Composing an appealing resume is of great importance for any college or university graduate. You certainly want this document to look its best, and it should utilize the latest trends in resume writing. Need some good advice on how to write a CV to gain the attention of employers in 2020? Here are 10 tips that will help you apply for a job with ease and grace:
1. Simple structure draws attention
If you use any CV maker tool available online, you will have already noticed that a simple structure is preferable for any kind of a resume. It’s easy to get trapped into thinking that you should make your CV look elaborate. In fact, it’s always best to keep every section on your resume as clean and simple as possible. You can write short theses and arrange them in blocks so that your potential employer can read them all in 30 seconds. On the other hand, you can use ordinary text, but be as concise. Also, use numbered or bulleted lists to organize the important information in manageable chunks that are easy to absorb at a glance.
2. Easy-to-read fonts are a must
Thinking about making your resume look creative? Well, don’t do it. Even if you are applying for a position in a creative profession, consider following the conservative-looking CV examples available on the web. Avoid ornate or humorous style fonts by all means. You will never be wrong if you stick to a minimalist design in your resume. It not only looks nice but also makes it much easier for your potential employer to find and process information. Use traditional fonts and clear organization. It’s always better to save creative expression for your portfolio and to keep your resume more traditional.
3. Provide a one-sentence summary first
No matter what your profession is, you should be able to convey the most important information about yourself in a single sentence. Usually, one places such a summary at the very top of the resume immediately under the main heading. It states who you are and what your career goal is as represented by this resume. Furthermore, it explains why potential employers should consider you as a suitable candidate for their position. An example would be: “I am an eager-to-learn sociology student with advanced analytical skills who is looking for a position in a statistics company.” Such a statement may look generic to you, but most recruiters need to have an idea of who the applicant is and what his/her career goals are before reading the resume.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
4. Tell about personal skills that are relevant to the job description
Most likely, you are a person with numerous skills and talents that should help you to successfully pursue your targeted careers. Therefore, it’s very important to tell other people why you are a great expert for their company or business. Describing your skills in detail is a common practice for a cover letter; however, we recommend keeping to the main point in your resume or CV. Analyse the company for which you wish to work and the position in question. What skills are employers looking for in their candidates? Think about how these demands match with your personal profile and put a few relevant professional and personal traits in your resume. After all, you will get a chance to tell more about yourself in the interview.
5. Proceed with your experience
Previous jobs are the most important part of any resume. Employers always prefer candidates with at least some practical experience in their field. That is why you should never say that you have no work history at all. If you are a student, you may have volunteered, had part-time jobs, or worked on freelance projects relevant to your profession. Any such experience counts, and you have to make sure that this section of your resume is fully addressed.
6. Say a few words about your education
Among other important information on your professional resume, you certainly should tell where you studied and what diplomas and/or certificates you’ve acquired. You don’t need to make this section too long, though. Most employers don’t care about your college milestones because even though the student job search is a common thing, companies looking for the middle-to-senior workers seem to have more interest in applicants with practical skills. When describing your professional achievements, don’t forget to mention participation in conferences, training, and master classes.
7. Skip the photo
A beaming image of a promising applicant has become a common feature of a resume. However, not many employers actually need to know how you look to invite you to an interview. A smiling picture is a nice thing but not that important in occupying space on your CV. You may easily submit your resume without a photo unless you apply for a job in a field where physical attributes are a must, such as in fashion, entertainment, or sports.

Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash
8. Make sure your CV can be read in a minute
When you have finished your resume, review it carefully to insure that it is not overloaded with information. Usually, potential employers need your CV only to understand in general whether you might fit the job description for which you are applying. Therefore, there is no need to include everything about yourself in this document. Wait a few hours and then take a fresh look at your CV. Even better, ask someone else to evaluate it to determine whether it’s clear. In the end, you may need to eliminate some irrelevant parts.
9. Tailor your resume to the job for which you are applying
If you are applying for multiple jobs, it is better to adjust your resume a bit to each offer. Job search sites are full of proposals, and you may be tempted to send your CV to every single employer who may consider hiring you. Try to do some research and understand which offers you really like. Select a few that look interesting and then tailor your resume regarding the needs of those particular companies,individualizing for each one. Don’t forget to conduct basic research and find out more about your potential employers to highlight the relevant information in your resume.
10. Save your resume as a PDF
Once your resume looks professional, you need to make it readable for most devices before you email it to a potential employer. A PDF would be the best choice for this purpose as it appears on the screen and as a printout in the way you want it to.
Getting employers to choose you for their company may take some time. However, you can accelerate this process if you pay extra attention to the quality of your resume. Hopefully, our tips will help you to successfully apply for a job.