Chicago Style Sample Paper: Should Women Get Plastic Surgery to Make Themselves Have a Better Self-image?

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Chicago Paper Example: Should Women Get Plastic Surgery to Make Themselves Have a Better Self-image?

plastic surgery

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Character is like a tree and reputation is its shadow. The reputation is what we think it is, and the tree is the real thing.” People can change their style, hair, beliefs, and even gender, but the core will remain the same. Should women get plastic surgery to feel more self-confident and influence people? Appearance troubles everyone. Everybody creates a certain image when buying clothes, shoes, and cosmetics. Some people spend too much trying to look perfect or differ from others. Some people provide minimalistic changes because they support the theory of natural beauty. What about plastic surgery? Different clinical studies introduce different results of their research. On the one hand, plastic surgery lets women look beautiful. On the other hand, it might not change anything.

Women share their impressions about plastic surgery on various forums. Most of them like the results they see in the mirror after their surgeon’s work. Others are either not willing to share their thoughts or are not satisfied with the outcome. According to Eastside Online, most women got plastic surgery because they wanted to look perfect in their selfies. Fashion makes people change their preferences. The first plastic surgery was used by Ancient Egyptians, who had to reconstruct bone fractures in 2500 BC. Professionals in India became famous thanks to body improvement in 800 BC. Nevertheless, the first official case is dated 1814. An English surgeon, J. Carpue managed to save a soldier’s nose and went to India to learn from their experience. He became the first world-famous plastic surgeon who performed successful operations in 1815 in Europe. The US got its first plastic surgeon in twelve years. It was J.P. Mettauer who successfully designed instruments for a cleft palate operation.

Since then, people with different defects wanted to become lucky patients whose lives could be changed with the help of a scalpel. It took surgeons much time to improve the technique, instruments, and doses of anesthesia. Today, one can deal with the three types of plastic surgery. The first one is reconstructive surgery. According to psychologists, this type of plastic surgery is the most beneficial and justified. Thanks to it a person can get rid of cleft palate or lips, scars, and defects after surgeries, especially, cancer removal, burnt skin, and anomalies. The second type is cosmetic surgery, which is the most popular around the globe. Its goal is to improve the shape of lips, cheeks, noses, ears, breasts, and skin. One can make body parts bigger or smaller, regarding fashion and personal preferences. The third type is esthetic surgery that copes with severe damages.

Can surgery help to create a better self-imagine? Maybe. Everything depends on the situation and the health condition of a patient. Stylists and fashion developers state that clean natural beauty is becoming trendy again. Big lips, breasts, and cheeks do not impress anymore. The less makeup a woman has, the more attractive she is considered today. That is why plastic surgery must be justified. What is the purpose of making duck lips and balloon breasts when nature has shaped a perfect body where everything harmonizes? Nobody doubts the justification of the first and the third plastic surgeries. These procedures let women live a normal life without pain and discomfort. Have you ever tried to explain something to someone with a cleft palate? Have you ever seen women with only one breast after tumor removal on the beach? Such women hide from society with such defects. Plastic surgery comes to their rescue.

What about the second surgery type? Psychology Today has posted an article whose author disproved the ability of plastic surgery to boost a woman’s self-confidence and image. Image is both internal and external. It is not only about how you look, but how you feel as well. A surgeon cannot cover scars on a person’s soul. If a person suffers from mental disorders, it will not be rescued. For example, women between 18-30 turn to specialists to change their faces and bodies. Unfortunately, most of them do not feel better after visual changes because the problem goes much deeper. They usually deal with childish traumas caused by a parent’s disrespect and school bullying. That is why a person needs to change from the inside with the help of a psychologist before getting plastic surgery. As a rule, women do not want to get plastic surgery after having healed internal wounds.

Self-confidence is women’s attitude to what they do. Have you ever seen a handsome man with an inconspicuous woman? What made him choose her? It is all about her self-confidence. When women do not take care of standards and are raised by loving parents, they will always feel at the top of the Olympus. That is the secret of celebrities who managed to break stereotypes with their unique appearance and image. They did not require plastic surgery to surpass others. Speaking about unsuccessful plastic surgery cases, one can name hundreds of cases when beautiful women and men became ugly or worse. Do you remember Michael Jackson’s case? His nose fell off on the stage after several rhinoplasty procedures. His skin got white. His first surgery was justified because he broke his nose while dancing. Is such a health sacrifice worthy for people who possess natural beauty and can solve a problem with good makeup?

Plastic surgery changes a person’s appearance only. Women cannot change their image with its help if they cannot change internally. It is essential to find a healing method of psychological trauma. Today, women can find specialists who will help them find the root of the problem. Plastic surgery can help only those who have defects. One can read a Chicago style sample paper about magic changes that women experience when they get back their self-confidence that was lost after auto-crashes, diseases, burns, and fractures. Cosmetic surgery is too risky. It is better to learn how to use cosmetics than to live with inflamed lips, noses, cheeks, and breasts that cause severe pain and discomfort.


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  4. Desk ITW. The first plastic surgery was performed today 201 years ago: Amazing facts. India Today. Published October 23, 2015. Accessed February 5, 2022.
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John Williams A Top-5 writer at

Born in the Florida sun, John now lives in the concrete jungle of the Big Apple. He’s a team supervisor for the #1 health focused grocery store chain in the country. As a student, father and husband with a busy schedule John loves to read the biographies of famous people.

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