Essay Sample on Flight Safety in Modern Aircrafts

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Increase of a level of a flight safety in conditions of broad use of aircraft in a national economy, more and broader use of airplanes and heavy-lift helicopters and passenger capacity gets special importance and urgency.

The flight safety is a central problem in activity of a civil aviation. From a position of the theory of systems the problem of a flight safety acts, first of all, as a problem of system integrity preservation “crew – aircraft – environment”. Besides the problem of flight safety actuates psycho physiological problems of interaction of crew members, controllers and other aviation specialists, and also a problem of improvement of all normative documents spectrum.

The flight safety is one of the main properties of an air transport system which determines a capability to execute flights without threat for life and health of people. The air transport system is a big economic complex, which includes aircrafts, which execute passenger and freight traffic and air activities, all aeronautical engineering, experts, which provide operation of aircrafts (crew, air traffic control service, engineering service and maintenance service of aircraft), the airports, various technical equipment.

The high level of flight safety of modern aircrafts depends both on the aircraft, and on qualification and training of crew which controls the aircraft. Functional efficiency of an aircraft is determined by it’s structurally – industrial perfection, stability, controllability, maneuverability, and also high maintainability of a airframe, the engine and the equipment. Functional efficiency of crew depends on its theoretical preparation, knowledge of an aeronautical engineering, rules of its operation in all a range of expected operation conditions, including special situations, and habits of application of this knowledge, and also on discipline and diligence of pilot-in-command of aircrafts and crew members. The management efficiency air traffic, the organizations of flight activity and all kinds of maintenance of aircraft in a maximum degree is determined by efficiency of the activity organization in the industrial enterprises, consciousness of initiators and the personal responsibility of heads of all ranks for activity concerning safety control of flights.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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