result. Too often, our inner peace is violated precisely by the fear of not having time to finish the paper before the frightening day of X. To get rid of this pressure, it is necessary to mark the day of completion and try to work productively, abide by your inner comfort.
  3. In order to meet deadlines, the student needs to understand how much work he or she is required to perform daily before setting the final dot. Proper planning of your own time will help in this. Organizational skills are an indispensable assistant in any business, especially for constantly busy students. A sense of time and an idea of the amount of work can save you from fear of not having time to complete your task. You can use a daily planner for this purpose. It will help free your mind from daily tasks in favor of more important thoughts. But it will not let you forget about any little thing.

Each of these steps is the basis for a student who seeks to achieve maximum efficiency in own work.

Step by Step and You are Already at the Finish Line

If your goal is to get an excellent mark for your paper, to find out many interesting things for yourself, to maintain healthy sleep and a positive mood, then we recommend that you move on through the next steps.

1. Search of a topic

The basis for any written work is its theme. After all, this is exactly what we rely on when we state our thoughts. Making the right choice is important because it will be the key to not only successful work, but also to enjoyment. After all, unloved things rarely bring real gratification. Thus, you need to rely on your inner feelings. This will give your inspiration a chance to work at 100% opening new ideas in your head.
Also, in addition to this, you need to take into account your interest in things that will be revealed in the work. For example, choose those figures who will be discussed in your paper, whose position and behavior are interesting to you. Pay attention to how much you agree with them. By the way, if a leader evokes conflicting feelings in you, then such an analysis can turn out to be much more interesting. In this case, you will have more opportunities to express your attitude to his or her actions and philosophy.

Your topics may sound like this:

  • Organization of the graduation party: the difficulties of choice and coordination.
  • How to become a successful builder of your life thanks to the competent management of time and forces?
  • Students in business. Why is developing a startup alone the wrong decision?
  • How independent are teens now?
  • Freelance as a form of competent management of own capabilities.

If the choice of a topic is provided to you, and the teacher independently indicates what you need to write about, then do not get upset. In many cases, this greatly facilitates the work of the student. Indeed, the right to choose can often be confusing, and the student has to spend extra time on the taking decision for what to write about.

2. Search of sources

This step can be time-consuming and may require a significant amount of your efforts. It is best to devote to it the most time in your plan. At this stage, the student will search for suitable sources that she/he can use for analysis.
It is not recommended to rush with the implementation of this point, because all those provisions that will be used in the text should look logical. And as you know, rush has never been a friend of quality.

3. Making a structure

Like any text, this kind of work should have a certain structure. Therefore, before embarking on the direct writing of a reflection paper, you need to make a visual markup of your document.
It should look like this:

  • Introduction:
    • An attractive offer that will catch the reader’s attention.
    • Thesis. This may be a short sentence or a quote. With it, you can give readers an idea of how your story will go.
  • Body:
    • Fact 1, as well as an example that confirms or disproves it.
    • Fact 2, with an example, and your opinion according to it.
    • Fact 3, and an example in support of this fact.
  • Summing up:
    • The final couple of sentences that can summarize everything that was said in the paper.
    • Repeat the thesis, supplemented by a couple of phrases from the text.

A fairly simple structure will help to make the text in accordance with the requirements. You can simplify your work several times when you know in which direction you need to move.

4. Work on the paper

After all the steps for preparing information and a base for paper, you can immediately start working on the text. For the competent organization of work and maintaining productivity, you should abandon the idea of writing the entire text in one day. Of course, under the influence of inspiration and good mood, this is possible, due to its small volume (the text may vary from 500 to 1000 words). However, it must be remembered that the search for sources can take not only a lot of time but also all the moral strength. And inspiration directly depends on how fresh your thoughts are.

Therefore, first of all, you have to pay attention to your condition and willingness to do the work. The main thing is not to confuse the lack of inspiration with laziness. Although, according to some studies, it was determined that the concept of laziness is simply a lack of interest in the work being done. After all, if something is really interesting to us, then we will do it even at 12 at night with special joy and incredible zeal, do you agree?

In general, with good self-organization, laziness will not have a single chance to prevent the writing of your home task. Therefore, take this advice and distribute the work on your home task into several parts. Follow your plan, and then your fear of not having time for the final completion date will recede on its own.

The main work on the text is to consistently fill in the entire structure that you outlined earlier. We suggest to fill it in the following order:

  • Work on the body of the paper. Since you have already noted three facts necessary for the text, your next task is to analyze these facts. What can you say about it? What do you think about each of them? You can give your personal examples.
    For example, if you chose a topic about the startup, and you have your own experience in this direction, this will be a great personal example. Argument your thoughts with real situations. You can also use not your story, but the experience of your friends as an example.
  • Writing a thesis. Use the thesis as a wording that will open to the reader your view on the topic.
  • Writing an introduction. Despite the fact that this item is mentioned first in the list, it is recommended to leave it at last. In this way, you can write a truly intriguing passage that will give the reader the necessary charge and become an occasion for unquenchable interest in reading.
  • Summing up. At the end of the text, you need to briefly draw a line of your thoughts. Here you can ask a rhetorical question or put a final remark. Also, this is a great moment to indicate what experience you have gained in analyzing this topic. Perhaps you could find a new management concept for yourself, or you understand how to improve your skills based on previous experience and mistakes. The main thing is that there should not be new questions or statements in the conclusion. With it, you should logically close your topic. Also, here you need to repeat your words that were indicated in thesis expression.
  • Verification of the text. Unfortunately, putting a final dot in your paper does not mean that your work is completed. Each text needs to be checked. This will guarantee that during the writing you did not miss a single important argument, and also did not make mistakes when giving a personal example from life. This way you can make sure that all your examples correspond to the correct facts.

Also, a check is needed to eliminate possible mechanical penmanship and punctuation mistakes. Regardless of your literacy, the possibility of mistakes can be completely eliminated only by re-reading the text.

Therefore, it is recommended to read the text several times:

  • First proofreading – determination of the presence of grammatical and punctuation mistakes and its correction.
  • Second proofreading – search for logical inconsistencies. If sentences or paragraphs that are not related in meaning are found in the text, it is recommended to add several sentences that will help soften the transition from paragraph to paragraph and relate them logically. For example, in the first sentence, you can repeat your thought from the first paragraph, and the second sentence to start with the thought from the next. Thus, you will get a good and logical continuation of the information flow.
  • Third proofreading – checking the overall impression of the paper. Having passed the previous checks, you need to put the text aside and get distracted at another kind of activity. This will help your head relax and give you the opportunity to look at your text after a while, with a fresh look.

Summing Up

Each paper is unique in its own way. But regardless of the theme, there are things that combine these works. This is a specific text structure that makes paper the way it should be. Following the scheme, students get the opportunity to invest the meaning that they consider as necessary into the frame that is given by the conditions for the work. This is an excellent preparation experience not only in college but also for future independent life. After all, our life is surrounded by frames and conditions. And in order not to lose ourselves, we need to find options for how to express our view, using frames in our favor.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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