Discover How to Write a Classification Essay in Criminal Law with This Full Guide

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Most students postpone academic assignments to the very last minutes. There can be many reasons for this: not understanding how to write an essay, not understanding the essence of the topic, or simply the absence of a desire to learn.

If any of these statements are about you, then you have to read how to write a classification essay in a criminal law guide. Here are recommendations with which you can easily cope with this task and spend a little time. Moreover, you can get a good mark! Let’s not waste time and get down to the main points.

How to Write a Classification Essay in Criminal Law: Definition and Key Points

When the question of how to write a classification essay arises, you should certainly start by understanding the definition of this academic assignment. So, in this type of task, you need to organize objects relative to the topic into categories. These categories should be based on a general principle. Here are the main criteria for such a task:

  • Create a category in the context of the topic;
  • There should be a single criterion for the organization throughout the text;
  • You should provide examples for each category.

Now you know the main features of such a task. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is not to rush and well realize the topic of your research. You will discover more about this kind of task later.

A Couple of Ideas Regarding a Theme

If you do not know which direction to choose, here you can find several ideas. They will help you choose a direction or give the inspiration to create your own.

  • US Crime Classification System;
  • World Classification of Crime Classifications;
  • Classification of Terrorism in Different Countries;
  • International Criminal Court System;
  • Classification of Mental Illness in the Context of Crime;
  • US Police Interrogation System.

Start with These Tips

Now it’s time to start preparing essay, but before you start writing, you need to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations. They will help you organize the process and spend time so that you do not spend a lot of energy. Ready to get started?

Time Planning

Students like no one else tend to leave everything to the last minute. But if your goal is to write an essay at a good mark, then this option is not suitable for you!
It is recommended that you allocate two to three days to complete this task. If you can spend more time, it will only be better. But the best time is 2-3 days. Next, you will understand why.

  • On the first day, you will have to determine the topic, select the necessary sources and study the materials. It will also be useful to take notes while you study the sources.
  • The next day, it is recommended to draw up a template, and then make ready-made text from such a template. In the evening or the next day, it is recommended to start checking what you wrote.

Of course, you can be a very talented student and cope with all these tasks in a day. But with this approach, it will be easier and effortless for you to complete an academic assignment.

Decide On a Theme

Choose an area that is useful to you both in future studies and in professional activities. So you will kill two birds with one stone. You will complete the task with interest and gain new knowledge regarding the direction that will be useful to you in the future.

Choose the area of criminal law that is really interesting to you. If you choose the direction that you don’t like, you will delay the task to the final deadlines.
Well, if the professor provided you with a certain topic, then you will need to dutifully work with it. If the topic seems too complicated for you, read similar articles or rephrase the topic so that it is understandable even to a child. This way it will be easier for you to figure out what is required.

Pick Sources

Since you have to write an essay on criminal law, the main sources will be laws. In addition to specialized literature, research, scientific articles and so on. The legislation is often updated, therefore there is always a chance to find outdated legislation statements in some materials and sources, so you should be very careful and double-check every point if the primary source of data.
Remember that many materials can be dummies, therefore, in order not to get confused later with what sources can be useful, take notes. Write down the source and page number, then you will just find the necessary information.

Consider the Requirements

Usually, professors provide special requirements for each academic assignment. Therefore, you have to make sure that you understand what is required of you. Only after that, you can start writing the work, so that in the end you do not have to rewrite everything again.

Take Notes and Make a Draft

Record anything you find useful. Even if it will be in a chaotic manner. Just do not forget to indicate from which source you took this material. Write down all the ideas that you have, as they tend to be forgotten. After you finish working with notes, you can begin to formulate a draft and even the full text.
Once you are done with these recommendations, you can start writing the finished text. What you have to consider when creating the full text, you will learn further.

What Should Be in Your Essay

Let’s dwell on the structure of this type of essay as a classification paper. We will consider what you should write in each part so that it would be easier for you to cope with writing the full text. Let’s get started!


In this part, it’s vital to start by introducing your reader to what your classification essay will be about. You need to interest the reader without providing detailed items. Leave this for the main text. Remember that it is vital to make a strong thesis, from which you will not deviate in the main part.
Be concise, interesting, and understandable. Remember, there is no specific template for a perfect essay, so you have the opportunity to create your own.

Main part

An important point for the successful writing of an essay in this part is a clear adherence to the main topic. Most get away from the central focus and begin to consider completely unnecessary topics and moments.

Therefore, make sure that you do not lose focus. Since this is a classification essay, you must provide the objects, the principle of their classification, and argue why such selection is reasonable. If you will investigate the system in criminal law, then you can display the differences between previous versions and modern ones. It will also not be superfluous to add a couple of lines on how these two types of systems influenced both systems.


Here you also need to be brief as in the introduction. Remember that this is not a place to highlight new ideas, but a place to summarize what you talked about in the main part. Make a conclusion so that readers have no questions and misunderstandings in the subject after the reader reads the essay.

Features of a Classification Essay That You Must Follow

Here we will provide the main points that you should follow when completing such an academic assignment.

  • Definition of classes. When choosing a theme, make sure that it does not have many classes. Three will be enough for an academic essay. Because if you forget about some class, your professor can assume that you have not completed the essence of the task.
  • Categorize by one criterion only. You should structure all classes on the same principle. Be logical and make sure that each of the classes really matches the attribute by which you will create a category.
  • Do not forget about the examples. The more examples you provide for the category, the better. It is the examples that will make your essay lively, interesting to readers, and complete.
  • How many categories are enough? For such an academic assignment, it will be enough for you to provide three categories. Unless, of course, your professor has indicated a certain amount.

Post Writing Tips to Check Your Text

After you have finished working on the main text, making the latest version of the essay, it’s time to start checking what you wrote. It often happens that you need to carefully read your text as you might not notice any mistakes. This applies to both grammar and style. Follow the guidelines below to bring your text to the perfect version.

Pause Before Starting Checks

For your text check to be effective, you need to take a break from the text. Pause for at least half an hour, drink coffee, talk on the phone or just take a walk. And only then, you are free to start checking the text. After you have distracted for a while, your mind will be ready to perceive your text in a new way. And if you start checking right away, there is the risk that you will miss even elementary mistakes.

Read Text Aloud

If you want to get rid of stylistic mistakes and make your text readable and enjoyable for the reader, then you need to read your text out loud. We warn you right away, you may be surprised how much your text is difficult to read aloud. If this is about your case, then you need to edit the text to avoid such a problem. Simplify the sentences and then read the text again. Do this until you read the essay with ease.

If you do not follow this recommendation, then there is a risk that the professor will lower your mark. The fact is that when you read your text, you will not notice any special problems. But the reader will perceive the text as when you read it out loud.

Moreover, you can use a free online application that will help get rid of such mistakes and make the text readable. Just launch the Hemingway App and copy your essay into a dedicated block. All mistakes and shortcomings will be marked in different colors. Follow the recommendations of the application and make your text perfect for readers. Why not use such a useful tool, especially when it’s free!

How to Check Text If You Are Not a Native Speaker?

If you are not a native speaker and have doubts as to whether you have written your text correctly in terms of grammar or punctuation, you can use special online tools. For example, you can consider an application like Grammarly. It is freely available and has no restrictions on the number of checks. Just copy your essay and wait for recommendations. In the free version, you can check spelling, some aspects of grammar and punctuation.

Check Whether You Have Followed Format Recommendations

Most likely your professor has indicated which format to follow when writing an essay. Do not neglect this requirement, since the professor can lower the mark because of this point. So check each item again regarding the format to be sure that your mark will not be lowered.

The Last Check

Once you have completed all the previous recommendations, you need to read your text again. But as in the very first check, you need to pause, relax. You can even postpone the essay until the evening and start checking. Perhaps you will not find any mistakes, or maybe you will find a couple of ones. In any case, you should make sure that everything is correct and that you have not made any mistakes.

Once you have completed all the prompts, you can be sure that your work is ready to be shown to the professor. And of course, don’t worry about getting a bad mark!

It’s Time to Conclude

We are sure that you have changed your mind about this type of task. This guide on how to write a classification essay in criminal law has provided answers to many questions. And this means that you have everything to successfully cope with such a task and get a good mark! Do not waste time and start the task now.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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