A Few Thoughts on Skipping a Class … or Two

skip classes

When faced with multiple goals, you may ask, “Should I skip class or fulfill my other commitments?” In today’s fast-paced world, when success is sometimes defined by more than simply academic achievement, the issue arises: Are all classes equally important, or is it acceptable to skip them? 

I’m Xiu Jang, a Chinese native studying Business Administration in the USA. As someone still grappling with language barriers and struggling to understand professors, I’ve pondered the significance of attending every class. Join me as I delve into this topic, drawing from personal experiences and observations. 

Last week, I made a tough decision and skipped class to attend a crucial job interview. Reflecting on the decision, I realized that finding a balance between seizing real-world opportunities and the value of classroom education is a journey worth undertaking.

So, let’s embark on this path of discovering the true value of classes and whether it’s okay to skip them.

These Days, EI is More Important Than Knowledge

Emotional intelligence (EI) is becoming increasingly significant in the modern world. But what exactly is EI? It all comes down to recognizing and controlling our own and other people’s emotions.

Knowing is excellent, but communicating effectively, showing compassion, and collaborating well with others is equally vital, if not more so.

Think about it. Working as a team, communicating properly, and being aware of others’ feelings are important skills in many areas, including business and daily life. It’s similar to having a hidden talent that helps with interacting with others and navigating challenging circumstances easier.

Developing our EI can improve our relationships, build trust with others, and become better leaders. We learn to listen actively, understand different perspectives, and find solutions that benefit everyone. It’s not just about knowing facts and figures but about understanding ourselves and others more deeply.

So, maybe it’s worth considering that while knowledge is important, EI can take us even further. By developing our emotional intelligence, we can enhance our personal and professional lives in ways that traditional knowledge alone might not achieve.

In a world where people value EI over knowledge, it’s fascinating to see how remarkable individuals have succeeded without formal education, showing that missing a class doesn’t always hinder one’s path to greatness.

Great People who Didn’t Finish College 

Regarding success, it’s important to remember that education isn’t the sole determining factor. Some remarkable individuals have achieved great things without following the traditional education path. Let’s take a look at some examples:

  • Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs, a co-founder of Apple, left college after only six months. However, due to his vision, inventiveness, and unwavering commitment to innovation, he became one of the most significant personalities in the technology industry.
  • Mark Zuckerberg: Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, is well-known for having dropped out of Harvard to concentrate on creating his social media empire. His entrepreneurial mindset and ability to foresee the potential of online connectivity propelled him to incredible success.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Despite having a difficult background, Oprah Winfrey became a media mogul and one of the most well-known people in the world. She has tremendous sensitivity, courage, and communication skills that touched millions.

These people are in particular circumstances, and it would be unfair to blame their success simply because they did not have a formal education. They possessed unique talents, skills, and a burning entrepreneurial spirit that set them apart. While their stories inspire us, it’s important to recognize that a solid education provides a foundation for growth and opens doors to opportunities for most of us.

The Outdated System of Education with Lots of Formalities

Let’s face it; there are issues with the educational system. One of the main problems is that it often seems somewhat outdated. Take it from me, Xiu Jang, a student still navigating the English language. Many students, including myself, face challenges when it comes to understanding professors and grasping complex ideas.

One of the big culprits is the prevalence of formalities.

You know, all those rules and regulations that sometimes make you wonder if you’re learning anything valuable. It’s like we’re caught up in a maze of unnecessary complexity. And let’s not forget about the academic language that feels like a different beast. It makes sense that students would feel confused and overburdened.

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. We can recognize these flaws and push for positive change. The educational system must change to meet the needs of all pupils, including those who struggle with language. It’s about opening up education, removing obstacles, and using simple language everybody can grasp.

Let’s raise our voices to support an educational system emphasizing useful information, effective communication, and enriching learning opportunities.

It’s time to abandon the archaic formalities and adopt a framework that will help us succeed in the actual world. We can collaborate to provide all kids with an inclusive, practical, and powerful education.

Valid Reasons for Not Attending a Class

Skipping a class can sometimes be necessary and justified. Here are some good reasons to miss class:

  • Personal emergencies: It may be essential to prioritize taking care of such issues when confronted with unforeseen events or emergencies, such as a family crisis or personal tragedy.
  • Health issues: It’s crucial to look after your health and stop spreading the disease to others if you’re feeling under the weather or suffering from an infectious illness.
  • Mental health: You must care for your mental health since it affects your overall well-being. This could involve seeking therapy, attending counseling sessions, or taking a mental health day to recharge.
  • Conflicting responsibilities: Sometimes, unavoidable conflicts arise, such as work obligations, internships, or important meetings that align with your class schedule. It’s essential to strike a balance between academic commitments and other responsibilities.

While these reasons can justify skipping a class, it’s crucial to approach the decision responsibly:

  • Evaluate the importance of the class: Consider the significance of the missed class and whether it covers critical material or assessments.
  • Communicate with professors: Inform your professors in advance if you’re unable to attend class, providing a genuine reason and discussing possible alternatives or make-up opportunities.
  • Avoid habitual skipping: Missing class should not become a regular habit. It’s important to exercise responsibility and ensure that your education remains a priority.

Consider the influence on your learning process when deciding to skip a class, and try to strike a balance between your personal needs and your academic obligations. While it’s tempting to skip class from time to time, we must strike a balance between education and nurturing our emotional intelligence. You definitely don’t want to be this guy!

A baseball fan holding a sign that says I SKIPT SKOOL during a game.

Source – Giphy

We have investigated if all classes are equally essential and whether skipping them is acceptable. It’s usual for busy students to miss classes because of conflicting plans or extracurricular activities periodically. Even though some successful people are without a formal education, they are the exception rather than the norm. We also acknowledged the flaws in the education system with its formalities and language barriers. However, we recognized the value of structured learning, exposure to diverse perspectives, and critical thinking within the system. Individuals must strike a balance and make informed decisions about attending or skipping class. So, dear readers, reflect on your own circumstances and make choices that serve your personal growth and development.

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Published by
Lauren Bradshaw
Lauren started writing in 2003. Since then, she tried her hand in SEO and website copywriting, composing for blogs, and working as an academic writer. Her main interests lie in content marketing, developing communication skills, and blogging.