How to Write a Composition Essay in Astronomy

Writing guide
Posted on October 3, 2019

Are you dreaming about exceling in your English class? Or, perhaps, you’d like to finally exceed your professor’s expectations while taking a test or exam? Then you need to know how to write a good composition essay. It is not a secret that composition essays are among the most popular assignments that students are asked to do. Nonetheless, the composition essay writing task can be challenging and full of anxiety in a sense that the topics that one may see vary greatly while the requirements given by the teacher are too strict. There’s no need to worry if you don’t really know how to give your personal opinion about a certain topic. When you have some tricks and tips at hand (just like out guide), you will be able to prepare the most effective composition essay no matter what topic it has.

If you’re writing in astronomy, the good thing about the task is that preparing papers in this subject is fun! The subject is interesting, it includes many different sub-branches like astrophysics, astrometry, astrobiology, exobiology and some other. On the other hand, your composition essay in astronomy should be written so that people from all existing walks of life could get the idea of your paper. In other words, you have to keep your writing simple, but in general, the process of work is just more than that. The composition essay in astronomy requires you to attract your readers who may know nothing about the planets, the Moon and the Sun. Thus, every explanation that you give should be easy to comprehend at all existing levels.

What Is a Composition Essay?

A composition is type of a creative work that comes in many different forms such as novels, plays, poems, short stories and essays of course. Both your composition essay in astronomy and “It” by Stephen King are known as compositions.

Effective Planning Is the Key

Never underestimate planning when you’re about to write a composition essay or any other paper for college. It is very important to take your time and prepare appropriately to write a great composition essay. Proper planning helps to organize your ideas, thoughts and points of view, as well as to keep under control the process of writing and editing.

In case of the composition essay, you will have 3 equal parts of work. The thing is that when you divide the process of work into 3 stages, you will consider your project easily manageable and that will be something you can control effectively. The writers recommend spending 1/3 of your time on the following parts:

  • Pre-writing stage. At this point, the author is required to gather his or her thoughts, research materials, do some brainstorming and plan the general composition.
  • Writing stage. This is the point when you actually write your composition essay.
  • Editing stage. At this point, you have to read your essay more than twice or thrice, figure out the gaps where you should add some sentences, cut some unnecessary segments of text, as well as proofread the essay from the very first word till the last one.

In order to be well-prepared to begin to write your composition essay in astronomy, the author has to answer the following questions:

  1. Who will be the main character in your composition essay?
  2. When do all the events happen?
  3. Where does it happen?
  4. What exactly happened?
  5. In what way was everything solved?

When you’re over answering these questions and you know the main purpose of the project (to call your readers’ attention to something, to inform, to entertain people, to persuade and so on), you can freely proceed to the writing part.

Use the Standard Composition Essay Structure

When you write a composition essay in astronomy, it is important to know all the main parts it consists of. A standard composition essay consists of the title, the introduction, the body and the conclusion.

The Title
When you select the title for your composition essay in astronomy, make certain that the chosen topic is relevant to your subject. It is necessary to keep it short but interesting enough to attract attention of the target readers straight away. A catchy title can range from 2 to several words and it is better to avoid complex and long headings that might confuse your readers.

There are many potential titles that you can check in order to give preference to the one that you can research and turn into a well-structured text. We have listed some of them just below:

  • The Importance of the Discovery of Gravitational Waves;
  • Mysterious Planet 9: Orbiting far Beyond Pluto;
  • The Total Solar Eclipse – Once in a Lifetime Event;
  • The Horizon as The “Point of no Return” Around the Black Hole;
  • Asteroid Apocalypse: How NASA Scientists Explain the Biggest Threat;
  • Big Bang Theory: Is It the Only Plausible Theory?
  • Water on Mars: The Key Debates of the Origin of Liquid on Red Planet.

The Introduction
The next important part of the composition essay in astronomy is the introduction. Basically, you have to write an introduction in order to let your readers find out what your paper is going to be about as well as make them follow to the main part. In other words, you need to make certain that your opening paragraph is…

  • …not too lengthy
  • …interesting enough to attract your readers
  • …informative enough to let your readers know what the composition essay will be about
  • …strong enough to prepare your readers for that is to follow.

If you don’t make your introduction powerful and interesting enough, you will fail to catch your reader’s attention. Do not be afraid to insert intriguing facts, some interesting dialogue, a joke or some shocking details like ‘Scientists estimate that there are more than 500 000 pieces of space junk at the moment, including fragments from satellites and rockets, and everyday items like spanners dropped in the process of construction of the International Space Station’ into your introduction. This will help you to grab and keep your reader’s attention.

At this point, you have to provide your thesis statement. This part of the essay will guide you through the writing process. What is more important is that this sentence is the most important part of the whole paper. In general, a strong thesis statement is an easily debatable point that you, as the author, as going to prove in your composition project.

  • Ensure to have a debatable thesis statement. In actual fact, a lot of thesis statements are written as the answer to a properly formulated question about the composition topic. ‘A black hole is an area of space time exhibiting gravitational acceleration that is so strong that nothing can escape from it’ is not a thesis statement because this is not the thing that you could possibly debate. There is no need to prove that statement. ‘A black hole is the most dangerous thing in the whole universe’ is much closer to a good point that you could debate. Besides, this thesis statement could be a direct answer to the question like – what is the most dangerous thing in the whole universe?
  • Write a specific thesis statement. ‘A black hole has tremendous gravity’ is not as strong thesis statement as ‘The NASA scientists make an argument that the black hole has tremendous gravity which means the light never comes out, so if you fall in, you’re stuck because one can’t travel faster than light’ is much better.
  • A strong thesis statement in a composition essay in astronomy guides the whole project. In the thesis statement, the author can sometimes preview the main points he or she will make in the text, guiding the readers: ‘The NASA experts use advanced detection techniques in order to detect, understand and explore the black holes’.

The Main Body
After the introduction paragraph, you have to provide a smooth and logical transition to the body section of your composition essay. This is where you have to develop the main story of your paper. A strong body section supports your thesis statement as well as expresses your points of view, feelings and ideas on the chosen topic.

When you write the body part of the composition essay in astronomy, make sure to keep the following issues in your mind:

  • The sentences in the body must be short and simple because your readers are not astronomy experts, so they should be able to get the main idea;
  • Don’t include complex expressions and structures;
  • Provide transitional phrases and words in order to connect the paragraphs and sentences.
  • Check online dictionaries in order to make sure that you use ever term properly. For instance, you can consult the sources like TimeAndDate, SkyAndTelescope and SeaSky.

Keep in mind that the main body of the composition essay is the core of your project. For that reason, you have to state every point reasonably and consistently.

The Conclusion
The concluding part of the composition essay is the last but not least section of the paper. It is important to make sure that you story doesn’t end abruptly. Make sure to take time in order to come up with the most reasonable way to conclude your composition. At the same time, the last paragraph of the composition essay in astronomy should be simple and sum up the main idea of the project, but never presenting any new opinions or new points. This is an important aspect to keep in mind. For instance, if you’ve just written a composition essay about the types of the dwarf galaxies, make sure to mention that the most well-known types include dwarf spheroidal galaxy, blue compact dwarf galaxies, elliptical galaxies, magellanic type dwarfs, ultra-compact dwarf galaxies, dwarf irregular galaxy and dwarf spiral galaxy.

Get Some Feedback on Your Composition Essay Draft

Without a doubt, you find it extremely tempting to submit your composition essay as soon as you are done with the last sentence. However, that is a very bad idea if you wish to get a good grade! You will be much better off if you just put your composition essay aside for some time and then get back to it with fresh mind and eyes. This will give you an opportunity to detect the errors that you haven’t noticed before and revise the text once again. If some of your friends can boast of good writing skills and know something in astronomy, it is a good idea to approach them and ask to revise the finished product for you.

The writing experts recommend writing a rough draft the weekend before the paper is due and giving it to your college professor for some comments and suggestions some days before the deadline. Check the feedback and consider it when working on your papers that may come next.
In general, writing in astronomy is an interesting and thought-provoking process that shouldn’t scary you since the subject provides you with a great number of online and printed sources where the information relevant to this sphere is available for free.

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