How to Write a Coursework in Classic English Literature

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Coursework can be a challenging assignment, especially in the events when students leave this task for the last minute, and they are still confident they can master it with no trouble. Unfortunately, reality shows that it is a hard nut to crack, and the result is a failed deadline and bad or no grade. Do not be among those who think it is as easy as ABC.

Coursework is a type of paper assigned to students to improve the final grade in one or a few subjects, or it is a real chance for a curator to check one’s knowledge in any topic. However, depending on the educational establishment, the purpose may range. For instance, some professors designate a syllabus that allows students to acknowledge requirements among which essay, research, practical analysis, field studies parts can be present. Some, also require writing it during the classes, so that they can evaluate the whole process and understand there are no manifestations of plagiarism or rewriting.

All in all, one should be ready to focus on the research rather than simply writing. Accordingly, the methodology is a must to submit a qualitative work.

Note, coursework is also sometimes mistaken with a dissertation. Even though they resemble each other in many aspects, yet they still have differences. A dissertation is a longer and more prolific work that is usually assigned for graduates. And, it again serves as a method to improve the final grade. Coursework is evaluated as an exam but it does involve less word count and a number of methods or researches.

Thus, if you have a syllabus explaining step by step instruction to writing, think of yourself as a lucky person. But, if you have no clue about the structure and format, this guide can help you master this writing as well.

How to Write a Coursework in Classic English Literature: Brainstorming

Compared to sciences or any degrees that involve more practical assessments, those students enrolled in Classic English Literature are luckier. There is no need to experiment or go to sites where one can show his obtained skills. On the other side, a student should show how one can balance the methodology, research of data, and literature analysis.

Classic English Literature involves a wide range of works, authors, and movements. So, if you are the one who thinks Shakespear is the limit, it is necessary to revise your attitude toward your studying because you are not on the same page with a professor or your education establishment.

Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Jane Austen, William Golding, and others contributed to the Classic English Literature. Accordingly, any of their works can be taken into consideration when choosing a topic. However, there is one ongoing interminable controversy regarding the pieces of work. Historically, it was outlined that classic literature is the one gained the most success in people, the one considered masterpiece, and the one that has hundreds of reviews, researches, and analysis on. Thus, works that have been released in the previous decade, for example, Harry Potter should be considered already classic as well. Or, should we wait for another century?

This is just food for thought but before deciding on the topic, it is necessary to ask a professor about a list of prohibited for selection topics, works or authors. Maybe, his opinion will coincide with yours, and you will have an opportunity to write about your favorite book.

For your convenience, take a look at the following trending topics that might be of interest to you:

  • Corruption in Macbeth;
  • Orphanage Theme in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens;
  • Revenge in Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte;
  • 1984 as a Prediction for Today’s Society;
  • Movie Adaptations of Jane Eyre;
  • Lord of the Flies vs the Cather in the Rye: Similarities;
  • Animal Farm: A Human as the Evilest Animal;
  • Frustrated Love in Middlemarch;
  • A Room with a View, a Portrait of British Society;
  • Mrs.Dalloway, a Portrait of High-Society Lady;
  • Comedy in Pride and Prejudice;
  • Gulliver’s Travel: A Tale for Adults;
  • Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, as a Horror Masterpiece;
  • Vanity Fair, a Satirical Picture of People;
  • Alice in Wonderland, Why Guilty Pleasures Rule Our Lives.

Otherwise, you can always ask graduates who already mastered topics for writing in Classic English Literature, and who can also share their tips.

How to Write a Coursework in Classic English Literature: Do’s and Don’ts

Before even starting generating ideas for coursework, one should pass a preparation or acknowledgment stage. It will encompass learning format, requirements, and general recommendations from experts or instructions taken from other educational establishments. So, let’s go.

  • All students who have been assigned coursework should not seek auxiliary counseling or instructions from a curator. It means that there will be a few meetings either individually or in a group where students discuss issues or strive to get recommendations. But, more than that is not allowed. Historically, coursework is an individual work, so you have to demonstrate your skills in researching and analyzing the issues on your own;
  • Students should not use rewrite techniques or plagiarise someone’s work. Today, professors are equipped well with plagiarism checkers that can spot any borrowing. So, in case, you borrow any type of quote or opinion from CREDIBLE sources, there should be citing. If one fails to attach, do not expect a good grade;
  • Students should stick to the required word count. Usually, coursework is a type of assignment consisted of 1,500-3,000 words. Depending on college the number may range. But, if one fails to achieve 1,500 words, the work will not be accepted for evaluation. If one goes beyond 3,000 words, the work will be evaluated with a lower grade. The only fluctuation possible is up to 100words. But, check with your professor;
  • Students should confirm the topic with a curator. It helps to avoid the events when a topic does not correspond to the subject or when a professor bans one or another theme;
  • Students should rely on credible sources only. Your bibliography must contain paper-book materials. If one manages to attach only online sources, it may lower the grade or in some cases even lead to a failure in submitting work;
  • Students should attach the methodology. In case, it is missed, work cannot be accepted.

Finally, students are highly recommended to dedicate to coursework at least a few weeks. Leaving it for the last moment always makes one receive a bad grade.

Basic Steps of Writing a Coursework in Classic English Literature

The basic stuffing of any coursework is the introduction, main body, and conclusion. However, even these parts are also divided and contain supporting elements. To succeed in writing, one should start with a plan.


Never skip this stage, it is the one responsible for structuring your ideas in order. A student should brainstorm the research methods suitable for a topic. For instance, it can be observation, experiment, analysis, comparison. If you select an experiment in terms of the selected topic, let it be Alice in Wonderland, Why Guilty Pleasures Rule Our Lives, you can gather online opinions of readers or survey other students. The main idea is to ask for their feedback about the work and find out what were the key observations from Alice’s behavior she could avoid doing. It can be anything but you should manage to dedicate most of your work to methodology.

Find Materials

As it was said before, attaching only online materials does not look much professional. An ideal picture of a student, it is a person who sits in the library with a “skyscraper” of books. Of course, modern professors allow one to rely on online sources but they should be credible. One tip for the future, try to avoid Wikipedia. It is definitely the best tool of any student but citing it only for definition is a waste of time, and irrelevant information. Ideally, if bibliography consists of 20 sources, make sure at least 12 of them are books.


Do you remember that outline is the best instrument for structuring ideas? It can be helpful even for your coursework. Once one has an idea about the methodology and materials, one can allocate them as per parts. For instance, your main part will be definitely 5 subparagraphs. Try to dedicate one material per paragraph. It will help to not overload work with too much citing.
Finally, it helps to have a written plan within eyeshot. So, no puzzlement and misunderstanding where to put what.


When you start the actual writing, you should spend a lot of time on a thesis and hook the same as it works with any type of essay. Note, you should present the main idea of why you choose the topic, present your arguments regarding the relevance of methodology discussed in the main body. Finally, you have to attach the smooth transition, in the end, that will step by step introduce your reader to the heart of the work.

Main Body

This is a part that requires prompt attention. One should manage to attach a methodology in the way it shows a reader again the relevance. If you collected students’ opinions regarding the Guilty Pleasures theme in Alice in Wonderland, make sure you decorate this information well. For instance, the first paragraphs must involve theory only. It helps a curator to find out the level of your knowledge. The middle paragraphs are with actual experiments that demonstrate a result in researching or analyzing the topic. And, the last ones are solely for showing your confidence in your work.


Look, the same as with other papers here the main criteria of successful work lays in confirming your thesis. You should refer to it, and show what you achieved with a methodology. Speak about what students’ opinions helped you to understand the main point. Besides, it is important to avoid adding new information. Otherwise, a reader will be lost with the overall feedback.

How to Write a Coursework in Classic English Literature? Final Tips

Now, you are almost done. And, it is necessary to dedicate the last days or moments to proofreading. There is hope that there are no more students who submit works without checking. If you do it, check what tips from our coursework writing service can greatly boost your final grade.

  • Never submit a draft. Note, everything you write, you should consider only as a sketch. When you are done with writing, you have to transfer step by step the parts of your coursework to a new document. Do it by parts or paragraphs, it will help to spot mistakes faster;
  • Trust online editors but do not rely on them completely. These online helpers are the best inventions for students. They can highlight mistakes, rate the readability, and help correct grammar discrepancies. But, online editors are not skilled enough to spot every mistake;
  • Leave work for some time. The best works are left for maturing. Yes, when you finish writing, you are recommended to leave it for some days to rest. It is helpful for your mind and brain. Remember, when you are missing all the deadlines, anyway try to find at least a few hours because your eyes should have a break. Otherwise, students do not notice mistakes;
  • Check with plagiarism. Even if you wrote the whole work on your own, it does not mean you are safe from plagiarism. Unfortunately, the work can be non-unique due to the presence of keywords. Try to paraphrase the sentences or change the words. You won’t prove a professor that it is a mistake;
  • Cite your borrowings. Another mistake that leads to plagiarism is your citing without mentioning the source in the reference. Always remember to do it. If you proceed with referencing in the end only, while writing the whole work, highlight the sentences that you borrow. After that, you can easily find them.

At last, read your coursework for at least 10 times before submitting it. Sometimes, students notice some discrepancies with logic, and they still have some time to change the parts. Keep in mind, this type of assignment will radically affect your final grade, so make sure you did your best to improve it.


  1. Barrass, R. (2015). Scientists must write. [Place of publication not identified]: Routledge.
  2. Hennessy, B. (2015). How to write coursework & exam essays. London: Robinson.
  3. Sutherland, J. (2008). Classics of British literature. Chantilly, Va.: Teaching Company.
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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