Five-Paragraph Essay Example: Should Schools Prefer E-Books to Paper Textbooks?

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A five-paragraph essay example helps students learn how to write an introduction, a body, and a conclusion considering structural tips. They have a chance to analyze and understand its peculiarities. One has five paragraphs. The first should introduce a problem, and the next three should support the chosen opinion with persuasive facts. Students need to analyze a 5-paragraph essay example of different types. Such a paper can be descriptive, narrative, argumentative, expository, and contrasting.

Below, one can find a good sample that compares ebooks and printed presses and their role in education. The introduction presents a thesis statement. The body consists of three paragraphs that support the main idea of the essay. An author uses transition words to guarantee a logical flow of the topic presentation. The conclusion summarizes everything. Besides, one can find a list of used sources at the end of this article. It is given in the MLA format.

5-Paragraph Essay Structure: Should Schools Prefer E-Books to Paper Textbooks?


Today, education in different countries worldwide is becoming more and more digitized. Schools, colleges, and universities start using augmented and virtual reality to explain things and provide examples that help in excellent subject visualization. Thanks to AR and VR students can experiment without harm to their health and observe the smallest part of the body or DNA. What about textbooks? Most educators use them as an additional teaching tool that shows how to format texts and describe basic notions of various disciplines. Moreover, it is impossible to teach Literature without books with poems, essays, novels, and encyclopedias. Educators prove that ebooks should replace paper books in classes. One can name three indisputable reasons to prove that.

To begin with, ebooks are compact and provide much comfort to their users. One should just consider the appropriate memory capacity when selecting an electronic version of the book. There is no need to buy a big bag to carry all the textbooks and books required for lessons. A person can download them and open them when needed with a few clicks. In the case of paper books, a person should search for extra space at home for their storage. Educational institutions require a room or even a building to provide a library. A librarian must spend hours organizing books in alphabetical order. Speaking about research paper writing, students often need magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, and other printed sources to investigate the topic and structure a bibliography section. It means that a school library needs a separate shelf for periodicals. It is easier to buy electronic versions and store them on a computer or a virtual cloud. Even though some professionals state that ebooks hurt a user’s eyes, scientists have proved the opposite. E-displays have a specific e-ink and screen brightness that allows eyes to adapt quickly without exhaustion. Eyes can get tired of both paper and electronic books after a long read. That is why a reader should rest and do eye exercises to prevent vision change.

Secondly, it is cheaper to buy e-books than their hardcover counterparts. For example, let’s take “Writing the Revolution” by Heinrich Heine. Amazon offers its hardcover version for $9.00 and Kindle variant for $8.55. People may say that the difference is not significant, but they forget about shipping. When buying e-books, a person gets a file within a couple of seconds after the purchase. When one buys paper books, it will be necessary to wait till the parcel comes for a couple of days or even weeks when a customer lives abroad. Besides, an educational institution can buy one electronic variant and make copies for students to save money. A student should have an Amazon app to read it, but it is not a problem at all. Amazon offers the program for free to clients who have bought at least one book. What’s more, printed books can be torn or get old and shabby. Consequently, schools and students will need to replace them or spend some cost on their restoration.

Thirdly, e-books simplify the research. When students write academic papers, they always have to cite sources. As a rule, students are absent-minded and always forget to jot down the page number to cite it later in the bibliography section. As a result, they have to look through hundreds of pages to find the required quote. Searching becomes easier when a person uses an e-book. It is very simple to click the search line and type the required word, sentence, or word combination. The book will introduce the results in a couple of seconds. It does not matter whether the searched evidence is in the first or fifty-first paragraph. Moreover, e-books helped people who were isolated during the pandemic situation. They felt bored but could order an electronic version of the book immediately. The biggest advantage was to get entertainment while staying at home. It was convenient to avoid public places. One did not have to wait for the parcel long because a person downloads a book after the payment is accepted. Students who had to read many sources could download the required newspapers, magazines, journals, encyclopedias, and books in a couple of seconds. They did not have to visit libraries or ask librarians to bring documents from the archive. Internet shopping lets them keep their social distance and finish their dissertations, thesis papers, and other research assignments.

To conclude, e-books surpass literature in soft and hardcovers. They make education and entertainment available in any corner of the globe. Those who invest in ebook readers invest in the future. First, one needs to buy a reader that is more expensive than a book, but it will pay off over some time. Ebooks never get old, and one can make copies and store them on OneDrive or USB memory sticks to prevent their loss. The only advantage of printed presses is that they stimulate a person’s memorizing ability, regarding the Italian research in 2014. Though, it happens only when a person gets used to paper literature. If students start their education with the help of e-books, they will hardly face such a problem.


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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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