How to Write a Research Essay in Health Care & Demonstrate a Clear Academic Understanding of the Subject

Writing guide
Posted on August 9, 2019

The health care field is an extremely dynamic and complex area, and the healthcare parameters that are constantly changing make it too hard to write a winning research essay. By the time you are done with the essay in health care, some new unexpected study has already emerged and somehow changed everything in the subject you thought you were sure about. But the great news is that there is hope!

While the literature in health care area may be in flux all the time, there are some recommendations that can help you create a powerful research essay on any health care topic within a minimum hassle and worries. Even though research essay writing in health care area may seem like a task that is impossible to cope with, it’s important that you’re able to show a strong understanding of academic healthcare theory and practice in writing. Let’s take a look at the advice below on how to go about a strong health care research essay.

How to Choose a Health Research Essay Topic?

Of course, if you were provided with a clear task to write text in a certain topic you won’t have to spend countless days trying to search for something crucial and interesting to research. You don’t need to decide on which health phenomenon or problem is more important today or what needs to be discussed at least in your project.

If that’s the case, you have an opportunity to relax, and do research on the web or in a local library, and then have a rest. However, if you find yourself in the situation that is absolutely contrary, you will have to hunt for research essay ideas and browse through loads of essays’ samples. It is important to bring together all of your forces, turn on your inspiration, and start looking for the best ideas for writing.

What do you think, what are the most popular health care topics at the moment? What is it that you see on TV or hear on the radio? Maybe you have already seen some interesting issues on the web sites like Healthcare Global or KidsHealth and have something in your mind. Whatever it is, the following recommendations will help you to focus on a particular thought or maybe change your mind completely. Now, let’s take a look at some of the research essay topics in the field of health care one by one.

1. Anorexia and Overweight

When you write about health care, it’s impossible to forget about such devastating thing as overweight and anorexia. These are two highly debatable topics nowadays that have a lot to talk about:

  • How to Manage Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa;
  • Key Variables in the Development of Eating Disorders During the Adolescence;
  • The Thinness Cult in the US Culture Today;
  • The Feminism Effect on the Phenomenon of Anorexia;
  • New Findings on Neuropsychology of Bulimia Nervosa.

2. Insomnia

Today, insomnia is a burning issue since a lot of people suffer from it. The following research essay topics will cover various aspects that are related to insomnia somehow:

  • Sleeping Pills: Harm, Placebo or Treatment?
  • Effects of Speed Life Style on Healthy Sleep;
  • Insomnia: The Key Causes and Effects;
  • Insomnia and Circadian Rhythm Disorder;
  • Alternative Insomnia Treatments.

3. Euthanasia

The question of euthanasia has been always a hot topic all over the globe. While some countries find nothing wrong in this kind of merciful deal, the rest of the world is against it. If you have your research essay in health care due soon, consider working on this topic and develop it the best way possible:

  • Euthanasia & Its Moral Issues;
  • Euthanasia: The Attitude to “Merciful Death” in Different Countries;
  • Do People Have a Natural Right to Die?
  • Can Death Be a Relief for a Human Being?
  • Legalization of Euthanasia in the Third World Countries.

Research for Health Care Research Essays

Research essays that usually deserve the highest marks include information taken from trusted research articles, books and journals. This ensures that the topic of yours is deeply researched and supported by the reliable materials. This is especially important to the writers who work on the topics that have been previously discussed on various internet sources and published resources. Furthermore, disseminating research findings from scientific articles is highly crucial if you want to demonstrate strong understanding in your project. Search for additional information in the field of health care on electronic databases such as Medline and Pubmed.

Structural Specifications for Research Essays in Health Care

Although every other research essay will be different throughout your college education experience, successful essays will follow the same structure requirements all the time. Writing a successful research essay in health care depends on understanding the basic structure rules. The essay should start with an introduction that summarizes the way you plan to discuss the question and what course exactly your arguments are going to follow.

The research essay on “Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents” will include the introduction that might sound, “This paper reviews child and adolescent mental disorders and associated long-term health risks. The first section argues that there is much overlap between the symptoms of metals disorders and the challenging emotions and behaviors of normal kids. Limitations of the possible measures are presented. The second section sums up the evidence on the relationship between adolescent (child) and adult adiposity”.
Following on from this the body of the research essay will be presented according to the plan you set up in the introduction so that your arguments flow naturally from one to the next. Right after the presentation of your body, the concluding parts of the research essay in health care will summarize what you have said in your essay, and will include the message that you would like the readers to take away from your research. However, you have to make sure that the conclusions that you write don’t go far beyond the research you have done in your paper.

Refine Your Arguments

Once you have completed your first draft, you now have an opportunity to refine each argument, fact, idea, data or result in order to ensure they all address the essay research question. Besides, this stage is needed to see if the argument flows in a coherent manner. Among the useful methods that are popular among college students, you may choose the following:

  • Leaving two or three days between accomplishing the first draft and writing the second draft;
  • Reading the research essay out loud in order to ensure the paragraphs fit together;
  • Comparing your research question to the arguments in your text to ensure you have achieved a logical progression.

Stay away from Common Pitfalls

When college professors are asked to mention some of the most common errors that students make in their research essays in health care, they usually mention the same weaknesses. To create a wonderful research essay in this area, the author should do his or her best to stay away from the following:

  • Writing not in an academic but a journalistic style;
  • Not appreciating theoretical controversies;
  • Failing to answer the research question;
  • Providing unsubstantiated claims;
  • Lacking critical evaluation and analysis.

Consult a Health Expert

Writing a research essay in health care differs from the other types of academic assignments because in this case the writer is not allowed to make up stories or give his or her points of view. Only true life and scientifically supported research facts should be included on your pages. To get the grade that you like, there is no better way than to go and see a health care expert in the subject that you chose to research. Ask all the questions that you have during the next appointment with your doctor. If you have doctors or medical students among your friends, do not hesitate to interview them. Go to the sources like AXA PPP Healthcare for more answers.

Plagiarism, Referencing and Demonstrating Originality

Whenever you write a research essay in health care, it’s always important that you refer to each of the sources that you used to communicate your arguments, facts, data, and ideas. The writer has to do this both in the essay text and the reference part at the end. If you refer to the general theory that exists in health care literature, you can make the textual reference in the following ways:

  • ‘Psychological safety (Amy Edmondson, 1999) and learning behavior in work teams must be strictly monitored’.
  • ‘Amy Edmondson’s (1999) theory states that psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams must be strictly monitored’.

All of the direct references to the text should be frames in special quotation marks. Besides, you have to provide the page numbers. For example: ‘Academic evidence shows there is a strong connection between ‘psychological safety’ and a culture of learning within an organization’. (Amy Edmondson, 1999, pp. S123).

Provide every citation in the research essay text with a corresponding entry in the sections ‘References’ that should be placed at the end of the paper.

  • In order to reference an article in a health care journal:
    Kuh, D., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Lynch, J., Hallqvist, J. and Power, C. (2003) Life course epidemi-ology, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57: 778–83.
  • To reference an article from an online journal:
    Division of Tuberculosis Elimination [Internet]. Atlanta: CDC; [updated 1999 Oct; cited 2006 Sep 19]. Self-study modules on Tuberculosis, Module 7: Confidentiality in Tuberculosis Control: Background. Available from:
  • In order to reference a book:
    Bhopal, R.S. (2002). Concepts of Epidemiology: An Integrated Introduction to the Ideas, Theories, Principles and Methods of Epidemiology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Use Health Care Vocabulary Properly

Just like in case with any other field of study, health care has its own vocabulary that the writer has to use widely. A good vocabulary will allow you to express what you mean exactly, in a concise and clear manner. What is more, economy with words is one of the basic characteristics of a research essay that deserves the best marks because the readers don’t like to waste their time on long and hard-to-understand sentences. So, your task is to express your points briefly and never include anything that could have been written in half the number of words.
One of the best ways to make certain that the writer can communicate clearly and to the point is when he or she effectively and accurately uses the advanced vocabulary. If you are a good research essay writer, you should never rest on your laurels when the question is about the vocabulary. The thing here is that your vocabulary is something that you have to improve here and there since there are always new and unknown terms that help to communicate your points in a more effective manner. What is more, using a rich health care vocabulary proves the writer is intelligent and helps him or her remain persuasive no matter what.

Read Other Writers’ Essays

Just like the books and journals that you read subconsciously help you to work out your own special writing style, reading the essays written by the other students will help you develop your style in writing. Choose some of the best research essay in health care, including both the ones written by the academic and your peers. Read papers on a wide range of topics in your area of study, not necessarily just the ones that are related to your topic. The thing here is that different topics in health care might apply different types of styles and arguments. In other words, the more you read, the more possible techniques and methods there are for you to take and use in your own writing.

We hope that you have found these simple recommendations and techniques useful and that each of them will help you to know more about the field of health care.

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