Argumentative Essay on Why You Should Own a Pet

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Argumentative essays about the reasons to own a pet or to forget this idea is a serious task. While you may think that you teacher is the only person who’ll see it, it’s not like that. There are multiple tasks when we have to share our works with a bigger audience. So be careful with writing responsibly and caring about the consequences. Your teacher will surely consider the amount of research and statistics that you provide. Having a pet is a severe psychological aspect of one’s lifestyle. There are also challenging tasks like a “should exotic animals be kept as pets essay.” That’s why you have to cover this topic relying on scientific findings. Expert points of view are vital to integrate with your own opinion too. And, obviously, sharing personal experience is the most precious thing! When people wonder why you should own a dog they need an original source. Don’t hesitate to reveal your thoughts and insights. That will be the most interesting part of the paper for any public! Unless you’re preparing a strictly academic assignment, of course.

Argumentative Essay on Why You Should Own a Pet

Owning a little fluffy companion at home has many advantages! Not only do you get an opportunity to share your place with the best friend ever, but there are some other extra advantages that are being revealed the very moment you own a pet.

No matter how optimistic the idea of getting a pet may look, a lot of people think that pets are too much of a responsibility, as they need food, to be walked on a regular basis, to be trained properly, and of course, they need lots of love and care. As it has been already said, any pet that lives outside a cage has to be trained properly so that it does not become spoiled. Without training, dogs can be very destructive and even dangerous. Pets are also very expensive, and their food, toys, and medical treatment cost a lot of money as well.
Unfortunately, some pets are not looked after properly by their owners, and sometimes the owner even loses interest in a furry companion. According to the latest surveys, there were 40,879 destructions of dogs last year, 32,769 of cats, and 18,816 of other animals. These figures include 29,610 dogs and cats too sick to live. People are cruel to pets and hurt them in all sorts of ways. In 1985, the RSPCA had to put down 137,632 dogs, cats, and other pets. A lot of them were actually healthy, but large in number to find homes for. It is known that inspectors from the RSPCA were called out to investigate 64,678 complaints last year.

Regardless of all the potential downsides of having a pet, there are some indisputable arguments that prove having a pet is a blessing for your body, mind, and soul.
First of all, pets are the most trusted friends on earth. Are you feeling lonely? These fluffy cuties will provide you with the desired feeling of comfort and affection. No matter what pet you decide to own – a dog, a hamster, or a snake – they all are attractive to look at. Pets love you no matter what. They don’t care about your career success, if you have a bad hair day, or fail to build a healthy relationship with your partner. Your bird, dog, or cat will love you unconditionally.

And what can be better than having a live-in health booster? According to the research done by the American Heart Association (AHA), pet ownership is associated with greater longevity and reduced heart disease risk factors. Whether it’s regular morning and evening walking or just playing boomerang with a puppy, keeping up with your little pal will guarantee some daily exercise to be there on your to-do list.

Just a wonderful thing about having a pet is that it also means saving one little life. The studies have shown that annually, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized. The reasons are mainly related to an excessive number of animals brought to shelters and not many wanting to take them home. When you adopt a pet, you add more room in shelters, and thus, you save one precious life.

If you’re thinking about boosting your social life, adopting a pet couple be an option. How many times have you seen that very person walking in the street with a dog and a stranger passing by, smiling, and willing to pet the little furry friend? Professors from the University of Western Australia’s School of Population Health proved with their research that owning a pet is a real ice-breaker when it comes to building social connections. Whether you feel lonely, or willing to make friends, getting a pet could become a real magic wand.

Pets are fun, and besides, they can teach children responsibilities in life. When you decide to add a cat or dog to your family, you teach your kids how to be responsible and take care of someone else. Of course, the ultimate responsibility will remain on mom and dad, but having a fluffy friend in the house will be a great way to help the little ones learn how to empathize with someone else and appreciate the work that is usually involved in caring for a pet.

As for popularity, pets in the UK are very popular. The top ten pets in England and Wales are the ones discussed below.
In 1980, there were 5.6 million dogs in the UK. This number increased by 1.8 million in 1989. There were 2 million more cats in the UK in 1989 than in 1980. The number of Budgies also increased by 0.1 million in 1989.

The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, more commonly known as the RSPCA, looks after animals that have been treated badly. Last year the RSPCA homed 105,079 animals, including dogs, cats, and many other animals.

If you don’t have a pet, I would seriously consider buying one. The truth is that it doesn’t matter which living creature you’re going to give your preference to, pets are a very good company, and almost any animal could become your new best friend. If you’re thinking about getting a pet snake or you believe that iguana is the one to be kept as a pet, go ahead and by one. However, you just have to keep in mind that unusual pets require special care. Besides, you will have to get to know more about how these exotic pets behave in the wild. Many pets need very little attention or space – there is room in the smallest home for a fish tank or a birdcage, that’s for sure.

Despite many rewards, keeping a pet at home is a real commitment. However, all the training, financial, housing, and caring responsibilities can’t beat that amazing feeling of having strong human-animal bonds.

An analysis of the presented essay

This pets essay starts with an obligatory component like introduction. It sets the emotional tone of the work perfectly. We only have to use the minimum of the key information here. The introduction is also definite thanks to a concrete thesis statement. The latter reflects the content of the body paragraphs. The body paragraphs complete each other thanks to transitional sentences. We understand the idea of the paragraph by reading the topic sentences in the beginning. Such a structure is crucial for an essay on pet animals. There are pros and cons which allow weighing the arguments against each other. The answer to the question why i should get a dog is already here. The reader can compare different reasons to have a pet or to refuse doing it. The essay informs their decision with multiple arguments without insisting on anything. Although the author has a concrete attitude to the topic, they don’t discriminate against others’ ideas. The essay has a conclusion which resumes the perspective of owning a pet.

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Studies have shown that annually, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized. That is why writing essays about animals and their rights is an important instrument to improve the situation. Writing and speaking can become your way to make a difference in the world.

  1. Is it better to buy a pet with a breed or to take any from the shelter? Topics about animals like this can surprise you. The issue is a popular discussion matter because people do argue about it. Some believe that seeking a breed is inhumane. While all animals are important and precious, breeding can be harmful. On the other hand, some breeds like shepherds or retrievers have a high demand as service dogs. There are cat breeds which allow individuals with allergies to own one. Such topics about breeds have many questions to observe. 
  2. Will owning a pet make you psychologically healthier? We’ve heard a lot about the therapeutic impact of owning a pet. But does it work for everyone? Why do we have so many abusers if there are numerous argumentative essay topics on animals? Try picking research findings for and against this belief. You can compare the arguments which defend this idea and the contrary ones. It will have to contain more scientific information. Even though you can have a strong subjective argumentation here, it cannot replace competent research.
  3. Is there anything wrong with the fashion of having a pet? The issue is that this trend harms and benefits animal rights. Some will buy a maltipoo only because it proves their financial status. They won’t have a genuine interest in owning a god and visiting training with a certificated dog handler. However, the others will react to the trend differently. They will see how owners adore their pets and will start treating animals better. To own a pet is the only way for many people to realize that animals have rights.
  4. Having pets and children at the same time is risky. You’ve probably heard that pet owners spend all their money on pets. They love their little brothers and sisters even more than real ones! But what can we say here about parents then? Raising a child demands a lot of moral responsibility and financial resources either. Will families with children manage to care about everyone? Moreover, children need guidance on how to behave with pets. Who can ensure that parents will be able to teach them? Those who believe that everyone should have a pet can be disappointed here.
  5. Sterilization is more important than breeding plans. This argumentative essay topic can be life-changing for thousands of readers. Even in the twenty-first century not all people are aware of the importance of sterilization. Some civilized communities still think that making an “unnecessary” surgery means to abuse the pet! Others will want to organize breeding for the pet. Either for financial enrichment or moral compensation. Not all people are ready to say goodbye to their favorite animal. Almost all of late Queen Elizabeth’s corgis are offsprings of her first dog! It’s also one of the rarest argumentative topics about animals.

And in case you are considering the topic of pros and cons of owning a pet, have a look at this table. It lists all for and against every pet owner considers prior to making the final decision.


Why to have a pet

Why not to have a pet

1. Happiness is the key one of benefits of having a pet 1. Happiness can easily fade when the time for a vet comes – not all people are morally ready for pet surgery or other veterinary treatment
2. Supporting your mental health makes you physically easier 2. Defending animal rights is morally challenging and can cost you your health either
3. Pet owners move more because they have to care about pets 3. Pets are the children which never become independent, so moving can become too much and exhausting one day
4. Having a pet is an antidote to loneliness 4. But finding a trustworthy pet sitter is more difficult than hiring a nanny. It’s okay to need some rest from your pet, but the options are limited
5. Pets diversify the range of the emotions that you’re capable of feeling 5. Emotions are great, but not all people have even the minimum – the patience to care about their pet
6. Pet owners learn about sincere love and devotion 6. But you’re the first one who has to devote their energy – training your pets takes a huge amount of time
7. People become life saviors when they rescue a stray animal 7. Another side of heroism can be less romantic – for example, you’ll have to be cautious with protecting your pets from harmful insects, and some people are extremely afraid of them
8. People prevent stray animals from breeding when they take them home 8. However, once you take a stray animal home, it means that you can’t rest when you have to tidy after it or to take it for a walk
9. Pets resemble their owners even more than relatives and that’s hilarious 9. Except for the fact that, unfortunately, pets are not our real relatives legally, which complicates a lot of family initiatives, including traveling 
10. Dog and cat owners sleep better thanks to the therapeutic impact of their pets 10. If your cat wakes up at 5 am, asking for the breakfast, and your dog attacks at 6 am, demanding a walk – you’ll likely lack sleeping at all

How to write a consistent essay about having pets

Use reliable sources only. There are three golden rules for writing an essay about pets! The first tip is to proceed with trustworthy sources. There are so many pet owners around the world. But nor every person who claims to be a specialist is really one! Ensure that you pick the information from a blog but a reputable journal or magazine.

Back up your statement with citations. When using the information from the outside source, remember to cite or quote it. It will support the academic integrity standards while protecting your arguments. An essay about pets has to be full of evidence. And these are your citations and quotes from reliable scholarly sources. Not some subjective tales!

Avoid non-scientific psychological advice. You can’t accuse people of being too slow, lazy, emotional, or disorganized. All of these character features are normal. And all of them allow people to become the best pet owners. Even if it looks impossible for an “owl” to wake up in the morning for a walk with a dog. They do! And the most irritated person becomes the most gentle owner with purring cat on their hands.

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