20 Economics Essay Topics: Key Facts about the Inca Empire

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The history and development of the Inca Empire are topics which interest an economics teacher. Because this is a vast area of study, your course instructor may ask you to write an essay on it. However, because of its sheer capacity, it may be hard for you to narrow it down and select a particular topic. Fortunately, we are here to assist you in any way that we can and this is why we have created a list of 20 topics which you can choose from.

Here are 20 topics for  economic project on the Inca Empire:

  1. Attempts of Andeans to Take Over the Incan Empire.
  2. Discuss Pachacuti’s Vision in Detail.
  3. Early Years of the Inca People.
  4. The Topography of the Incan Empire.
  5. Resources of the People of the Inca Empire.
  6. Recreational Activities of the Inca People.
  7. Detailed Analysis of the Monetary System and Its Benefits.
  8. The Political and Governmental System of the Inca Empire.
  9. Demographics of the Inca People.
  10. Detailed Note on Role of the Chieftains in the Inca Empire Conquest.
  11. Organizational Abilities of the Higher Inca officials.
  12. Role of Religion in Inca Empire’s politics.
  13. Effect of Marriage between Chieftains and Royal Bloodlines on The Inca Empire Conquest.
  14. Ideology Behind the Inca Empire Conquest.
  15. Discuss How Pachacuti had Used Religion to Combine the Inca People.
  16. Tradition of Ancestor Worship in Inca Empire.
  17. Write a Detailed Note on the Sapa Inca.
  18. Government System of the Inca Empire.
  19. Laws of Property Ownership in the Inca Empire.
  20. The Incan Highway System.

For the time being, here is a sample of an essay on the Inca Empire.

Sample Economics Essay: Government System of the Inca Empire

The government system of the Inca empire was theocratic. Everything, including the gold, silver and labor belonged to the Sapa Inca, who were the rulers of the empire. Because the women too were thought to be the property of the Incan Empire, fornication with a woman who was not under your ownership was punishable under the rule, with death being the penalty.

Though everyone in the empire was given land in the beginning, to avoid anarchy and rebellion, they were moved elsewhere later on. The administration was responsible for keeping the people well fed and any negligence would be held accountable by the Sapa Inca. Large quantities of food and clothing were stored in case of an economical breakdown.

The Inca Empire didn’t initially believe in property ownership but the Sapa Inca created a new law and permitted certain individuals to build houses. The trade market was fruitful for the Inca Empire and the payment method was purely barter. The guards controlled all the gates of the town and the local citizens were not allowed to leave or enter if it wasn’t on official business.

The administrative system was extremely systematic. People with royal bloodline or religious affiliation were treated extraordinarily well. The citizens were classified and their duties were assigned to them. If a child committed a crime, the father would be held accountable depending upon the situation and age of the child.
The labor was to handle the farming and cultivation of the land. This act was further divided in three categories: what’s essential for the Empire, what’s essential for the Sun Religion, what’s essential for the people.

Animal flocks, specifically the llama were owned by the empire. Handling the animal flocks, maintaining the roads, bridges and public buildings were amongst the various tasks for a common worker.

After the Sapa Inca, came the council. Historians and anthropologists claim that their power decreased as the empire grew stronger. History keeping was one of the most respectable professions in the Inca Empire and certain poets and intellectual men were responsible for keeping an account of the Inca Empire’s story.
This tool was used by the higher officials of the Inca Empire on a regular basis in order to prevent a revolt or civil war. There was no particular system of writing in the Inca Empire so people relied on the memory of these historians.

When the Inca Empire was at the height of its economic success, it was divided into four viceroyalties that were further divided into provinces. The viceroys and governors were the aristocrats of the empire who had a distinct dress which gave a royal impression. The aristocrats were responsible for controlling the masses and putting through Sapa Inca approved ideologies. Overall, the empire was an amalgamation of various units and political hierarchy which worked together to sustain the system.

Hemming, J. (1970). The conquest of the Incas. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich.
Inca Government : A brief on ancient Inca Government System. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from http://www.machupicchu-inca.com/inca-government.html
Newman, S. (2010). True Book: The Inca Empire. Scholastic Canada.
Inca Empire. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/04/inca-empire/pringle-text
Baquedano, E., & Zabé, M. (2011). Eyewitness Aztec. London: DK Pub.
Jarus, B. O. (2013). The Incas: History of Andean Empire. Retrieved April 29, 2016, from http://www.livescience.com/41346-the-incas-history-of-andean-empire.html
The Inca. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2016, from http://www.allempires.com/article/index.php?q=inca

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