Complete Logistics Term Paper Guide

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A term paper in logistics is a major research work needed to be done at the end of every term. It is supposed to show the student’s knowledge of the subject gained during a semester, as well as his or her abilities to search for the relevant information, analyze it, and create a unique piece of writing. To be good at write logistics term paper writing, you should consider the essence of logistics and its functional areas. Logistics is the field that is occupied with planning, managing, controlling, and regulating the movement of material and information flows in space and time from their primary source to the end user. In turn, the essence of a logistics term paper is to do extensive research under the guidance of an instructor. The vital step of the best logistics term paper writing is to pick an accurate and significant topic that will bring novelty into the research of the subject.

5 Fields of Logistics to Choose a Topic for Your Term Paper

There is a vast variety of topics that could suit your research. Selection of the topic is a complicated process that could slow down your performance. The best way to avoid long thinking is to choose a particular topic that you are interested in. It will not only satisfy your thirst for knowledge, but it will also make the writing process more comfortable and much faster. In this manner, your topic can relate to any aspect of logistics, including the following:

  1. Logistics Management;
  2. Modes of Transportation in Logistics;
  3. Logistics Industry Analysis;
  4. Logistics in an E-World;
  5. Chain Supply Strategies

Those are the broad topics that should be narrowed and focused on one particular subject. This way, in your logistics term paper, you can concentrate the attention on one specific enterprise and analyze its implementation of logistics functions. For instance, your topic can sound like: “An Analysis of the Application of Logistics Operations in FedEx Enterprise”.

As you see creating the title of the logistics term paper is vital for your academic success. Your instructor needs to read your term paper as he/she evaluates it based on many assessment criteria. However, there are those who will conduct research on the same topic or field of study. How can this researcher understand that your paper can be useful for him or her? You can help only by inventing an informative title for your paper. Besides, it should be short, relevant to your topic, and, what is more important, eye-catching. For instance, the title of your logistics term paper can sound like “Logistics in Top Enterprises: [Company] and Its All Logistics Operations Used Ever” In this manner, your paper grabs the attention of the reader who is interested in the sphere of logistics and a particular company.

3 Simple Pre-Writing Steps to Simplify the Writing Process

After you choose the topic that appeals to your preferences, there are some more critical issues that should be considered before the term paper writing process.

  1. Browse the Internet or printed texts to be sure that there are enough credible sources of information that will support your paper. If your topic is under-researched, your term paper will lack some pieces of evidence. Be ready to fill in some information gaps on your own. So where to search for the necessary information for term paper writing? The most efficient way to search for information relevant for logistics from internal and external sources. You can try out some resources for logistics right now.
  2. Consider the length of the logistics term paper that may vary from 10 pages to 15 pages. Guessing how much it is in words? So taking into consideration an online word counter, it may vary from 5000 to 7500 words. Since the topic can be too broad for a particular limit of words, or too narrow to include all the necessary information. Furthermore, if your term paper is supposed to be around 10 pages, you may face the lack of information to write on. Thus, you should go back to the first step and reconsider the available literature that covers your selected topic. As you see besides the ability to write, you need to collect enough scholar materials to make your research evident.
  3. Follow a strict structure of academic papers to which your logistics term paper is included as well. Writing for academic purposes implies a requirement to well-structuring. The most significant components of an academic piece of writing are the introduction, three or more body paragraphs (literature review, methodology, results, discussion), and conclusion. Besides, since a term paper implies a considerable amount of the text, it will be appropriate to add an abstract part.

The Basic Structure for Your Term Paper on Logistics: Top Ticks from Our Writers

Sometimes it may be hard to focus on a particular topic without getting sidetracked. That is why it may be useful to create a simple outline for yourself to see the sequence of the ideas that you want to cover in your research paper. With a simple outline in front of your eyes, the writing process will be much more comfortable and efficient. It will also help you to make your logistics term paper more comprehensive as well as its research ideas more linked.

1. Abstract: Write or Not to Write and What to Write?

It is a short paragraph on a separate page at the beginning of your term paper. It is supposed to inform the readers about the main research idea of the whole paper before they start read it. Thus, it should be precise and concise, including the most significant issues discussed in your text and keywords. In some cases, the absence of the abstract part may be not critical. Examine the paper instructors carefully.

2. Introduction Is Must-Have for Your Term Paper

It is a part your term paper should start with. However, you can work on it after you finish writing the main parts. It’s up to you. Just remember what you need to include. The first sentence of the introduction is a topic sentence. The topic sentence is supposed to grab the attention of your reader. It is a so-called “hook” that will force everyone to read further to satisfy the research interest. Thus, the topic sentence of the logistics term paper can include the following:

  • “Recently, the logistics management sphere underwent so significant changes that made logisticians more demanding in the business industry.” After reading this sentence, want to know what kind of changes happened and why it influenced the demand? Right, you face the same purpose to get the reader interested.

When the topic sentence is done to fulfill this purpose, it is essential to give some background information that relates to the topic. For instance, the middle part of the introduction for the logistics term paper can include something like that:

  • “Although logistics has deep historical roots, it is a relatively a young science. The most rapid development of logistics was achieved during the Second World War when it was used to solve the tricky tasks and an explicit interaction of the defense industry, standard, and supply bases, and transport with the aim of timely supplying the army with weapons, fuel, and food. Nowadays, one of the leading logistics enterprises in the United States is the FedEx Corporation.”

The thesis statement is the concluding sentence of your introduction designed to guide a reader. Usually, the thesis statement is a one sentence (sometimes more than one since it depends on the depth of the research) where you should include all the main ideas of your following logistics term paper. As well as the abstract, it should be precise and concise since you should show all the necessary information in this part so that a reader will get the awareness of the whole term paper.

logistics term

3. Body Paragraphs Make Your Term Paper

The set of body paragraphs is the core part of your logistics term paper. Each body paragraph should be revolved around the particular idea, or they can have a common point under a heading. The headings are quite useful since they help to organize the paper, and make the text more readable. So if you evaluate the topic based on the other findings, you write a literature review. If you deal with the research findings you make, interpret them in the finding section and so on. Writing a logistics term paper, it is essential to make your body paragraphs approximately the same size.

To make your writing more credible, it is important to use citations. When a reader observes your ideas supported by the reliable researchers, it is easier to make him/her convinced of your point of view. The in-text citations are divided into direct citations and paraphrase or summary of one’s ideas that must also be cited in order to avoid plagiarism. A direct quote implies the insertion of the copied part from the source into your term paper. Usually, it is only a phrase or a sentence, but it could also be even a paragraph (in case your piece of writing is long enough) that is called a bloc citation. The other way to make your logistics term paper evident is to summarize the idea of the selected source and to paraphrase it into your own words. Such kind of citation also demands an in-text citation format.

Considering the formats of in-text citations, there are two widely-used styles of formatting: APA (American Psychological Association) and MLA (Modern Language Association.) These two styles demand the different formats of citation. In APA, your in-text quote should look like this: “taken material” (author’s last name, year of publishing). The page number can also be present if it is required. In MLA, the citation looks slightly different: “taken material” (author’s last name page number). There are many more peculiarities of referencing that you can get acquainted with on the Purdue OWL website.

citation formatting

4. Conclusion Ends Your Term Paper Logically

This section of your logistics term paper must be a logical statement of your research results that you come to as a researcher. Restate the thesis statement, then mention all the significant findings of your research. Similarly to the introduction, the conclusion doesn’t include citations as it is a brief summary of your work. That’s why there is no new information in this concluding part. Besides, at the end of your conclusion, you may bring attention to the importance of the further research of the topic or suggest a new one that will be related to the previous one.

2 Post-Writing Tips to Make Your Term Paper Submission-Ready

It is true that you can take a sigh of relief after you finish writing a logistics term paper. However, it is still considered by your instructor not ready for submission, at least for successful submission. It may have some mistakes in formatting, grammar or spelling. No A+ is guaranteed to you. Just take 3 effective post-writing steps to have an A/A+ term paper.

1. Proofread Your Term Paper Thoroughly

Remember that your research paper on Logistics is almost ready, but it still needs to be proofread and edited. Don’t consider the terms, proofreading and editing, interchangeable. Let’s focus on the first stage of the revision process – proofreading. There may be some mistakes in grammar or misspelled words. Double check the paper to make sure that there is no mistake. If you have enough time, then it will be better to proofread your logistics term paper later, at least in one day after the long writing process. In this manner, your mind will refresh, and the eyes will be eligible to mention all possible mistakes. However, if there is no time and the deadline is around the corner, then you can use a website like Grammarly oir any other, give the paper to a keen-eyed expert, or try to proofread it by yourself word by word.

2. Edit Like an Expert in Editing

Whereas the proofreading process is focused on correcting some common mistakes for writing, the editing process is aimed at several aspects:

  • Content,
  • Structure,
  • Style.

Reread your paper once again to make sure that it is well-organized and relevant to your writing academic purpose to research a topic on logistics so that it will broaden the knowledge in the field. Remember that all the paper sections/paragraphs are arranged in a logical sequence. Keep an eye out for the correct formatting style (APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.) All the sources that are used in your paper must be cited and referred appropriately. Besides, all of them must be included in the separate reference page. In MLA formatting style, it should be under the centered heading “Works Cited,” while in APA it is called “References.” The sources in the reference list should always be in alphabetical order. Each kind of source has a different way of referencing, whether it is a book, article, newspaper, or journal, and so on. However, the referencing standards are flexible and change after a particular period of time. Make a correct and appropriate reference list according to the credible examples.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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