20 Cause and Effect Essay Topics: Climate Change Issues You Should Discuss in Your Paper

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If you are facing an essay on the economics of climate change, you need to first settle on a topic. Below are twenty great topics that you might be able to use for your writing assignment:

  1. The Growth of Solar Panel Installation Jobs
  2. Birds Change Migration Patterns and Other Animals Are Going Extinct because of Loss of Natural Habitat
  3. How Warmer Climates Kill Krill Shrimp and Influence Human Food Supply and Economic Costs
  4. How Scientists Measure Climate Change and Predict Problematic Changes in Weather
  5. How Melting Ice Caps Discourage Frequency of Hurricanes but Increase Severity
  6. How Climate Change Adversely Affects Agriculture Leading to Increased Economic Costs and Social Instability
  7. How Rising Sea Levels and More Severe Storms Affect Animals and Their Habitats Leading to Issues of National Security and Food Shortages
  8. The History of Solar Energy and Wind Energy
  9. Solar Thermal Energy and the Capture of Sun with Curved Mirrors Compared to Historical Solar Energy Methods
  10. How Wind Energy Derives from Solar Energy by Way of the Sun’s Hot Air Raising to Meet With Cooler Air
  11. Wind and Kinetic Energy Being Converted Into Electricity Compared To Costs of Traditional Energy
  12. How Capturing Wind Energy Requires Kinetic Energy with Electric Turbines Is Similar to Windmill Energy Collection
  13. How Wind Energy Fields Have Created Wind Energy Jobs
  14. How Economic Growth Is Affected by Climate Change
  15. How Faster Onset of Droughts and Food Shortages Influences Social Stability
  16. How Natural Disasters Like Floods or Hurricanes Threaten National Security
  17. How Humanitarian Crises Following Climate Change Require Government Responses
  18. How Military Assistance for Climate Change Disasters Increases the Need for Advanced Planning and Environmental Re-evaluation
  19. How Changes in Environmental Policy for Climate Change Require Additional Time and Money from Governments
  20. How Military Assistance for Climate Change Disasters Increases the Need for Environmental Re-evaluation

Sample Cause Effect Essay on How Wind Energy Fields Have Created Wind Energy Jobs

The process of capturing wind and solar energy takes the kinetic energy and turns it into electrical energy such as what a windmill does. To do this, a wind energy system is used which contains two electric turbines. The first is the vertical-axis and the second is the horizontal-axis. There is a tower to attract the wind, attached to an enclosed generator, the two blades which cause the rotation, and the electric equipment. When the wind and solar energy is collected and converted, it is transferred to nearing power lines. Currently, some turbines have a capacity to produce 5,000 kilowatts (kW) of energy. The average turbine, however, produces a mere 1,000 kW of energy. A kilowatt is one thousand watts which is measured as one kilowatt per hour. It takes a 50-watt light bulb left on for twenty hours to consume on kilowatt hour. Outside determinants of the energy produced from wind energy is based on the wind speed. The average wind speed needed for average productivity is winds blowing at a rate of nine miles per hours. Typically, wind turbines run about sixty-five to ninety percent of the time, depending on winds. Wind energy is produced by the turbines at wind power plants which consist of a conglomerate of machines all functioning next to one another.

Wind energy jobs are now becoming very prominent throughout the United States as the effort to go green and protect the environment moves forth. Wind energy jobs are available for both manual positions as well as high and low level administrative positions. A director of Grid Development is a higher end position within wind energy jobs. This position is the type to oversee the execution of strategic plans across a given business region which covers new transmission development opportunities. These wind energy jobs would include responsibilities such as negotiating between business partners to achieve the best parameters and terms of agreement alongside working with legal departments to draft final agreement documents. Regional stakeholders are responsible for input on current and future relationships to strategic partners. Therefore these wind energy jobs require constant evaluation for new opportunities and presenting proposals and company objectives. Other requirements for wind energy jobs would be a slight knowledge of the field of wind energy with experience as a preferred measure. Positions of this nature do have higher requirements such as corporate development and finance experience, a Bachelor’s degree in business or engineering most often, as well as leadership experience. Wind energy jobs also include the position of Residential Energy Sales. Like any major company, field sales staff is needed to identify areas wherein energy efficiency needs improvement, as well as determining insulation levels within residential areas, any road blocks which might inhibit weather. These wind energy jobs also require sales teams to explain how wind energy is efficient, less expensive, and what measure would be needed for homeowners to begin using said energy forms.

Energy auditors are required for wind energy jobs as their positions develop and manage energy audit programs which are responsible for calculating monthly and annual costs for residential and commercial buildings. Maintaining the advancement of wind energy as an efficient and sustainable energy source, and staying informed about technological advances in the field of wind energy as an alternative method are all viable qualities this type of personnel would require. Duties of these wind energy jobs would be maintaining energy reduction projects, developing new strategies for the reduction of environmental impact, and building energy audit programs within the wind energy industry. Other tasks would be analyzing historical energy uses, consumption patterns, any anomalies, and then taking said information to determine any target areas for improvement. Other more remedial duties would be reviewing documents, maintaining staff, schedules, and performance.
Of course other options for wind energy jobs include alternative energy instructors or professional teachers, wind energy sales, mechanical engineers, mechanical designers, technical program managers, energy services specialists, marketing specialists, front desk receptionists, engineers, proposal coordinators, helpdesk specialists, construction managers, chief marketing officers, instructors, freelance writers, net programmers, campaign specialists, director of facility operations, sales professionals, software engineers, and controls engineers. Many of the aforementioned positions require a Bachelor’s degree in either engineering or business with ample room for growth and development. Some of the more astute positions require a Master’s degree in any of the related areas of study, and many seek individuals with experience in the given field or a passion for wind energy.

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