Essay on Home

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Home sweet home is always there deep inside the heart of every living individual.
Having one’s home is an old dream, as old as this universe is. Essay on home is always in your heart and you know the contents very well as well. In most of the cases students don’t need to consult books or online reference books to write an essay on home. Home essay writing is as simple as writing alphabets for a school kid.

Essay on home is the topic of choice for many of teachers in literature, humanities, and home economics. Some social science experts have high priority for writing an essay on home. While writing an essay for home you need to know the essence of the topic. It is not writing about the bricks and wood used in the buildings. You need to distinguish between a house and a home too. When you write about a house, you mean the building that has been made to live in.  On the other hand, when you write an essay on home, you mean the house along with all the life the inmates bring in it.In other words, home is full of life; it can be a cottage, a tent, a palace, a bungalow, or a caravan; while a house can be haunted, free from all signs of life, and the least you can call a home.

You can write an essay on home whenever you want, as all of us know our homes very well.  An essay on home is not only a favourite for teachers, but also for students.  To write an essay on home is not difficult, but like all essays, you need guidelines and instructions before you begin on your essays on home.  If you follow the following instructions, you will be able to bag ‘A’ grades in all your essays on home:

• Before writing essay on home, you must make it clear first that, as mentioned above; a house and a home are different.  If you own a bungalow which has no inmates except for spiders and woodlice, you won’t call it a home.  On the other hand, if someone uses their car for the purpose of living in, or, in the case of Gypsies, they live in tents similar to the ones we camp in, it will be home for them.
• While writing essay on home, you do NOT mention only the architecture, the windows, the number of rooms, the size, etc.  You mention all aspects that come in a home in your essay on home, like furniture, your own bedroom decoration, how your mom has the kitchen painted violet, why your grandfather’s room is at the top, how your dad has the garden full of Chrysanthemums, and so on.
• Keep in mind that all homes are different.  A home in England is definitely different from a home in India, and a home in Africa can never resembles one in America.  Even in your street, your neighbour’s home is a lot different from your own, and the one in the next street is even more different; so say boldly and proudly what your home is really like, do not care how different your essay on home is from your classmates.  Who knows, you might get the highest marks in your essay on home!

If you don’t have time to write a whole essay on home, you can always buy essay on home from our professional custom essay writing company.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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