Composition Essay Topics and Ideas

Topics and ideas
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Before students begin to write a composition essay sample, they should define the purpose of the paper and think over its key points for discussion. The assignment can require to write a play, reflection, short story, or other papers based on either personal experience or intended research. Each of them demands a systematic approach for writing as it is the only way to keep the flow of ideas clear. The author should also demonstrate competence in formats and sources, which can be required. Below you can find multiple composition essay topics and ideas:

Curing Power of Music through the Lens of a Play
This paper may speculate on the influence of music on a physical and emotional state of patients and cover the regarding stories of famous figures. It will position music as the tool of uncovering the creative potential of the writer, deepening historical knowledge, and addressing a particular problem thanks to the untypical treatment. For the task, the student may research the topic through the Handbook of Neurologic Music Therapy by Michael Thaut and Volker Hoemberg or other related books and journal articles.

Life of Pets as a Novel
Animal cruelty remains a significant topic in modern society. The writer will have the opportunity to tell a story with the engagement of the animal’s experience and emphasize the learning input. Furthermore, the author can also address the process of production regarding animal-based food. To discover more, the student can use the information from the websites of such organizations as Wildlife Rescue’s Vision or ASPCA.

One Day from Life of a Charity Worker
Social work remains outside the sphere of interest of multiple people. However, society enforces the importance of the volunteering service due to the current context of global warming, hunger, poverty, and armed conflicts. For the essay, the writer will plunge into the personal experience to create a short story. The connected articles from such sources as Guardian or New York Times can aid to employ a broader set of facts.

What If Lincoln Survives after Shooting
The modern context frequently addresses the figure of Lincoln as a controversial example regarding the question of racism and discrimination. The present reality allows the writer to speculate about the possible outcomes of his survival for African Americans as a hero of a novel or as a historical figure. The article “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery’’ by Eric Foner can be helpful for the writer to create a convincing image of this personality.

How to Become a Hero?
Society faces various issues nowadays. Global warming, pollution, energy crisis, and a shortage of resources leave little space for impudent consumption and living. However, each citizen has the powers to change the world for the better. The work allows the writer to apply the personal experience and demonstrate the impact of little changes through a short story. The article from the website of the World Resources Institute can provide the required information for the task.

Overthinking or Being Responsible
Many citizens consider the focus of groups regarding sustainable consumption, the feminist movement, vegetarian diet, and activism against discrimination as a waste of time. Nonetheless, students have an opportunity to demonstrate that such perception is delusional through the tools of a play. The related articles from such sources as Guardian, Time, and New York Times can aid to create the plot.

How Favorite Food Destroys Environment
Packaging, cooking, and industrial production of food lead to the destruction of the natural environment, pollution, and global warming. The author will reveal the role of the favorite goods in the processes through the form of a novel. The student can use articles “Healthy Foods that Are Ruining the Environment” by Gareth May and “Avoiding Meat and Dairy Is ‘Single Biggest Way’ to Reduce Your Impact on Earth” by Damian Carrington to create a required message and mood.

How to Save the Planet through Daily Life?
The environmental problems signalize about the need for adequate changes in consumption and daily living of people. The author has the opportunity to show how simple personal transformations help to decrease the negative impact of human beings. The Significance of Sustainability by Kyle Michaud will help you find helpful tips for the work.

The World without Politicians
Many countries are not satisfied with the political environment and its outcomes for the lives of citizens. The search for the perfect governmental system continues. The student will have a chance to speculate about the absence of politicians through the creation of the utopian or anti-utopian novel. The student can read such works as Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell and V for Vendetta by Alan Moore to search for the required mood and prototypes.

Kubrick’s Play
Works of Stanley Kubrick inspire the sphere of modern cinematography deeply. Furthermore, the figure engages significant visual tools to provide a deep impression in the context of violence and consumerism. The student will have the opportunity to create similar images through the aid of the text. The author can read A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess or The Sentinel by Arthur C. Clarke and watch film adaptations to know more about this topic.

Nikolai Gogol in Modern New York
Gogol is known for his criticism of human society through the engagement of particular heroes who symbolize the particular aspects. Modern society continues to experience crisis due to such factors as consumerism, discrimination, and ignorance. The student can write a novel about contemporary New York and the figure’s place in the context of citizenship. The book Plays and Petersburg Tales by Gogol can aid to form the necessary mood and direction.

Alternative Ending for Solaris
Solaris is Stanisław Lem’s approach to describe contact with alien life in the future. However, the text addresses various topical questions as the rejection of the others’ views, the unwillingness or inability to understand due to ignorance, and the choice between the greater good and illusion of personal happiness. The student will write an alternative ending for the story and can use Lem’s book to develop a believable plot twist.

How Superheroes Fight Stereotypes?
Superheroes are popular role models for kids. Their behavior forms the future perception of readers around the world. The writer will address the personal experience to show some bright examples of fighters who overcome stereotypes from childhood to adulthood. The author can use various comic books as sources for the enforcement of the central arguments. Furthermore, the related articles of The Huffington Post can aid to find the desired focus.

A Novel for a Tabletop Role-Playing Game
The fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons takes into account the current problem of social communication. Role-playing games turn into tools of solution for the social crisis as they pay more attention to the interconnection between players. The writer will create a novel for the basis of a planned adventure over the chosen issue. Prepared: A Dozen Adventures for 5th Edition by Sawatsky and Cantrill can serve as the perfect source for the tips.

Transformation of Madame Bovary for Modernity
Flaubert’s Madame Bovary pays much attention to the role of objects for the lives and personalities of people. The writer will shift the timing to the modern era and review the plot through the tools of the novel with consumerism as the central problem of contemporary society. The original story and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk can serve as a solid background for the creation of the required atmosphere.

Diversity for a Successful Company
Diversity is one of the topics, which raise questions in society. However, its influence on the various processes is evident. The writer will address his or her personal experience to reveal the examples of successful work communication between diverse groups in multiple contexts. Such sources as Forbes will provide the author with convincing pieces of information to enforce the central claims.

A Story of Pussy Riot
Multiple bands address the socio-political issues through their works. The author will write a play, which will form the next video and message for the song of Pussy Riot. The student can refer to YouTube to watch their footage and make a choice of a single vector for the analysis.

Play for Your Ancestors
Multiple aspects of heritage make humans experience shame. Meantime, the archives with various types of video footage and texts demonstrate that the previous generations are dedicated to ideas of racial segregation or sexism, which remain acute nowadays. The author will write a play for his or her ancestors. The text will demonstrate the engagement between the past and present in the context regarding the author’s family. The writer can use such articles as “The White Southerners Who Changed Their Views on Racism” by Donna Ladd to choose the direction for the plot.

How Do Refugees Shape People?
Refugees from the collapsing countries flood into other lands. The phenomenon influences policies, social environments, and communication. The author will dwell on the aspect of changes and apply the personal perception or views of friends and relatives. Articles from such sources as Independent and CBS will aid to find additional data to support crucial claims.

The Love for the Closest Enemies
Discrimination is widely fueled by anger and hatred. Meantime, various historical sources prove that rivals can become close friends and couples. The writer can write a story about the transformation of relationships from hatred to friendship or love in the context of discrimination. The articles from Psychology Today can aid to draw parallels with the other cases in a similar setting.

The composition essays writing tasks may seem quite easy. However, some composition essay topics require a deep understanding of, additional work with sources, and knowledge of the particular artistic tools. The present ideas reveal the original topics for writing different types of composition. Meantime, the critical features of the paper are the creativity of the approach and the suitability of the selected devices.

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