Improve Your Writing Now: How to Write a Deductive Essay in Criminal Justice?

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Deductive essay is the kind of an essay that you start to write as a high school student and continue to write in university. This type of academic essay effectively assesses not only your knowledge on a certain course or topic, but also your ability to think logically, as well as deduct information from the knowledge or truths that are commonly known.

College deductive essay requires you to use the concept of thought or deduction that is based on certain circumstances, premises and clues, and a set of reasonable conclusions and assumptions on the topic. Briefly speaking, college deductive essay in criminal justice makes the author detect and resolve various puzzles relevant to law, science, security and people. Deductive writing includes using existing facts, truths and measures, as well as uses each in order to set a new conclusion that is based on the predictions you obtained from thorough research of existing measures, truths and facts.

In general, deductive essay writing in criminal justice will focus on the following things:

  • Premise. Exactly this fact the author has no use in order to establish new facts as well as draw logical conclusions.
  • Evidence. This information you have to use to related premises to the certain topic or situation of the deductive paper.
  • Conclusion. This is when you do the final analysis of the chosen situation or topic. The author deals with this part only after he or she carefully evaluated the evidence and premises.

We’ve provided a simple example of the correct use of evidence, premises and conclusion:

  • Premise: A convicted murderer should be put in prison for life.
  • Evidence: Harold Shipman, who killed 218 patients, is a convicted murderer.
  • Conclusion: Harold Shipman should be put in prison for life.

Deductive Essay: What’s the Purpose?

Before you begin to write, you have to understand the purpose of the deductive essay. First of all the purpose of the essay is to guide the author in the process of using the deductive reasoning. In the subject of criminal justice, deductive reasoning is one of the most popular methods used in order to arrive at a valid and proper conclusion. Deductive reasoning includes using facts in order to draw a conclusion. For instance, the simplest deductive argument in the essay in criminal justice might be like this – ‘Only students from dysfunctional families exhibit the following set of criminal behavior themselves. 45% of university first year students exhibit these behaviors. Therefore, 45% of university students must be from dysfunctional families’.

Without a doubt, a deductive essay must draw on more than one crucial fact in order to reach a conclusion. However, the argument that we provided as an example shows you the general principle.

What Is the Tone of the Deductive Essay?

No matter what topic you will write your deductive essay about, you have to keep the tone of your essay objective and factual. Don’t give personal points of view or conjecture in a deductive essay in criminal justice even if you think your opinion is important. These elements are a taboo in a deductive essays.

Selecting a Topic

Be careful when you select a topic for your deductive essay in criminal justice. Don’t give your preference to the topics that cause strong emotional response. If you choose that kind of topics, it will be too difficult to provide an objective essay about a topic that makes you feel that way in emotional sense. As a replacement for that, select the topic that you are interested in, but that you have no strong opinion about.

We did some research to help you with the topic choice for your deductive essay in criminal justice. Here is what we have:

  • War Crimes Versus Civil Crimes;
  • Modern Music Culture & Crimes Propaganda;
  • Is Capital Punishment the Right Thing?
  • Domestic Abuse Knows No Border;
  • Substance Abuse in Youth Versus Substance Abuse in Adults;
  • Does the Law Punishes Sexual Offenders Properly?
  • The Hard of Juvenile Delinquency;
  • What Should Be Done to Remove Cybercrime in The United States and the Rest of the World?
  • Should We Need to Adopt a Law System to Reduce the Situation of Domestic Violence?
  • How the Law Can Be an Obstacle in Criminal Justice Reform Changes?
  • Why There is a Regular Need of Amendments in the Criminal Law with Time?

Writing Premises

When you draft your deductive essay in criminal justice, the first thing that you have to do as a writer is to write the premise. This term is usually defined as the fundamental reality or fact that is already established by someone else. In the premise part, the author has to provide logical reasons together with the primary ideas that will help you to reach the conclusion. It is interesting that you have an opportunity to write more than one premise in one argument. Give as much background information as you can on your premise. This will enable your target audience to measure the whole logical progression. Taken into consideration the fact that your premise will be the foundation for your argument, you have to concentrate more attentively on this part when you do the drafting for a deductive essay.

Give the Evidence

Just like the term ‘evidence’ suggests itself, it is about the proofs that the author uses in order to support each of the claims that he or she makes in the process of writing a deductive essay. As an example of strong evidence, you can use a factual story that you read when doing the research for your deductive essay. When you’re finished with the premises’ analyzing thing, you can proceed to giving evidence in order to connect your premise to the conclusion that you plan to draw. It is recommended to make use of various documents like books, articles, research papers and journals, Internet sources or any other important piece of criminal justice information that will help you to support the argument.

Write the Conclusion

The final step that the author of the deductive essay has to take after analyzing all the conditions related to the premise is to draw strong and logically sound conclusion. The inference that you will put down will become a strong proof for your premise. In this part the author of the paper has to be more logical, precise and convinced than ever because you have given all the required information with the evidence in order to make your point. If the author happens to have more than one conclusion when he or she ends up the deductive essay, don’t be surprised because there is nothing wrong in it. Sometimes the authors find several explanations for a particular topic. However, you have to choose a single piece of evidence that will become logically stronger than the other. Don’t try to write all the conclusions that you have drawn in a single essay. If you do so, you will lose your focus and won’t be able to impress your target audience.

Deductive Essay: The Difference Between the Deductive vs Inductive Reasoning

Today, you have two chances to understand if something is true. They are known as inductive and deductive reasoning. When you are asked to write a deductive essay, you have to know the difference between the deductive and inductive reasoning in order to avoid the most common mistakes.

Inductive reasoning
As for the inductive reasoning, it requires the author to observe different examples and them coming up with a particular logical conclusion. We will explain the inductive approach on the example of testifying. Let us say that you witnessed human rights violations. In such case you have to go to court and testify. Next time you witnessed racial conflicts in your university, and you have to testify in court again. As you can see, a logical inductive reasoning argument would be that in every case, when you witness something that is being regulated by criminal law, you will be required to go to court and testify.
In other words, a certain pattern helps you to draw a specific conclusion.

Deductive reasoning
When you work with the deductive reasoning, you have an absolutely different approach to the case. For instance, you find out from your best friend that he or she witnessed some college violence situation and now he or she is required to go to court in order to testify there at a certain period of time. In this situation, you are receiving some information that should be accepted as the general truth and you expect to get strong evidence of it. In other words, if you come to court with your friend on the established day, you will expect to see for yourself that he or she is going to testify.

This method of reasoning is based on receiving some general truth and then supporting it with strong evidences and examples. This is what we call the deductive reasoning.

When you write a deductive essay in criminal justice, you can make use of various argument styles in the process. Once you know the argument styles that exist, you will be able to write a better paper. So, when we mention the most common argument styles, we mean:

  • Categorical arguments represent the kind of argument that has different items and involves using the words like some, none and all.
  • Propositional arguments represent the kind of argument that is related to the sentences that the author uses the main argument in. It usually goes with the words like if, or, and.

Citations Tips for Criminal Justice Writing

When you write a deductive essay in criminal justice, you have to cite every work that you use in your paper. When you do that your target audience sees that you have done in-depth research and give them a chance to check each of the facts. Proper citation proves that the author used each of the sources properly and acknowledges the work that he or she references. All colleges and universities require this of their students, while students can use citations in order to stay away from plagiarism that can seriously harm their academic performance.
American Psychological Association (APA) Style is the most popular citation method that students use here and there all over the world. In 1929, a group of professional businessmen, anthropologists and psychologists established this style in order to set simple and clear standards for scientific writing. Thus, all students can cite materials the same way, using the same format, tables, punctuation and so on.

APA style is commonly used in criminal justice, which means you should not worry about plagiarism.

Just like a deductive essay in any other subject, the paper written in criminal justice should be up-to-the-point, easy to understand and interesting. Write every paragraph so that it concentrates on one main point. The thesis statement that you use for the essay should be written in the introduction and supported later in the last paragraph called the conclusion. The conclusion paragraph should be strong, short and supported with the reliable evidence that you wrote in the body of the deductive essay.

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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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