10 Facts for Dissertation on Microbiology

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Welcome to our first guide on writing a dissertation on microbiology. This is one of the three guides that will help you along as you compose your dissertation paper. Reading all of these guides would make your dissertation, just the way it should be.

Here is what you will learn from each of these guides:

In our first guide we discuss substantial facts on microbiology that you’ll be using in your dissertation paper. These facts would make it clear for you to choose a topic/subject that suits you the best. We have also mentioned references for you to double check facts and find more information on a specific topic in case you need more details.

In our second guide, 20 dissertation topics of microbiology, you will learn 20 relevant topics that you can choose from and start writing right away. These topics correlate with the facts you’ll read in our first guide – making it a lot easier for you to write your dissertation quickly. We have also included a short sample essay on how a dissertation should be written which will help you understand the basic essay writing concept.

In our third and last guide, how to write a good dissertation on microbiology, we will discuss the methodologies, structures and some tips on how you can make your dissertation paper better. This guide is crucial to read. By reading this guide, you can easily compel your professor to admire your hard work.

Without further ado, let’s give the word to the facts:

  1. The study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, is known as microbiology.
    It also includes the study of various fundamental responses and clinical aspects of biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, physiology, evolution, and microorganisms. In simple words, anything that is cellular and is found in a micro-scale is a part of microbiology.
  2. Microbiology plays an important role in the development and research of the following areas: medicine, agriculture, fundamental research, genetic engineering, environmental science, pharmaceutical industry and food and drink production. It has also played a significant role in the development of modern medicines including life-saving drugs, which help to fight diseases.
  3. Microorganisms were generally known to be dangerous. But it was found out later, thanks to microbiology, that only a particular kind of microorganisms, called pathogens, are dangerous because of the ability to cause health issues. In fact, studies have found out that only a few hundreds of microorganisms (out of half a million) are infectious and can cause diseases. This information has changed the perception of microbiologists and the way we see microbiology today.
  4. The microscope, a device used to study microorganisms, is said to be invented in the 1590s, however, there is no reliable information on when exactly it was created and by whom. However, historians firmly believe the inventor to be Hans Lippershey, though there seems to be contradictions on this opinion. Nonetheless, there is a physical evidence (a letter) that shows that Zacharias Janssen (son of Lippershey) was also involved in inventing binoculars, microscopes and other related instruments.
  5. Did you know that human skin houses trillions of billions of bacteria on it, which our naked eye is unable to see? The study suggests that a square centimeter of our skin is covered by 100,000 bacteria. The majority of those bacterias are critical for our existence.
  6. In the year 2000, a group of scientists revealed that they had revived 250-million-year-old bacteria spores. This bacteria were found deep in the Earth, encased in salt crystals. The bacteria were actually in a suspended motion, which scientists are researching right now. This research can lead to many dramatic revelations concerning microorganisms.
  7. According to a theory, if 10-12 grams of a single bacterium is allowed to generate within 20 minutes again and again, in two days, it would grow so much that its weight would be 4000 times heavier than Earth’s.
  8. As of 2016, there are three kinds of bacteria that can be seen with the naked eye. These are thiomargarita namibiensis, epulopiscium fishelsoni, and beef tapeworm (the largest parasite). These are considered to be the largest single living bacteria. Out of them, thiomargarita namibiensis survives in the depth of ocean.
  9. Beef/pork tapeworm aka taenia saginata, is an infectious parasite living in beef and pork. The tapeworm can easily be transmitted to humans if the flesh is undercooked, and isn’t cleansed properly before cooking.
    This parasite can live up to 30 years in the gut, and can grow as long as 25 feet. Studies have shown no severe side-effects of this parasite living in our body, but in some cases it may lead to a nerve-disorder, known as neurocysticercosis. These cases have only been developed by the pork tapeworm, which is why many doctors are now suggesting not to use pork or to cook it appropriately before consuming it.
  10. When micro-creatures were first discovered through the eyes of microscope, they were considered to be created by non-living matter. This theory was known as spontaneous generation, which Charles Darwin spoke of in his theory of evolution.

However, the theory was disapproved when Louis Pasteur, a renowned and famous figure in microbiology, discovered yeast production in alcohol.

There you have it! We’re sure that these 10 facts will surely be helpful in writing down a stellar dissertation paper on microbiology. You can take a look at the references, mentioned below, which may save your research-time drastically.


  1. Dr. T. Sundararaj, (2004), “MICROBIOLOGY, Higher Secondary – First Year” Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation – Government of Tamilnadu – First Edition. http://www.textbooksonline.tn.nic.in/books/11/std11-microbio-em.pdf
  2. Geo F. Brooks, Karen C. Carroll, Janet S. Butel, Stephen A. Morse, Timothy A. Mietzner, (2013) “Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology” – Twenty Sixth Edition – a LANGE medical book by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. http://microbiology.sbmu.ac.ir/uploads/jawetz_2013__medical_miceobiology.pdf
  3. Stuart Hogg, (2005) “Essential Microbiology” The University of Glamorgan, UK – John Wiley and Sons, LTD.
  4. Alliance, (2012) “General Microbiology Fact Sheet” absa.org
  5. “Microbiology.” Encyclopedia of Food and Culture. Retrieved December 21, 2016 from Encyclopedia.com
  6. “Human Tapeworms Facts” Buzzle.com http://www.buzzle.com/articles/human-tapeworm-facts.html
  7. Lauren Cox, (2013), “Who Invented the Microscope?” Livescience http://www.livescience.com/39649-who-invented-the-microscope.html
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