Lifespan Development Project Sample

Posted on November 20, 2023

Physical Development
Adolescents between 13 and 18 experience numerous physical changes caused by puberty. Nevertheless, the changes in girls are more rapid than their male counterparts. For instance, girls may reach their adult height at 15, while boys grow and add weight gradually throughout their teenage lives (Best & Ban, 2021). Due to the gradual yet prolonged rate of development, some boys surpass girls in weight and height. Most girls also have their first menstrual cycle at this age, with hair growing around the private parts and armpits. Additionally, girls also develop breasts, making girls’ bodies more feminine at this stage. Their male counterparts will also experience hair growth in the armpits, private parts, and face, developing broad chests and deep voices.

Cognitive Development
Teens between 13 and 18 undergo significant development in their reasoning and thinking capacities. Unlike the previous ages, when they only viewed the short-term consequences of their actions, the adolescent age prompts them to review their actions long-term (Best & Ban, 2021).

Factors Specific to Adolescents (13-18)

  • Biological factors: Adolescents experience numerous biological changes, such as hormonal shifts, brain development, and changes in the physical body structure (Laursen & Veenstra, 2021). The changes in the sexual frameworks impact cognitive and emotional functionalities.
  • Family: The type and quality of relationships within the family impacts adolescents’ behavior and well-being. Laursen and Veenstra (2021) assert that adolescents from caring and supportive families posit healthier overall development than those from dysfunctional families.
  • Peer influence: Adolescents experience social interactions with friends who may adversely affect their choices, behaviors, and values.

Adolescent Development Theories

Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive implies that adolescents above a sense of abstract ideas. As their alternative solutions to characteristics of adolescents, as multiple viewpoints about political, and ethical problems.
Erikson’s Theory of epigenetic principle states that developing an identity is the most crucial event in this development stage.

Best, O., & Ban, S. (2021). Adolescence: physical changes and neurological
development. British Journal of Nursing, 30(5), 272-275. Doi:10.12968/bjon.2021.30.5.272
Laursen, B., & Veenstra, R. (2021). Toward understanding the functions of peer influence: A summary and synthesis of recent empirical research. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(4), 889-907. Doi:10.1111/jora. 12606 Samaranayake, S. M., Premaratne, N. H., & Liyanage, L. (2020). The impact of living in high-rises for the cognitive development of early childhood in Sri Lanka. Retrieved from

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