Etisalat Group Rebranding Research Proposal Sample

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Instruction Samples

Academic level – Undergraduate 1-2
Type of paper – Research proposal
Topic Title – Etisalat Group Rebranding

This is a research proposal that is done for Etisalat company’s recent change “rebranding”. The research proposal is almost ready but missing two sections which are:

– Change Vision and Direction of Etisalat for the rebranding
– Level/ Depth of Change ” Etisalat to e&”

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Research Proposal Sample

Change Vision and Direction
Changes within vision and direction have become integral parts of Etisalat’s rebranding to e& since the company aims to make technology available for all people and societies. Today, the vision of e& states: “drive the digital future to empower societies” (“About us,” 2023, para. 3). The company aims to provide every person, home, and organization worldwide with access to technology to create something more significant powered by every society member. Although Etisalat started its development as a regular telecom operator, long years of responsible work and a thorough analysis of consumers’ needs have made its leaders realize the necessity of changes within the company’s vision, mission, and strategy. As a result, the organization’s transformation from a traditional telecom operator to an information and communication technology and digital solution provider has resulted from effective rebranding and awareness of consumers’ issues and expectations.

Notably, e&’s vision determines its direction identified through its most critical goals, allowing the company to realize which aspects it should consider while following the new concept. The organization’s primary purposes include reshaping customers’ lives, accelerating businesses’ economic growth, and improving the competitiveness of the countries in which e& operates (“Our strategy,” 2023). The established goals enhance the company’s vision by identifying clear measures to enable the organization to implement this vision. Etisalat Group’s rebranding has proven that the company’s focus is technology and multiple activities related to this sphere rather than the telecom business. Innovation and digitization are the primary tools e& uses to control the digital future and show its competitiveness and leading positions in the market. Thus, the company’s goals result from its vision and adequately align with its desire to become a leader in the digital world and improve societies’ access to technology which can be recognized as the most effective approach to change and improve people’s lives worldwide.

Level/Depth of Change
Etisalat had to implement changes at all levels during its rebranding process to provide consumers with new products, solutions, and services and reflect its current positioning. Notably, changes in the logo, colors, and name enabled the company to demonstrate its new identity and make the customers realize that e& started focusing on more global purposes, proving that its mission, vision, and approaches reached a new level (Think Marketing, 2022). Etisalat’s rebranding to e& would be impossible without those measures since companies frequently face severe challenges when aiming to make their customers recognize their new visions and purposes without external changes. Those actions allowed e& to show its new goals, such as empowering societies digitally to create new possibilities for all individuals and transforming the organization from being a mobile provider into a tech solutions provider (Zarooni & Khatib, 2023). The transformation of the company’s logo from green color to red and black colors emphasized its strength, stability, and desire to hold leading positions in the market.

Likewise, e& has understood that its partners’ and consumers’ trust and readiness to establish effective relationships with the company depend on its ability to satisfy their expectations. The organization establishes partnerships with private and public sectors and provides its customers with innovative digital solutions and services, including e-signatures, redeemable points, and software solutions with Zoho and e-wallets (Think Marketing, 2022). A wide range of the company’s products and services enables e& to find new markets and increase the number of consumers who need its assistance. Hence, e& uses innovative vertical value propositions, Cloud, Cybersecurity, and IoT & AI to create safer cities, more effective government services, future banking, adequate healthcare, highly automated industries, logistics, and manufacturing, and appropriate education (Zarooni & Khatib, 2023). Therefore, Etisalat’s rebranding to e& has included profound changes at all levels to provide customers with new services, satisfy more individuals’ needs and expectations, and find effective digital solutions to current challenges to create a powerful society and achieve even impossible goals.


About us. e&: etisalat and. (2023).
Our strategy. e&: etisalat and. (2023).

Think Marketing. (2022). Etisalat by e&: A new rebranding story that tells the successful transformation of Etisalat. Think Marketing Magazine.

Zarooni, L. A., & Khatib, M. E. (2023). Robotics process automation (RPA) and project risk management. International Journal of Business Analytics and Security (IJBAS), 3(1), 75–91.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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