Essay Sample about Summer Traveling to Washington DC

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Almost everyone agrees that summer is the best time for traveling, especially considering the summer break from school. All countries welcome new visitors and are ready to offer their attractions and places of interest. Among the great many cities in the United States of America, Washington DC is always considered a special place of interest. Not many people are aware that although the capital city was named after George Washington, it wasn’t his idea. In fact, the first president used to call the city “The Federal City.” It was called Washington DC only after Washington’s death. This city is very different from other large cities in the Unites States. You won’t find high buildings or skyscrapers here. The highest building in Washington is the monument to George Washington and to the Capitol.

The Capitol is found in the center of the city. It’s situated on Capitol Hill; that is the highest point in the city. This building was named after the section of a Roman temple and serves as the location for the government seat. On the top of the main building is a huge dome. Its height reaches 285 feet, crowned by the bronze Statue of Freedom, which is 19 feet in height (Cooper, 2015).

Another interesting and significant place is the Library of Congress which is composed of buildings clustered in three sections. The oldest is the Thomas Jefferson Building, constructed in the Italian Renaissance style. The Library of Congress performs the function of the national library. In addition to government committees and members of Congress, the representatives of the judicial and executive branches of the parliament, researches, scholars, artists, and scientists can also visit it.

Broad Pennsylvania Avenue stretches from the Capitol to the White House. Each time a new president is inaugurated, the whole procession follows along this route. The White House, situated at Pennsylvania Avenue, is the official residence of the US presidents. An interesting fact is that all US presidents have lived there, except for George Washington. This building is composed of a number of rooms used for specific functions. For example, Blue and Green Rooms are used for international meetings of ministers and ambassadors and the East Room and the State Dining Room serve as official places for public gatherings (Cooper, 2015).

A well-known tribute to the first president of the United States, the George Washington Monument can be found just behind the White House. As the height of the monument reaches 169 feet, it provides a perfect view of the Columbia District; some parts of Virginia and Maryland can also be seen from this location.

The end of the mall is best known as the location for another famous monument – the Lincoln Memorial. Hardly anyone can pass this place by without spending a few minutes viewing the monument. This marble statue represents a man who was the 16-th president of America. Every time individuals view the tribute, they feel respect for the historic figure that played such an important role during the time of the Civil War – arguably, the most difficult time in the United States history. Lincoln’s sizeable influence on slavery abolishment, restoration of the government, and improving the economy of the entire country was a great contribution to America.

One more place that surely can be considered significant is the Smithsonian Institution. As the story goes, Englishman James Smithson, who had never been to the United States, donated half a million dollars for one purpose – to make general knowledge and education popular among all people. This institution includes art galleries, scientific institutes, The National Museum, The Observatory, publishing centers, and even zoos!

Ford’s Theater, another significant location, is located in the downtown business area. As it has been used for many stage performances beginning 1860, this theater is truly a historic one. In addition, it is known for a tragic event. It is in this location where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in April, 1865 (Cooper, 2015).

When visiting Washington DC, you have so many wonderful places to visit that represent the history of the United States government as well as its modern day functions. Regardless of which ones you choose to experience, you are certain to get a great sense of the American spirit.

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