20 Biology Essay Topics: Hooking Ideas to Discuss in Evolutionary Biology Niche

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Welcome to our second guide where we discuss 20 topics for a cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology. These topics will eventually help you kickstart the writing process without spending too much time or energy on unnecessary research or deciding what to write about.

Furthermore, we’ve also included a sample essay hand picked from one of these 20 topics, so you can have a good idea of how a cause and effect essay should be written. You can replicate our essay if you want, but after reading all our guides, we assure you that you would be effortlessly writing a superb essay on your own.

If you haven’t already gone through our first guide, 10 facts for a cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology, we urge you to read that before going further, as our first guide helps you build a solid foundation on the subject matter, so you can have a proper context to base your writing on.

You also do not want to miss out on our third guide, how to write a cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology, which clearly explains how a cause and effect essay is written, how it’s formatted and what the outlines and methods are, in order to make it stand out in every way.

Here are 20 topics on writing an evolutionary biology essay:

  1. Stellar Evolution Revealed: The Theory that Tries to Disapprove the Big Bang Theory
  2. Life Evolution: The Twin Theories of Spontaneous Generation and Lamarckism
  3. The Reasons Why Creationists Believe that Everything is Created by a “Master Designer”
  4. What is “The Argument by Design” and How Does it Disprove Evolutionary Theory?
  5. How Evolutionary Biology has Affected Science, Society and Culture
  6. The Revelation of Charles Darwin and His Famous Book “The Origin of Species”
  7. Does “Evolutionary Biology” Pack Authentic Evidence Which Signifies its Importance as an Applicable Theory?
  8. 7 Scientific Theories that Debunk Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary Theories
  9. How the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics Contradict Charles Darwin’s Theory
  10. What Happened in the French Caribbean Island of Guadeloupe in 1812 that Laid the Evolution Theory to Rest?
  11. What are Common Misconceptions about Evolution That Are Still Taught Today?
  12. Why Creationism Seems More Scientific than Evolution
  13. The Evolution Theory – Did Charles Darwin Made it All Up Based on Assumptions Only?
  14. How the Evolution Theory Affects Science and Humans Beings
  15. The Theories that Influenced Charles Darwin to Hypothesize the Evolution Theory
  16. What was the Main Purpose of Creating the Evolution Theory? Was it Really Based on Scientific Facts and Figures?
  17. The Reason Why Almost All Biologists Believed Charles Darwin’s Conclusion that Evolution Had Occurred
  18. What Made Charles Darwin Write “The Origin of Species”.
  19. How the Evolution Theory Was Debunked by the Foundations of True Science
  20. What was “The X Club” All About? What Kind of Roles Did it Play in Science?

We are certain that you will find these topics relevant to your assignment and you now have something really interesting to write about. One thing’s for sure that you will not get stuck in the initial stages since you have at least 20 topics to choose from. Before we move to our next guide, how to write a cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology, take a look at the sample below, which has been written on one of the topics above:

Cause and Effect Sample Essay: 7 Scientific Theories that Debunk Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary Theories

Before the 1800s, scientists believed that the world we live in was created by a Master Designer, i.e. God. These scientists were hard workers and dedicated their life to researching and finding scientific facts about the origin of species. However, after the 1900s, philosophers who were rich and powerful, and had influence on society, suppressed those scientific endeavors in order to make their own hypotheses, just to make a name for themselves.

William Paley, best known for his Natural Theology, explained that when we see the world, its complexity and how it works, it is clear that there is a Master Designer who has created this masterpiece. In fact, the “Argument of Design” states that it is unwise, and in some ways, foolish to think that anything at all might come into existence on its own. For example, if we see a watch, we know that it’s been crafted by someone who’s an expert in his/her field. The same goes for the universe; whoever made it must be a master at his craft.

It’s a remarkable fact that Charles Darwin’s Evolution Theory was completely debunked even before it was published in his book, “The Origin of Species”. Carl Linn, one of the earnest creationists at the time, classified numerous species and during his scientific voyage, did not see any proof of ‘halfway species’. This is why he concluded that there were no crossover species, since every form of species are distinct and varied, even though there can be sub-species. However, he still maintained that it was impossible to have halfway species.

The First Law of Thermodynamics is one of the most remarkable and highly respected theories today about the origins of the universe. This theory talks about the law of conservation of energy and how, no matter what size or shape, the amount of energy in a particular matter stays the same. This law clearly debunks several evolutionary theories that Charles Darwin had proposed – without scientific facts, it might be noted.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics states the same and completely puts the basics of the evolutionary theory to rest, which is: simple evolves into complex. In the law of entropy, in plain words, everything runs down, wears out and is reduced to pieces.

One of the most well-authenticated discoveries that also discredit the Evolution Theory is the discovery of a human skeleton in the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe.

This human skeleton dates back to 28 million years – estimated by modern geologists by determining the age of a slab of limestone, in which the skeleton was found. Modern human skeletons have also been found in the depths of the strata.

Mendel was a great scientist and a creationist as well. For several years, he bred garden peas and did multiple researches to study the results of crossing various breeds. His work was completed in about eight years and when he revealed his findings, it was distributed among 120 renowned libraries around the world.

However, his journal was rejected by the Scientific Society because it, in fact, went against the Evolutionary Theory. In conclusion, his work laid the foundation of modern genetics and revealed that there is a barrier between species that doesn’t allow them to transmute with one another. It was in the 1900s, when his research was discovered again and changed the world of modern genetics.

Louis Pasteur was another great scientist who disproved the evolutionary basis: the spontaneous generation theory. This theory states that all living things came into existence from a nonliving material. The evidence behind this was that when a pile of clothes were to remain in a corner for a long time, they would breed mice! However, the reality was that mice would gather around that pile and nest in that place for comfort, warmth and perhaps, to feast on the clothes.

Lamarckism, one of the strongest foundations of evolutionary theory, was also disproved by a German scientist, August Friedrich Leopold Weismann. To disprove “the inheritance of acquired characteristics”, he conducted an experiment on 901 young white mice by cutting off their tails. He did this 19 times (in every successive generation). However, each successive generation was born with a full-length tail. Yet, modern evolutionists still teach Lamarck today, in this modern day and age.

Another fact that circumcision of Jewish people doesn’t affect growth on the foreskin put the theory of evolution into question and the legacy of Charles Darwin himself as well.

There are a plethora of scientific facts that disprove evolutionary biology and point out that there is a Master Designer who has created this complex world we live in. Despite relying relentlessly on hypothesis with no scientific evidence or proof, our generation still studies evolutionary biology based on the origin of species that we see and perceive. This is utterly wrong and should be done away with completely – so that people can have a broader perspective in general and their researches, along with scientific facts they gather, lead to much more.

As promised, you now have a sample essay which will assist you in writing an exceptional cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology. Let’s head on to our third and final guide, how to write a cause and effect essay on evolutionary biology.


  1. Harvey, P. H., & Pagel, M. D. (1991). The comparative method in evolutionary biology (Vol. 239). Oxford: Oxford university press.
  2. Huelsenbeck, J. P., Ronquist, F., Nielsen, R., & Bollback, J. P. (2001). Bayesian inference of phylogeny and its impact on evolutionary biology. science, 294(5550), 2310-2314.
  3. Bookstein, F. L. (1985). Morphometrics in evolutionary biology: the geometry of size and shape change, with examples from fishes. Academy of Natural Sciences.
  4. Chagnon, N. A., & Irons, W. (1979). Evolutionary biology and human social behavior: An anthropological perspective.
  5. J. Edison Adams, (1967) Plants: An Introduction to Modern Biology, p. 585
  6. Chris Colby, (1996) Introduction to Evolutionary Biology http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-intro-to-biology.html
  7. Huelsenbeck, J. P., Ronquist, F., Nielsen, R., & Bollback, J. P. (2001). Bayesian inference of phylogeny and its impact on evolutionary biology. science, 294(5550), 2310-2314.
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