Expository Essay Topics: Facts and Issues to Build You Paper upon

Topics and ideas
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In this article, you will get familiar with the basic rules and strategies which are important to keep in mind while writing an expository essay.

Jacob Lee Top-10 Writer at CustomWritings.com

“The worst decision of a student is to neglect college requirements. We have received many orders where we corrected silly mistakes. One can omit them by remembering the three basic rules:

  • deal only with unique topics;
  • structure an essay regarding its type and academic requirements;
  • proofread and edit papers till every sentence and word is clear and readable.”

Expository Essay Definition and Useful Tips

Expository essays are essays in which information, explanations about the subject or definitions of a particular are the primary requirements. The best way to present an expository essay is by using a combination of facts and statistical information about the subject chosen. Describing the matter using examples is a very important part of an expository essay. Writing your expository essay and using different examples will give it a better look.

One of the most important rules which must be kept in mind while writing an expository essay, write to the point using specific ideas and information. A good expository essay should be written without using the author’s emotions and in most cases, the passive voice must be used. So, the use of the active voice is strictly prohibited or in other words “I” must not be used in an expository essay.

Expository essay topics are easily available. The most difficult part is choosing the right topic for you. Different disciplines can be chosen as per the interest of the student or the requirement of the professor. There are many expository essay topics in mathematics, literature, arts, science, business, computer sciences, etc. A few examples of popular expository essay topics are as follows: how doing math can be enjoyable, how the two-stroke engine works, what is meant by an ecosystem, World War II, advantages of speaking a second language, how art affects your daily life, and many more.

Pro tip

Expository essays are usually neutral, though supervisors often ask students to write about personal experiences. One should be careful when using personal pronouns such as “I”, “we” or “you”. Students may use them only if it is a requirement of the assignment. The safest variant is to introduce it from the third-person perspective.

Precious Expository Writing Prompts for Freshmen and Senior Students

Expository essays have a distinctive format. Usually, ideal expository essays start with a strong thesis statement. The thesis statement must be defined and strongly supported while writing the expository essay. The next parts are the supporting paragraphs, which should contain distinct controlling topics and all the other phrases must point towards their respective topics and must factually relate to topics. The use of transition phrases or words helps the reader to understand and reinforce the logic. The paragraph containing the conclusion must provide stress to the main thesis, and a couple of supportive ideas would give a perfect look. The finishing sentence of the expository essay must reflect the position of the writer in a meaningful way.

This is a list of expository essay topics to help students get the best grades. Learners can see examples of good expository topics below. One should go on researching to find out what information can impress the target reader.

  • What is the reason for using or not using uniforms at schools and colleges? (Social Problems)
  • Should people have free access to marijuana products? (Social Problems)
  • Is the death penalty rational in the XXI century? (Ethical Issues)
  • Do people of the past and today understand the notion of ‘honor’ equally? (Ethical Issues)
  • Are true patriots and war heroes mentally healthy? (Health)
  • How does classical music influence a child’s physical and mental development in a mother’s womb? (Health)
  • Is it possible to see the main character’s state without secondary characters? (Literature)
  • Are the chosen doomed to suffer in all fantasy books? (Literature)
  • Did the invention of nuclear weapons change diplomatic relations? (History)
  • Has at least one revolution improved the lives of commoners? (History)
  • Does the invention of artificial intelligence shape the modern world? (Technology and Science)
  • Do social media platforms hurt the vulnerable psyche of children? (Technology and Psychology)
  • Why is it not possible to make people worldwide choose one religion? (Philosophy and Religion)
  • Why do some churches support war conflicts when murdering belongs to one of the seven deadly sins? (Philosophy and Religion)
  • Can a homeschooler become an equal rival for a student who masters disciplines at college? (Philosophy and Religion)
  • What subjects should be excluded/ included in school curricula? (Education)
  • Is a child really a tabula rasa that can be spoiled by improper upbringing? (Education and Ethics)
  • What is my impression after reading the first book? (Personal Experience)
  • What is the biggest problem you have ever solved in your college life? (College topics)
  • What academic writing rules should be simplified and why? (College topics)

Students should use facts to create expository writing topics. They help to describe the idea precisely and make writing interesting to others.

Note! Explore these three websites to get ideas for expository topics.

Finding a good research topic is only the first step. The next step will be to outline, write, and check a paper. Moreover, one needs to read several samples to understand more. Below, one can find useful links to comprehend the essential details of expository writing.


Professional writers can hardly create without inspiration. Students should also get inspired to write a stunning paper. The best variant is to select a topic that motivates a writer to research, write, and read the created paper. The job of professional agencies is to help students find their motivators. They work round-the-clock to assist those who struggle, trying to write a top-level expository paper. Together, they always succeed.

We believe that now you got acquainted with expository essays and are able to turn an ordinary essay into a perfect expository essay. But still, if you have trouble and cannot decide which topic to choose, we are always ready to help you in writing your essays.

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James Snyder A Top-10 writer at CustomWritings.com
James is one of the most prominent authors on our team with more than 7 years of experience. He specializes in writing essays and coursework. James loves to work from home with a cup of hot chocolate and his cat Archibald.
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Kate likes to read long stories and write essays. She’s experienced in both academic writing and marketing activities, so she can tell everything about a writer’s job in a few simple words. You can use our website to request the help of our experts anytime.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at CustomWritings.com

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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