10 Critical Essay Topics on Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labor, or commercial sex exploitation. If you are studying it, chances are that you will have to come up with a critical essay that tackles one of its aspects. If you are strapped for time, though, you may have trouble coming up with a topic idea.

So, here are 10 facts that can get your creativity levels up and help you come up with a topic.

  1. Human trafficking is a four-step process. Human trafficking is a complex process that involves breaking a number of national and international laws. The entire process has been mapped out by researchers. It involves four basic steps: Recruitment, Transportation and Entry, Exploitation, Gathering Criminal Proceeds. During this entire process, the victim suffers from mental, emotional, and, in some cases, severe physical abuse.
  2. The FBI led one of the biggest human trafficking raids in history. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collaborated with 135 different local law enforcement agencies to plan and conduct Operation Cross Country XI. This operation helped rescue 149 children who were being sexually exploited and held captive by a large human trafficking ring. This raid by the FBI was considered to be one of the largest of its kind.
  3. Human trafficking is more common in poorer countries. Certain places and cultures are more likely to be involved in all phases of the human trafficking problem (International Organization for Migration, 2012). Typically, the trend is for trafficking victims into wealthier countries to originate income in poorer nations. However, this is not a rule.
  4. Fighting human trafficking requires more than one approach. Research shows that the best way to combat human trafficking is to take a multi-faceted approach. Measures must be made to improve law enforcement capacity and capability; increase awareness through education, outreach and training, assess regulations and refine them if necessary, and analyze and create programs that are practical and realistic.
  5. Human trafficking victims can be categorized. Polaris Project is an international organization that is devoted to the goal of ending human trafficking and modern slavery. Their findings show that human trafficking victims come from sections of population that are already categorized as vulnerable. The most at risk are the poor, the lower classes, at-risk youth, migrants, and individuals belonging to oppressed or highly marginalized groups.
  6. Women and children are mostly trafficked. According to estimates by the International Labor Organization (ILO), 20.9 million people around the world are victims of human trafficking. Over half of these, 68% are ones trapped in the nightmare of forced labor, 55% are girls and women, whereas 26% are children.
  7. Natural and armed conflicts are mainly responsible for this phenomenon. Natural disasters and armed conflicts create environments where the illicit trade of human trafficking runs rampant. Reports have shown that in the aftermath of disasters, human trafficking activities rise in the area. The situations seen in countries such as Sudan, Somalia, Haiti and Afghanistan. Therefore, it is necessary for humanitarian agencies to engage on the prevention of human trafficking.
  8. The role of the internet in this issue should be factored in the solution. Organized crime groups can exploit individuals by using the ubiquitous technology tool: the Internet. Human trafficking groups turn to the internet because it affords virtually perfect anonymity. They use the Internet to ensnare victims and also have access to encrypted financial transactions. They can also easily sell services or images online. The most common tools used by such groups are: Forums, web message boards, chat rooms, peer-to-peer networks, websites, live streaming services. With adequate measures, most of these common tools can be used to mask their online identity and avoid detection by law enforcement agencies.
    Law enforcement agencies across the world face a unique challenge when it comes to the Internet. Countries need to increase their cooperation in dealing with this issue. The traditional local investigative efforts should be refined as well.
  9. Law enforcement officials and other professionals need to be educated on effective victim rehabilitation. For victims of human traffickers, the ordeal continues after being rescued. Effective victim rehabilitation services are marred by many misconceptions. Adequate assistance to the victim can only be provided if their psychological state is understood by the ones helping them. This means educating law enforcement officers, social workers, and healthcare providers on handing these individuals carefully.
    The behavior of law enforcement can affect the level of cooperation of the victim. Since most victims do not know their rights, they remain virtual prisoners even after they have been rescued. The only way to fight the menace of this modern-day slavery is through global collaboration and cooperation.
  10. Child soldiers is an issue that may not be solved easily. Child soldiers have been used in almost all of the recent conflicts occurring in the African region. The major factors which make a child more vulnerable to this extreme form of exploitation are poverty, displacement from home, being orphaned, and having limited access to education. According to the UN and other NGO estimates, over 70,000 former child soldiers have been involved in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programs since 1998. However, thousands remain involved with armed groups in Central and Western Africa. Moreover, peace in the region does not always mean improvement of these children’s’ lives. They might continue to be neglected or have limited access to the DDR programs.

Use these ten facts while coming up with a topic for your critical essay on human trafficking. If you need more help, do not hesitate to check our 20 topics on human trafficking for a critical essay. If you are still not sure about writing a critical essay, check the guidelines in how to write a critical essay on human trafficking.

Aronowitz, A. (2009). Human trafficking, human misery (p. 10). Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
Blake, A. (2015). FBI’s largest ever human trafficking sting leads to over 150 arrests, 149 kids recovered. The Washington Times. Retrieved from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/15/fbis-largest-ever-human-trafficking-sting-leads-ov/
Burke, M. (2013). Human trafficking. New York: Routledge.
Wilson, J., & Dalton, E. (2008). Human Trafficking in the Heartland: Variation in Law Enforcement Awareness and Response. Journal Of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 24(3), 296-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1043986208318227
Burke, M. (2013). Human trafficking (p. 9). New York: Routledge.
New ILO Global Estimate of Forced Labour: 20.9 million victims. (2012). Ilo.org. Retrieved 18 March 2016, from http://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_182109/lang–en/index.htm
Human Trafficking | Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research. (2016). Hpcrresearch.org. Retrieved 18 March 2016, from http://www.hpcrresearch.org/research/human-trafficking
Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking, Technology and Human Trafficking 8 (Background Paper, 2008), https://www.unodc.org/documents/human-trafficking/2008/BP017TechnologyandHumanTrafficking.pdf
Increased focus on the link between the Internet and Human Trafficking | Europol. (2016). Europol.europa.eu. Retrieved 18 March 2016, from https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/increased-focus-link-between-internet-and-human-trafficking
Palmiotto, M. Combating human trafficking (pp. 231-232).

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